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Index: Dealers : W

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  1. W.M.A. Stamps - Dani Yusdiar, .id
    cf : WMA Stamps (Indonesia) .id ; diff URL / diff. co.?
  2. W. T. Szaroz Philately (stamps; buy, sell), .ca-AB
  3. Waddington, P.A. - .uk-Wales
  4. Wagga Stamp & Coin Fairs (& Fairs mid May, late Nov.) NSW, Australia  
  5. Wahl, Günter (Expertization: .dk, .fo, .is, early .se) .de
  6. Waigand & Waigand OHG - Josef Waigand, .de
    aka/q.v.: Amazing Rare Stamps
  7. Waitt, Peter (Asia, G.B., Commonwealth), .ca-BC
  8. Walburn, H. G. (.ca: precancels, p/h), .ca-BC
  9. Walker, Graham - .uk-Scot
  10. Walker, J. D. (Worldwide Approvals), .us-CA
  11. Walker, Lyndel (Auction Agent), .au-VIC
  12. Walker, Mike .uk-HU
  13. Walker, Dan {W. Danforth} (stamp/collectibles insurance), .us-MD
  14. Wallis, Mike (Auction Agent) .us-OH 44201
  15. Wally Wombats Collectables - Wes Treloar (stamps, postcards, ephemera), .au-Vic
    xRef.: Collector's Dir. : Australia : SA
  16. Wally's - Wallace J. Maribo (Topicals, Collections, Pre 1930 Real Photo Picture Postcards), .us-TX
  17. Walsh's Philatelic Service (Newfoundland & BNA Catalogues & Albums), .ca-NF
  18. Walter Fuerst Philately (auctions), .ch
  19. Wang's Stamps - Chaomo Wang (Asia / Far East) .uk-
  20. Ward, Arthur J. {aka: A.J.} (this directory; the one you're looking at.), .us-CA
    aka: AJ's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links
  21. Wardrop's Philately Online (auctions, insurance, directory) .uk-SX
    Cite : Basics : Insurance
  22. Warren, Richard (sales; same as 'Rick'?), .uk- ; ??
    A Catalogue of Telegraph and Revenue Stamps for Burma and Myanmar by Gerald Davis and Alan Meech
    (Burma Philatelic Study Circle, 1998) (cite)
    Ref.: UK Dealers: Rick Warren, .us-SU
    Ref.: Dealers : Myanmar : See Also
    Cite: Entities : Myanmar
    http://www.bilston73.freeserve.co.uk/revenues.htm '404' c.201502
  23. Warren, Rick - .uk-SU
  24. Warry, Derek (Postcards: specialising in S. Wales), .uk-Wales
  25. Warwick Coins, Inc. - Morris J. Bernstein (), .us-RI
  26. Warwick & Warwick Ltd. (auctions, valuations), .uk-WA
  27. Washington Press, The - M.August, T.Devaney (Art Craft FDC's, supplies, stamps), .us-NJ 07932
    (ArtCraft FDC's & Cachets, White Ace Albums, mounts)
  28. Washington Square Coin Exchange [WSCE] - Jim Kellison (Wildlife, Topical, ww Collections) .us-
  29. Wasserman, Harold (Auction Agent) .us-la-CA 90025
  30. Waterbury, Gardiner SDI (Asia; .jp, .kr, .cn, Europe, Br C'wealth) .us-AZ 85051-5892
    8129 N. 35th Avenue #2-352, Phoenix
    Toll-Free: 1-800-685-7286 (Pin# 5359), Tel./Fax: 1-602-863-1704
  31. Waterman, S. M. (), .au-SA 5070
  32. Waterman's Coins & Banknotes - Steele Waterman (.au: stamps, coins, banknotes...), .au-Vic
    aka: S & T Collectables ..
  33. Watkins Jr., George H. (Mexico, South America), .us-TX
  34. Watzke, Wolfgang (Expertization: Lettland) .de ; lettland??
  35. Wayman, Jeff (Russia sheets) .us-CA-la ·
  36. Wayne Worthington Stamps - Col. Worthington, (Canal Zone, US, ww incl. p/h), .us-VA
  37. Wayne's Philatelic Stuff (articles, FREE stamps, trader list)
  38. WCP-NM.COM - Bill Porter (Artistamps & supplies for them), .us-CO
    aka: The Olathe Poste, Midnight Thinkings  
  39. We-Bay-It - Philip Howard (eBay Assistance), .uk-DO
  40. Weare, Raymond .za
    aka: The Stamp Shop
  41. Weatherford, Mike (sales?) .uk- (?)  
  42. Web Zine Publishing Group - Richard (Dick) L. Sine SDI
    (Publishing, Creative Writing, CD-ROM and Web Development), .us-SC 29715
    Editorial Director of the Scott Publishing Co.
  43. Weber, Wolfgang (.de colonies, covers, Cinderellas, Labels), .de
  44. Weeda Stamps Ltd. (Canada, online auctions), .ca-BC
  45. Weeks, Mary (Auction Agent) .uk-SU KT17 1LE
  46. Weibel Frimľrker - Dan Weibel, .dk
  47. Weid, Alain von der (Expertization: & .fr; incl. cancellations) .ch
  48. Weigelt, Helmut (Expertization: DDR: officials A-E; Local issues 1945-46: Alto öbern) .de
  49. Weinberger, G. J. (Worldwide, buys, eBay), .us-FL (c.2014)
  50. Weinbuch, Dieter (Expertization: 1916-1945) .de
  51. Weisser, Gil (Mail Sales), .us-OK
  52. Weisz, Douglas - US Covers (sic), .us-PA
  53. Wellington Stamp Buyers (), .nz
  54. Wells, John - .uk-HZ
  55. Wells Auction Service Ltd. - Sandy Wells (), .ca-AB
  56. Wembly Philatelic Services - JN Mildenhall (Southern Africa, Br.C'wealth: stamps, p/h), .za
  57. Wennbergs Frimärksaffär, .se
  58. Wennergren-Cappelen Gruppen - WENCA - J.W. Cappelens (DAVO Albums, Lit. Catalogs ..), .no
    www.wenca.no/ '404' c.200911
    Under: 'Frimerker": "Album, Frimerkekataloger, Frimerkelitteratur, Frimerkepakker, Utstyr for frimerkesamlere"
    AKA: Wennergren-Cappelen AS
    Besřksadresse Řvre Vollgate 15, Postboks 738 Sentrum - 0105 OSLO
    [email protected], Tel: +47 23 35 72 50, Fax: +47 22 33 71 04
    J.W. Cappelens Antikvariat - Jřrgen W. Cappelen (book sellers), .no {q.v.}
  59. Wensy.com - Darren Brock (free online auctions; good stamp section), .uk-AZ
    (And, c.200910) StampOffers.com
  60. Wes Eardley Home-Fine Stamps (), .ca-ON
  61. Wes' Philatelic Homepage - Wes Ford, .us-
    www.wco.com/~wesford/stamp001/stamp001.html '404' c.2009
  62. Wesley A. Kent & Company (Collections, Lots, Accumulations), .us-MI
    aka: Grand Rapids Philatelics
  63. Wessex Philatelic.com
    www.wessexphilatelic.com '404' c.2009
  64. West Edmonton Coin & Stamp (retail shop), .ca-AB
  65. West India Co. .us-WA
    cf : West India Stamp Company, The - Edward Barrow (Br. Carribean), .us-
  66. West Island Philatelics (Canada, BNA, Postal History, Expertizing), .us-FL, .ca-ON
    aka: WIP Stamps International & & WIPStamps.com
  67. West Nissouri Stamp Company - Dennis Jorgensen (GB, Br. C'wealth, Scandinavia), .ca-ON
    old: http://www.Lonet.ca/WNStamps '404' c.2011
    old: http://www.Philatelic.Com/WNissouri '404' c.2011
  68. West of the Moon Toys, .ca-BC
  69. Western Auctions Ltd. - Phillip A. Wilde, .uk-Wales
    old: www.stampsatwesternauctions.co.uk/ '404' c.2009
  70. Western Stamp Company - Daniel T. Nieuwlandt (topicals, artistamps) .us-CO
    aka/q.v.: Collectible Stamps Gallery
  71. Western Sydney Stamps & Coins (Retail Shop), .au-NSW
  72. Westerham Stamps (Br Commonwealth)
  73. Western Mountain Stamp and Coin Shop - Dave & Brenda Trench (US, Coins, PCs, and Access.) .us-
  74. Western Stamp Company - Daniel T. Nieuwlandt, @ SDI (US; from B.O.B. to Classics) .us-CO
  75. Westminster Collection - Will Hall (British Stamps & collectibles) .uk-
  76. Westminster Stamp & Cover - (FDC's, U.S., Collections, Worldwide), .us-CA-oc
  77. Westminster Stamp Gallery, Ltd - Don & Noreen Palazzo (Online Store, EFO's, Topicals), .us-MA
  78. Westmount Philatelic Investments - Julian Giorgi (), .ca-QC
  79. WESTPEX, Inc. - Ross Towle (Large annual show), .us-CA
  80. Westwood Stamps, .uk-AV
  81. WGS - Roger Tuttle (Topicals, New Issues), .us-AL
  82. Wheeler Benitas Inc. - Paul Golden (lit., WW, Graphic Design, Philatelic Commercial Printing), .us-CT
  83. Whitbread Approvals - J. Whitbread, @ (approvals) .uk-
  84. White Ace Albums (See: Wash. Press)
  85. White, David W. (ww), .us-WV
  86. White, Rex - .uk-HA
  87. Whitecraft Cachets - aka: WhiTech &, now: FDC USA
    John White (FDC's., firefighting., eBay~), .us-NC
    old: Whitech: angelfire.com/nc/whitech/ '404' c.2011
  88. Whitman Publishing, LLC (Online Store: coins, US stamps, supplies), .us-GA
    "In 2003, the H.E. Harris company bought Whitman Coin Products
  89. Whittam, Vincent (Packets, Sets) .au-VIC 3140  
  90. Wholesale Stamp & Coin Accessories, .au-OLD
    aka Gold Coast S & C (retail side)
  91. Widiss, Martin (Vatican, United States, Western Europe), .us-CA
  92. Wiedemann & Maier GbR (ATM, Frama)
  93. Wiegand, G. A. - 2001 Stamp N Coin Supplies (Albums, Pages, Supplies), .us-PA
  94. Wiegand, Manfred (Expertization: 1872-1916: Michel 31-52) .de
  95. Wieneke, Michael (Expertization: Occ.: 1938-45: .uk; Channel Islands; .hr) .de
  96. Wild Rose Philatelics - Roman Zrobok (Mail Auctions: .ca, P/H), .ca-AB
  97. Wildlife Habitat Canada - Heather Gamble (Conservation Stamps, Retail), .ca-ON
  98. Wildlife Philatelic Collections Pty Ltd, .au-NSW
  99. Wilén, Helena Obermüller (Expertization .se 1855-1919) .se
  100. Wilfried Kaiser Sammlerkabinett ( ), .de
  101. Wilhelm Filatelie - Dick Wilhelm (C'wealth, thematics) .nl
  102. Wilkinson, Martin (), .us-CO
    aka: Colorado Stamp Co.
