Warrwick's Family Tree - Main Page




Main branch pages & info

            [Family Tree - Main Page] [Links]
            [Dercko] [Foster-Cartmill] 
            [Hoad - Oldest Ancestors] [James Henry Hoad branch] [George Hoad branch] [William Scott Hoad branch] [Henry James Hoad branch - incl Feigl, Doyle]   [Hoads in Victoria & Australia]    
            [Henstridge - Oldest Ancestors]  [Thomas Henstridge branch] [James Henstridge branch]  [William Henstridge branch] [Frederick Henstridge & Harriet FORD branch]  [Frederick Henstridge & Maria SMITH  branch]
           [Lane]  [Murphy]  [Newton]  [Rowland-Littlewood] 
           [Individuals Summary Info]

Capitals are my direct ancestors


              Surname               No of Entries           Branch


These web pages include 

Download My Excel Spreadsheet
The family tree pictures were done in Excel 2000.  

I've put the spread sheet in a free file sharing site on the internet - streamload.com  You can download it from there.  
Username is ...    Henstridge
Password is ...     Henstridge
Click on    ...   Inbox
Check the file named XXXX 
Click on ...   Download 

There are several files files to chose from
*   Henstridge- non Frederick.xls                                                      475kb.    Excludes all Fredericks issue
*   Henstridge - Frederick.xls                                                           720kb
*   Hoads Only.xls                                                                          760kb
*   NON Hoads or Henstridge - Newton Lane Murphy etc                    430kb     

Draw Your Own   .gif Pictures
The "Drawing" commands were used to draw text boxes, add lines & colour etc.   The spreadsheet was "Saved as a Web Page".   It then magically converts the file to HTML & pictures.  The pictures are automatically saved in a sub file "Images" as image001.gif, Image002.gif etc.   Simply click on these & up comes the picture.

I found out (by trial & error) a really neat way of easily making up the      .gif picture.
   1.    Open Excel 2000
   2.    Use the "drawing" toolbar to make up 
               * text boxes with details
               * connecting lines to the text boxes
               * add colour
   3.    Draw a "rectangle" to cover the entire tree. This gives a "border" to the final   .gif
   4.    Send the rectangle behind all the text boxes/lines. Highlight the rectangle then Draw>Order>Send to back
   5.    Save as an Excel spreadsheet (for later changes) say Tree.xls
   6.    This is the truely magic bit. Now save as File>Save as Web Page say     Tree.htm
   7.    Xcel makes 2 files
               * Tree.htm
               * Tree_files
   8.   Open Tree_files & there should be image001.gif   This is the .gif picture.

There seems to a limit on the size of pictures you can make.
Note Word does the same - but tends to go all over the shop for anything larger than A4.
Vertical text also produces jumbled     .gifs

Contact Me
Email me for comments, additions, corrections etc -         This email address is a picture file only.  It does not automatically open your email program.  This is to prevent spam.

Thanks to 

Last revised 15/November/2003

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws