Chapter 19 Books [PREV] [NEXT] [HOME]

This chapter was last modified on [10-12-96 (Tue) at 07:48:20] . Please send all bug reports, additions etc. to the Editor, Gert Bultman.

Section 19.1 Some remarks on philatelic literature (Christoph Ozdoba)

For me, it is distressing to see the lack of interest in literature found in many collectors (I don't call them "philatelists"; a nice definition says "Philately starts where the catalog ends".) In rec.collecting.stamps, there are numerous discussions about the pros and cons of software for cataloguing, but hardly ever do you find an article that deals with literature. The famous collector Ferrari (sometimes spelled Ferrary, I don't know exactly which version is correct; I think his full name was Phillipe Renotiere de Ferrari) once stated that 7% of all money that he spent for philately went into literature. Considering my philatelic expenses over the last two years, my personal percentage may even be higher. (This, however, is partly due to the fact that last year, Huys-Berlingin in Liechtenstein held the so-far largest auction on philatelic literature; you may have read about this, it was extensively covered in the philatelic press. This auction filled some long-lasting gaps on my philatelic book shelf!) A word about prices: Philatelic literature, like most highly specialized books (esp. when there are numerous figures in them), does not come cheap. On the other hand, "knowledge is power", and giving away a rather common stamp cheap because you did not recognize the rare cancellation or the shade of colour can come more expensive. The books you find in my list were bought for prices between 10 Swiss Francs and, including auctioner's commission, 1.700 Swiss Francs. (You may guess which one was the latter ...) So, I hope that this list can and will be of use to you;

Greetings from snowy Bern, Chris

Section 19.2 Christoph Ozdoba's Collection of Philatelic Literature

This section has been deleted. The list is now available as a separate file from tfs (see Ch. 06) as "C.Ozdoba.Collection.of.Philatelic.Literature".

Section 19.3 Book review of I Inherited a Stamp Collection, Now What?

Edwin L. Jackson writes in 1995:

Charles F. Myers, I Inherited a Stamp Collection, Now What?  (Portland,
TN:  Charles F. Myers, 1995).  192 pp.  $29.95 (includes Priority Mail
shipping).  Available from:  Charles F. Myers, P.O. Box 3, Portland TN
37148-0003, or contact by e-mail at <[email protected]>.

On the day I learned of this new work, I contacted the author by e-mail to order a copy. My interest was high as I regularly get phone calls asking for help in finding out the worth and how to dispose of an inherited stamp collection. (We have no local stamp dealer, so the post office regularly refers many stamp-related questions to me.) I received a copy of the book right before Stampshow in late August and finished reading it this weekend. In case others are interested, here is a brief review.

The "book" is actually a sturdy three-ring binder containing 31 chapters. The 8.5 x 11-inch pages are numbered by chapter, so that future additions and changes can be included without throwing off the entire pagination. Myers' work was typeset and laid out using computer desktop publishing and is profusely illustrated with clip art and scanned graphics.

A look at the volume's table of contents gives an idea of its wide coverage:

1 Introduction 2 Definitions 3 Center & Condition 4 Help from the National Philatelic Organizations 5 Evaluating What You've Got 6 Basic Choices 7 Giving the Collection Away 8 Selling Material to a Local Dealer 9 Selling Material to a Mail-Order Dealer 10 Selling Material Through an Auction House 11 Breaking Up the Collection 12 Stamp Shows 13 Stamp Clubs 14 Using Stamps as Postage 15 The Internet 16 APS Circuit Books 17 Non-Traditional Uses of Stamps 18 Getting an Appraisal 19 Storing Stamps/Handling Stamps 20 Stamp Insurance 21 Mailing Stamps 22 Reading a Scott Catalog 23 Stamp Expertization 24 Forms and Such 25 Supplies, Newspapers and Books 26 Do's and Don'ts of Stamp Collecting 27 Worksheet for Stamp Collectors 28 Spreadsheet Map 29 Validity of U.S. Stamps and Postal Stationery 30 List of Countries 31 Easy to Spot Valuable Stamps

While most stamp collectors would like to inherit even one collection, Charlie Myers amazingly inherited six different collections from six different people (presumably relatives). An engineer by trade, Myers had collected stamps as a youth, but he then dropped out of the hobby for four decades. The inherited collections, however, forced him to deal with his new-found "wealth." Though keeping some items, Myers eventually decided to dispose of the rest. His experiences (which include some offers on rec.collecting.stamps) led to this new volume.

"I Inherited a Stamp Collection, Now What?" is not a book that has to be read from cover to cover (although you'll find a lot of good information and advice in each chapter). Rather, it is more a "how to" reference manual. Some chapters deal with basics (e.g., terms, centering of stamps, etc.), while others are more detailed (e.g., using a computer spreadsheet to inventory a collection). In addition to information, Myers had included copies of several forms (e.g., IRS Form 8283 for noncash charitable contributions) that instructions collectors need to know about.

Of particular interest to readers of rec.collecting.stamps is Myers' chapter about selling stamps on the Internet. For example, he critiques several "for sale" postings on r.c.s., pointing out which he considers are effective and ineffective models.

Be advised that the book principally deals with disposing of stamp collections in the U.S., and its most thorough treatment involves U.S. material. Still, it has much to offer to help novice collectors and non-collectors anywhere understand the concept of "value" in philately (and that stamps are not necessarily like a fine wine that becomes more valuable with age). The book also gives collectors a better idea of what to expect when trying to sell their stamps to a dealer. Actually, while some of their "secrets" are exposed, dealers may well want to purchase a copy of Myers book so that anyone who brings a collection in for an offer can read why in reality typical collections are worth so little (at least to the dealer).


1. In the book's various references to stamp centering, the oft-used standard of "average" is inconsistently referred to. For example, the list of centering terms in the middle of p. 3-2 omits "average". Yet, two paragraphs down is found the statement, "Most stamps you get at the post office are just treated as average (AVG)." Elsewhere in the book is reference to average centering, yet "average" is never defined. The most frequently used definition of "average" is that the stamp design is cut by the perforations. Yet, Myers' typology defines this type of centering as "poor" (though noting some companies classify this centering as "very good").

2. The centering typology on p. 3-2 incorrectly lists "F" ahead of "F-VF."

3. A couple of typos survived (but not many).

4. U.S. C3a is identified as the "Upside-down Jenny." The most common designation of this is the "Inverted Jenny."

5. Most of us not only welcome but indeed encourage women of all ages to be part of philately, but at times the book's text is gender-sensitive to a fault. Thank goodness, the "s/he" pronoun wasn't used, but as the following example illustrates, all-encompassing language can get a bit awkward: ". . .drop in on a stamp dealer and ask him/her is (sic) he/she is willing . . . ." (p. 18-3)

5. Chapter 31 (Easy to Spot Valuable Stamps) lists ten U.S. stamps that are immediate signals of important material. Though the author specifically notes that these are just a few, a more lengthy checklist (along with scanned photos for someone who knows nothing about philately and doesn't have a catalog) would be very useful. For example, I would like to see a list (with photos) showing such stamps as U.S. 1 and 2; the Black Jack; the 1869 pictorial series; high-value 19th century definitives; the complete Columbian and Trans-Mississippi Exposition set; and other items dealers loook for when assessing whether a collection has potential value.


Necessarily, the author ends up making a lot of generalizations. Veteran collectors and dealers might not agree 100 percent with every conclusion he reaches, but you'll find most of them to be sound advice. And, as he notes, "The words 'probably,' 'maybe,' 'most of the time,' 'usually' should appear before almost every sentence in this book! Stamps, as you will discover, are not a black-and-white thing. When dealing with stamps, there are shades of gray everywhere! This is especially true if you are selling stamps."

All in all, I think Charlie Myers has done philately a great service--particularly to the heirs of those collectors who just never got around to arranging for the disposition of their collection before they died. Actually, his new volume is a worthwhile addition to the library of stamp collectors in general, to stamp clubs (which frequently get calls for help), to spouses of stamp collectors, to stamp dealers, to attorneys, and to anyone involved in the administration of estates. At $29.95 postpaid, it's well worth the price.

Ed Jackson

Section 19.4 Review of Philately and the Computer

Edwin L. Jackson writes in May 1995:

In response to requests, here is a book review of Philately and the Computer that I posted last October on r.c.s., along with a response and additional review by Michael Dixon (who is an APS-certified judged as well as chairman of the APS Information Technology committee). The book is now available from several sources at about $30/copy.

Philately and the Computer: An Illustrated Guide to Using the Personal Computer as a Philatelic Tool by Dick Wolf and Alj Mary. Published 1994 by The Traditions Press, Shawnee-Mission, Kansas. 272 pp. Extensive illustrations. 8.5 x 11 inches (22 x 28 cm). Softbound.


Dick Wolf is a philatelist who spent 28 years at the University of Pittsburgh, much of which time was spent working with computers. At the time of his retirement, he was computer facility director of the university's Learning Research and Development Center. Presently, he is a private consultant who trains people to use personal computers.

Alj Mary, also a philatelist, is currently president and creative director of an advertising design agency. He has over 30 years of direct experience in typesetting, printing, design, photography, art, and other aspects of advertising and printing.

Table of Contents

Forward Introduction Philatelic Uses for the PC Chap. 1 Layout Basics: How not to look like a bonehead Chap. 2 The Playing field: A description of the Page and its parts Chap. 3 Dealing with Type: Type Fonts--What they are and how to control them Chap. 4 Fill, Wrap and Justify: An overview of the tools available to handle Text Chap. 5 Boxes, and Packing Them: More than you ever wanted to know about stuffing Graphic and Text Boxes Chap. 6 A Good Rule of Thumb: The proper care and feeding of Rules and Borders Chap. 7 Box and Rules Composites: going it alone vs. the joy of "Combining" Chap. 8 Chopping Up the Page: Headers, Footers and Columns: The parts for page building Chap. 9 Setting a Table: Tabular Structures and their uses Chap. 10 Heavy Duty Graphics: A Picture is worth a thousand key strokes Chap. 11 Special Page Formats: What? You thought they only came one way? Chap. 12 Stamps and Databases: The ultimate essay on beans and how to count them Chap. 13 Other Stuff You Can Do: Moving beyond the album page, at a rapid clip Appendix Some Stuff you should know that didn't fit anywhere else

To many people, philately and computers are not exactly light topics. Combine them and the results can be doubly threatening to the uninitiated. Yet Dick Wolf and Alj Mary have teamed up to produce a timely, informative, and interesting volume that injects a healthy dose of humor, often poking fun at themselves in humorous little asides to readers. The text is easy to read, with a minimum of computer technical jargon. All in all, the authors and publisher Randy Neil, have worked together to achieve a first-rate volume.

Photos, graphics, and actual examples of exhibit and album pages, newsletters, and other computer-produced items are profusely utilized throughout the book. From their quality, I assumed that Wolf and Mary had used expensive page layout and drawing software on a PC with Windows or on a powerful Mac. Wrong. Almost every exhibit or album page or other graphic was done without benefit of a mouse or graphical interface. Instead, the authors used standard PCs, DOS, and common word processing software. As they explain, their admittedly primitive approach was to demonstrate that stamp collectors don't have to possess expensive, sophisticated computers and software.

Go to any stamp show with a philatelic exhibition, and you'll see unmistakable evidence of the growing use of computers. Not only does desktop publishing make exhibits look more professional--it allows new pages to be prepared and old pages revised or updated in only a fraction of the time once was required. Wolf and Mary's new work should hasten the move to computer-prepared exhibits, for they share numerous suggestions, along with many secrets of the graphic artist (e.g., how to produce a 3-D effect that makes certain features on an exhibit page appear to stand out).

I should emphasize that Philately and the Computer is not--and does not pretend to be--a manual that illustrates the rules of philatelic exhibiting. You will even see one or two examples of attractive exhibit pages that some judges might even criticize as too fancy. (On the other hand, exhibiting rules appear destined to change as computer users demand more flexibility in how they prepare their exhibit pages). What the book does is empower collectors to create custom exhibit and album pages that rival what a graphics artist and professional printing firm could achieve.

In addition to desktop publishing, Wolf and Mary detail how philatelists can use computer databases to create a stamp inventory program, maintain membership lists, manage a literature collection, and operate a mail auction. Among the tidbits in the book's final chapter is a valuable guide on using the computer when planning a stamp show, complete with model forms, floor plans, judging sheets, and other information. (This section alone is worth the price of the book.)

My only disappointment with Philately and the Computer is that there's nothing about new computer communication avenues that are available to collectors around the world, except for the advice, A computer also allows you access to the world of the Electronic Bulletin Board, where there are other collectors with computers . . . just like you. In my opinion, tools such as rec.collecting.stamps, Internet e-mail, Stamps List, BBSs, the stamp collecting forums on commercial services (e.g., CompuServe and GEnie), CD-ROMs, etc. will dramatically impact and expand the hobby. (In fairness to the authors, many of these developments occurred after the manuscript was submitted to the publisher.) Less explainable is the lack of any mention of the Philatelic Computing Study Group (which has been active for the last three years and has a fine quarterly newsletter that features reviews of various computer software for stamp collectors). Certainly, any future editions of the book need to include the full range of computer use in philately. (Also, I would recommend that future editions also address the secrets of copyfitting--a particular problem for editors of columned newsletters--and that a glossary be included.)

With these minor exceptions, I give the book an enthusiastic thumbs up. Philately and the Computer warrants this recommendation for many reason, but foremost is its illustrated discussion of applying desktop publishing to philately. You'll learn about drop caps, headers, footers, kerning, leading, screens, fonts, clip art, page layout, and almost everything else imaginable having to do with the printed page--and all in the context of philately. In 1993, I was a judge in the APS critique/competition of stamp club newsletters and had a chance to see examples of newsletters from all over the country. For all their laudable work, most editors demonstrated little understanding of accepted rules of page layout and graphic design. To the rescue comes Philately and the Computer, which explains and illustrates almost everything an editor will ever need to know.

A recent survey shows that 28 percent of all stamp collectors in the U.S. now own a computer (up from 8 percent just four years ago). If you have a computer (or at least access to one) Philately and the Computer should be on your must list of purchases for 1994.

Philately and the Computer sells for $29.95 (plus $3.50 shipping in U.S., $7.00 elsewhere). MasterCard and VISA accepted. Checks and money orders from other countries should be in U.S. funds drawn on an American bank. Order from The Traditions Press, 10660 Barkley Lane, Shawnee-Mission, Kansas 66212-1861.


Michael D. Dixon writes in May 1995:

Earlier today Ed Jackson posted on r.c.s. a review of Philately and the Computer by Dick Wolf and Alj Mary. I'd like to add a few comments/observations - I guess the Americans would say add my 2 cents worth - on this timely and valuable publication.

As Ed indicated, the bulk of the book [first 11 chapters] is devoted to how to prepare album and exhibit pages. Without doubt the book contains many useful hints and tips and, if nothing else, will settle once and for all the question of whether one does or does not need sophisticated hardware and advanced software to do a fine job. The authors demonstrate most clearly that a straightforward wordprocessor [such as Word, WordPerfect or Amipro] is quite adequate and advanced software [Corel Draw, Page Maker, Micrographx Designer, etc.] is - in most cases - taking the proverbial sledge hammer to crack the nut. Of course, Wolf and Mary qualify their suggestions by indicating that if one wants to incorporate lots of graphics on album/exhibit pages, then more complex hardware/software may be needed. BTW: I have Corel Draw, Page Maker, Designer, Freelance, Powerpoint and Amipro, but I invariably use WordPerfect for my exhibits!

Moreover, perhaps as a result of their irreverent writing style, and the profuse illustrations and how to hints, the authors show that you do not have to be an expert to produce aesthetically pleasing informative pages on which to mount one's philatelic gems. The authors give many, many examples of page layout, borders, typestyles, graphics for highlighting key items, background mattes and frames, and so on and so forth.

Quite rightly, however, despite illustrating all the fancy things one can do, the authors on page 29 state: Exhibit pages are carriers or 'containers' for philatelic items. Everything else on the page must take a back seat to the stamps.; and on page 31 write: The stamp page, by design, should contain only information specifically related to the stamps and covers being displayed on that page. Special adornments should be kept to a minimum, and extraordinary graphics are usually unnecessary.

Unlike the collector preparing stamp pages for a collection, where anything is right and proper, not so the exhibitor and these words of caution should be heeded. The competitive exhibitor will find much in this book to assist in making that delicate balance between presentation overkill and the need to state look at me. Here's a simple statistic for exhibitors to bear in mind. On average, APS World Series of Philately competitive events have 260 16-page exhibit frames packed to capacity with philatelic material; a total of 4160 pages. Most judging is done on the first day of the show, with the jury examining the material from, say, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm with an hour for lunch and refreshment breaks [jury deliberations will then follow, often for three or more hours]; a total of 6 hours, or 360 minutes to view and assess *all* the exhibits. By APS rules, each jury member must judge each exhibit; to accomplish this in the time constraints a judge has only 0.09 minutes to look at each page - a mere FIVE seconds!! Less if you allow time to walk from one frame to the next.

If an exhibitor has a particular item to which he wants to draw the attention of the jury, he must do something - but nothing so garish or alarming to detract from the philatelic item. Wolf and Mary make many suggestions of how this can be done. Incidentally, exhibitors will often be advised to keep write up to a minimum; a judge simply doesn't have time to read ten lines of text describing how your cover got from Lower Bongoland to Upper Bongoland via Erehwon. *5 seconds!!*

APS judging rules do not use a points system, although in the Manual of Philatelic Judging in reference to Inter- nationals [FIP] allowing a maximum of five percent for presentation, the Manual states: At National shows in the US, a similar maximum weighting is warranted.

So, prima facie, it would seem that too much effort expended on presentation may not make that much difference. Not so. Firstly, those points [real or imaginary] may just lift an exhibit from silver to vermeil.

Secondly, you only get one chance to make a first impression. As a judge walks up to a particular exhibit the likelihood is that he is going to be influenced by its appearance. A neat well presented display will more likely convey the impression that the exhibitor knows his stuff than will an exhibit where the material seems to have been thrown haphazardly onto the page. Neatness and clarity are important aspects of presentation; an exhibit with these qualities will score with judges. An exhibit with presentation overkill may be a turn-off. In Philately and the Computer there is much advice on how to tackle this problem of presentation balance.

As much as anything, this new work is a guide to word processing and page layout as to philately per se, and may well be used outside the world of stamp collecting. I have been using a computer to prepare my stamp pages since the mid-1970s but even with that experience found much to learn from Dick Wolf and Alj Mary. The authors are to be commended for their opus magnum and The Traditions Press for bringing it to the philatelic [stamp collecting?] community.

A book well worth adding to your philatelic, if not general, library.

Section 19.5 Varia

Cinderella Stamps, by L.N. and M. Williams, 1970. (out-of-print)

Section 19.6 Libraries

Section 19.6.1 APRL

Address: The American Philatelic Research Library, P.O. Box 8338, State College PA 16803-8338

They publish a journal: Philatelic Literature Review.

You can also borrow anyhting in the APRL by merely requesting it through your local library.. The APRL is part of the Inter-Library Loan System. So anything can be borrowed, but it might take a while. (David Lee)

Their own blurb:

The APRL Is Easy To Use  (APS002,  10/28/94)

The American Philatelic Research Library is the largest public philatelic library in the United States. Its holdings include many of philately's classic periodicals, and it receives more than 400 current periodicals from around the world.

