The Illuminati
Secret Societies

          There is a group "elite" people that belong to a secret society that controls much of the world. They are called by such names like New World Order, but they may prefer the "Illuminated Ones."  Around the world they are known as the Illuminati (
pronounced: Ill-oo-min-ahh-tee). This powerful group's goal is to control every government of the world "behind the scenes." This story is true though, just look at the symbols on back of the one dollar bill, one symbol of which is to the right. Those two seals are not the seals of the United States, they are the seals of the Illuminati.  It is not surprising that they put the "ever watching eye" on the back of currency, they control it.

          The Illuminati have been linked to such organizations as The World Bank, Freemasons, The Federal Reserve, The Mafia, The U.N., The Media, Multi-National Corporations, NASA, Insurance Agencies, the list goes on and on.  It is said that they have the power to assassinate presidents, start wars, smuggle drugs, and experiment in mind control, BUT that is just the tip of the iceberg.

          They may be keeping the information from the rest of the world as to wether there is life on Mars or if life may have came from Mars.  That is not the end of the information that they may be keeping secret from the rest of the world.  I have read, on one of the links below, that they have tunneling technology that can dig tunnels at a reat of ten mile per hour, and that there is a train from Washington D.C. to California underground that can travel 600 m.p.h.

           Believe it or not they are here, they are in control, there is nothing anybody can do about it.

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