  103. Willard S. Allman (pre-1953, non-FDC Br. Commonwealth material / p/h) NJ 07450, USA (U)
  104. William III's Handcrafted Cachets (FDC's ..), .us-MN
    xRef : Topicals: FDCs
  105. William A. Greenbaum II Philatelics (First Day Covers, Supplies), .us-CA
  106. William Booth Australia Pty Ltd - John D R Macdonald, .au-VIC ; research
  107. William E. Stein Stamps & Covers (U.S., Antarctica, Worldwide, Covers, Collections), .us-CA
  108. William H. Hatton - Bill Hatton (US, EFO), .us-OH
  109. William Henry Stamp Co., The - John R. Lewis (United Nations), .us-NY
  110. William Lawrence Philatelics - Bill Martin (Newfoundland, ww) .us-
    William Lawrence Philatelics - Bill Martin, .us- ; diff URL
  111. William Stanley Associates, Bx .us-AZ 85261-4190
  112. Williams, .uk-AV
  113. Willard & Allman, .us-NJ
  114. Willy's Stamps - William Schlatter (.ca, .de), .ca-ON
  115. Wilman, Robert (.eu, .au, kiloware, collections), .us-MN
  116. Wilson, Frank J [Later AKA: MAIL BY RAIL] (China), .uk-LI
  117. Wilson Covers - Steve Wilson (US FDC's w/svc), .us-UT
  118. Wilson Sales Co. - Edwil L. Wilson Sr. (CSA, .de, .uk, .jp, .us, .cn), .us-SC
  119. Wilson Stamps - Ken Wilson (.us, .ca, British Asia), .us-MN
  120. Wilson Stamps - John M. Wilson (Saudi Arabia, Germany, Topicals), .us-TX
  121. Wilson's Big Sky Stamp Co. - Claude C. Wilson (.us, acces.), .us-MT
  122. Wilton Stamp Co. - Michael L. Goldberg (OS: Approvals, Wants, WW, U.S. & WW Classics), .us-FL
  123. Windel, Wolfgang (Expertization: .ht) .de
  124. Windsor Philatelics (Great Britain 1840 - 1900)
    cf : Windsor Philatelics (United Kingdom) .uk- ; diff URL
  125. Wine, Philippe (), .fr
  126. Wine Post New Zealand / Oceania Post / Antarctia Post (Cinderellas), .nz (?)
    "New Zealand Wine Post, Oceania Nations Postage and Antarctica Post" (issues) (c.201011)
  127. Winkler, Hartmut (Expertization: 1916-1945, Wurttemberg: Michel 44-62, telegraphs ..) .de
  128. Winstone, David J. (Postal History), .ca-ON
  129. Winstone Stamp & Coin Co. - David Winstone - Retired (c.2006) (Br.C'wealth, Postal History: U.S.A.), .uk-AV
    aka: A & D Philatelics  
  130. Winter Park Stamp Shop - Michael Rogers, .us-FL
  131. Winum, Laurence L. (US) .us-NY 12586
    WIP Stamps International & & WIPStamps.com =
    West Island Philatelics
  132. Wiredstamps.com (c.2001) - Rick Taylor (Classic US; PayPal), Corona?, .us-CA
    @, (909) 898-5891
    www.wiredstamps.com/ '404' c.2009  
  133. Witschi, Hans (Expertization: .dk, .gl, .fo, .fi, .is, .no, .se) .ch
  134. Wolfe Stamp & Coin Co - Richard Wolfe (USPS: Commem Panels, Souvenir Pages, U.S. P/H, p/c; eBay), .us-MN
  135. Wolfenden, Brian (Postal History), .ca-ON