Catalogues, government documents, auction catalogues, and a variety of other materials are available for your use.

Requests for library services may be directed to Gini Horn, Librarian, APRL, P.O. Box 8338, State College, Pennsylvania 16803 U.S.A., fax 814-237-6128.

The American Philatelic Research Library serves American Philatelic Society members as well as APRL members. The library welcomes visitors, and for those members who cannot travel to State College, Pennsylvania, the APRL provides services by mail.

No special forms are required to borrow materials from the library. Simply state as specifically as possible the subject or topic about which you desire information. Include any author, title, or other bibliographic data you may have. It may be helpful if you also indicate the source of your references -- that is, the library staff may be better able to help you if you mention, for example, that the pamphlet you are seeking was referred to in an article that appeared in the June 1989 issue of the The American Philatelist.

The APRL card catalogue is a computerized system. In addition to the card catalogue, the APRL uses the Piper File, an index of a limited number of philatelic periodicals from the 1880s through the late 1960s. The library will photocopy Piper File holdings on your topic, so you can select appropriate periodical articles. When you borrow materials that you will have to return to the APRL through the mail, the library provides a return mailing label and an insurance form for your convenience. ALL LIBRARY MATERIALS MUST BE RETURNED INSURED FOR $100, unless you are notified of INCREASED coverage requirements. The APRL provides photocopies in compliance with U.S. Code Title 17 (copyright code). User fees, to cover the costs incurred in providing library services through the mail, are:

Interlibrary Loan

The APRL also will provide materials through the Interlibrary Loan System. If an item is requested through another library, and prepaid, the APRL will ship the item to that library. However, the borrowing library must make the request. An individual cannot request that an item be shipped to a library. The same user fees apply.

Philatelic Literature Review

The American Philatelic Research Library publishes a quarterly journal, Philatelic Literature Review. This periodical contains indexes and bibliographies, reviews of current philatelic literature, market and price information, news from the APRL, and "The Clearinghouse," a forum where subscribers list literature they want to buy or sell.

The cost of a basic subscription to Philatelic Literature Review is $12 anywhere in the world; a sustaining membership, $20; and a contributing membership, $30. Amounts exceeding the basic subscription fee help to defray the library's operating costs and are tax deductible. By paying a one-time $240 fee, you can become a life member of the APRL. In addition, the APRL offers a special patron membership for a $1,000 pledge payable over five years. The fulfillment of a patron pledge also entitles you to lifetime membership in the APRL. Patron members hold an annual dinner with library Founders and also elect one-third of the members of the APRL's Board of Trustees.

Tax-Exempt Status

The American Philatelic Research Library is a public library under Pennsylvania law and an authorized tax-exempt, nonprofit institution under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Any donations may be tax deductible under prevailing IRS code specifications. The APRL welcomes donations of philatelic materials (please include an itemized list) as well as monetary contributions, to secure the growth and maintenance of library services.

Two specific APRL funds need your financial support. Contributions to the Building Fund are used to pay for the physical plant that houses both the APS and the library, which recently was doubled in size, to 10,000 square feet and two miles of shelving. Donations to the Acquisitions Fund are used to purchase additional resource material, whether new or used, for the library.

Section 19.7 List of Billig's Philatelic Handbooks

This subsection has been moved to Chapter 5 at the author's request.

Section 19.8 Bureau Issues


The Bureau Issues Association has the following philatelic literature for sale postpaid to a U.S. address in US$. Philatelic literature/accessory dealers also carry these publications at retail prices..

