's Stamp Dealers Directory
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The philatelic office of P&T Luxembourg
Rue de la Poste
Monday to Friday 08:30-12:00 and 13:00-17:00 h.
With P&T PostMusée info.
The Office des Timbres : alt URL.

Fédération des Sociétés Philatéliques du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Foyer de la Philatélie
Rue du Curé 38, L-1368 Luxembourg
circa 2001Gary Little's Luxembourg Stamp Dealers List - simply the best. (cc) - E-Mail      
banque du timbre sarl
Mr. Serge Ungeheuer ASCAT, APhV
17 bd Prince Henri
L-1724 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • Tel (00 352) 227508, Fax 462498
  • E-mail
    Retail store in the heart of Luxembourg City
    Open: Tu-Sat 09.00 to 12.00 and 13.30 to 18.00
    Holds two mail bid auctions per year, features:
    Luxembourg stamps, coins, supplies, catalogs
    Especially: PRIFIX - Official Catalogue of Luxembourg Postage Stamps  

    René Demuth
    Rue Nicolas Goedert 7
    L-8133 Bridel, Luxembourg
  • Tel. +352 33 8795
    Consulting Member AIEP: Expert:: Luxembourg incl. official stamps - As a 'Consulting Member' he is not active in expertization but would be a valuable contact. Soluphil SA
    B. P. 2675
    L-1026 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • Tel. +352 441095 / Fax +352 455776    

  • Soluphil SA
    Dr. Raymond Goebel CNEP-12, APS-05, AIEP-12, APhV-06, ASDA-07, BPP-06, PTS-06, CPBNTP-06
    B. P. 2675
    L-1026 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • Tel. +352 441095 / Fax +352 455776
  • E-Mail Dr. Raymond Goebel
  • E-Mail Soluphil SA
    Member AIEP: Expertization: Pre-philately: France 1849-1900 and French Colonies
    Soluphil is a mail bid auction house. (119th mail auction now online ; closes 5 Oct 2012)
    606th sale on Internet offers: Clôturée le 9 mars 2012 (Ended March 9, 2012)

    See Also: Soluphil SA - France


    inscrit au Hit-Parade de www.philatelistes.net (2008.11.12.0745=4294)

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