The Mistakes I Keep On Making...

We have to talk.

Yeah, I know, we don't, fine, I do, ok? I'll talk, you listen.

Wanted you to know, I'm holding your future for ransom. You have a lifetime in which to fulfill my demands; and they're gonna change, day to day, month to month, year to year, and I want each one as much as the last. You can't cheat on them and you can't cheat on me - but if you want to, you can try. You can also try to leave, but you'll never feel quite the same, remembering why...

  1. be normal
  2. be honest
  3. be you

  4. Second:
  5. talk
  6. listen
  7. respect

  8. And without screwing it up:
  9. promise
  10. grow
  11. stay

It's not rocket science. It's not the end of the world. It's not like I am asking the impossible. This is not a price you can't afford to pay - it's an investment that can keep the both of us from the mistakes we keep on making.

I know who I am. I have my plans, and my plans not to plan, but I don't know where you fit and I don't know what you want. So far so good, and it doesn't need to change, but one day it will: and somehow, I have to stop myself from the mistakes I keep on making.

You are holding my future to ransom. I have a lifetime in which to fulfill your demands; and they're gonna change, day to day, month to month, year to year, and you will want each one as much as the last. I can't cheat on them and I can't cheat on you - but if I want to, I will try. I will also try to leave, but I'll never feel quite the same, remembering why...It's not rocket science. It's not the end of the world. It's not like you are asking the impossible. This is not a price I can't afford to pay - it's an investment that can keep the both of us from the mistakes we keep on making.

I know what I want. I have my plans, and my plans not to plan; but I don't know where I fit and I don't know if the next move is going to fuck the whole thing up. So far so good, and it doesn't need to change, but one day it will: and somehow, I have to end the cycle of mistakes we keep on making...

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