  136. Wolfgang Graf - Auktionator (Auctioneer, auction house buyer), .de
  137. Wolpe, David ( ), .za
  138. Wombat Lake Stamps - Warren Laker .au-NSW
  139. Wonderful World of Stamps {Topicals Etc.} - Isidore Baum (thematics, new issues, .ru & topical locals), .ca
    AKA/Q.V.: Judaica Sales Reg'd
  140. Woo Moon.com, .kr
  141. Woodford Sports Covers, .uk-
  142. Woodstock Consolidated Services (WcS) - Chuck Rickard, .us-
  143. World-Collectibles.com ('net dealer mall via Greg Caron Stamps) .us-CA
  144. World Class Stamps - Kim Wilson, @ SDI (wholesale collectins, singles; incl. US, Br C'wealth) .us-OH ; e-mail only!
  145. World Flea Market Directory
    via: del Grup Filˇlatčlic i del Colˇleccionisme
    Cite(s) : Dealers : Spain (several)
    Cite : Dealers Index : Topical : Shows
  146. World Forum Philatelists - Greg Galletti (United Nations), .us-MD
    Ref.: UN Postal Authority page
    Ref.: Topical Dir.: Organizations
    Ref.: Entities Index : United Nations
  147. World of Stamps / Five S Stamps, .us-
  148. World of Stamps, The - A. Stryguine, 123056 .ru
  149. worldphilatelic - Jain & Jain (India incl. used abroad, rev., coins, notes...), in (c.201507)
    (aka: Rinku Enterprise)
  150. World Poster Stamps - Charles Kiddle (Cinderellas), .uk-HA
    xRef : Entities Index : Hungary
  151. World Stamp Collection - Jean-Claude Ysebaert (Belgium, France, WW), .be [FR] {U}
  152. World Stamps (packets), .uk-MS
  153. World Stamps - Glen Carpendale (Southern Africa, topicals, access.), .za
  154. World Topical.com - Xie Qiang (PR China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) .cn?/.tw?
  155. World Wide Stamp & Coin (good for kids) .us-CA-la
  156. World Wide Stamp Co. (p/h, ww) .us-NY 14225
  157. Worldly Goods - David Fadness (.us, ww, Christmas Seals, Coins), .us-MN
  158. WorldSpain On Line S.L. (aka: StampSpain.com) (ww, .es (affilate) .es
  159. WorldStamps, .us-
  160. Worldwide Collecting, .uk-
  161. Worldwide Collections (lots, collections)
  162. Worthington Stamps - Wayne Worthington, .us-
    Worthington Stamps - Wayne L. Worthington (Canal Zone) .us-
  163. Worldwide Stamps For Collectors - Steven Haddock (Approvals, Exchanges), .ca-ON
  164. Wouters FilaSite - Wouter Geraedts, .nl
  165. Wright, Anthony - .uk-ON
  166. Wright, Barry (Stamp Sets) .uk-
  167. Wright, Edmund H. (Ted) (Canada, Supplies, Worldwide), .ca-ON
  168. Wufford, Gretchen Williams (), .us-TX
  169. Wulff's Stamps - John L. & Leland J. Wulff,
    (Shop, Supplies, Monaco, New Issue Svc: US, .fr/Col. & offices; eBay), .us-CA
  170. Wurmhauer KEG (), .at (+)
  171. Württembergisches Auktionshaus Postwertzeichen GmbH (auctions), .de

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