"Encyclopedia of Plate Varieties on U.S. Bureau Printed Stamps" by Loran C. "Cloudy" French. A profusely illustrated listing of plate varieties, such as double transfers, which can make an interesting collection and put challenge back into collecting. Hardbound. $35.00 ( $25.00 for members )

"Sloane's Column" by George B. Sloane. A collection of his authoritative columns from "Stamps" magazine covering the years from 1932 to 1957, arranged by subject. Interesting reading, full of worthwhile information with emphasis on 20th century issues. Hardbound. $40.00 ( $25.00 for members )

"Pat Paragraphs" by Elliott Perry. A reprinting of Elliott Perry's work published in 58 issues over his lifetime. Primarily of interest to collectors of 19th century issues, local and express posts and revenues. Arranged by subject matter; 648 pages. Hardbound. $55.00 ( $40.00 for members )

"Essays and Proofs of U.S. Internal Revenue Stamps" by George T. Turner. A well illustrated descriptive reference of revenue essays and proofs; 446 pages. Hardbound. $45.00 ( $30.00 for members )

"The Bureau Specialist, Vol. 1-3, 1930-'32" edited by George W. Brett. First 3 volumes of the BIA monthly journal bound in one 450 page volume. Contents include reports on precancels, offset plate varieties, Shift Hunter Letters, U.S. plate numbers and errors. Hardbound. $50.00 ( $40.00 for members )

"The Durland Standard Plate Number Catalog" edited by George V.H. Godin. The standard reference for plate number collectors with appendices describing various printing presses in use; 1994 edition. $20.00 ( $16.00 for members )

"BIA Plate Number Checklist: Plates 1-20,000" compiled by W. Wallace Cleland. A list of plates numbered 1-20,000 used for printing U.S. stamps. Over 800 pages punched for three ring binder; shrink wrapped. $40.00 ( $28.00 for members )

"BIA Plate Number Checklist: Plates 20,000-41,303" compiled by John Larson and Kim Johnson. Similar to Checklist for 1-20,000. $35.00 ( $26.00 for members )

"60 Year Index of U.S. Specialist" compiled by Richard T. Hall. A detailed listing by subject headings/authors for the BIA monthly journal, 1930 - 1990. Hardbound. $35.00 ( $24.00 for members )

"The Airmail Special Delivery Stamps of the United States" by Ralph Sloat. Reprint: paperbound edition of 86 pages. $12.00 ( $8.00 for members )

"The Prexies" by Roland Rustad, edited by Leo Piszkiewicz. Paperbound edition of 343 pages. Well illustrated with complete data on all aspects of the 1938 Presidential Issue. $30.00 ( $24.00 for members )

Order from: BIA Executive Secretary, P.O. Box 23707, Belleville, IL. 62223.

Section 19.8.1 Update: Bureau Issues

David Lee writes in June 1995:

The Bureau Issues Association has produced a series of inexpensive reference information on U.S. stamps for quick distribution on subjects which though limited in scope contain important research results. These research papers complement the BIA's series of book length, indepth publications. Research Papers can be ordered from Wallace Cleland, 1710 University Ave, Madison, WI 53705. Checks should be made out to Bureau Issues Association. Postage is free in the U.S.; for overseas orders, add appropriate postage for surface or air delivery. Each Research Paper is xeroxed on 8 1/2 x 11" paper on both sides, and punched for a three-ring binder; only pages are supplied. A summary of each currently Research Paper is presented below.

Research Paper #1. Printing History of U.S. Postage Dues, Series of 1894 and 1930 flat plate printings.

A tabulation of printing records from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, starting in 1898. There are three lists. First, the printing history of each; second, the groupings of plates that were at press together (normally a set of 4 plates, but often of different denominations, since the colors were all the same and the small number to be printed did not justify using full sets of four plates of a single denomination); third, a list of the mixed denomination printings. 34 pages, $4

Research Paper #2. Folded-Style Booklet Checklist, 4th edition (includes booklets from l977 to July l995).

This checklist includes plate numbers used, marginal markings, plate layouts, and other pertinent information on folded booklets. Approximately 1700 varieties are listed, and key markings are illustrated. The checklist can be used as a catalog or as a personal inventory of holdings. 45 pages, $5.

Research Paper #3. Dummy Stamp Booklets (including reports to September l993).

This study includes a list of all reported dummy booklets and panes, and illustrations of most of the varieties. It is a must for any collector of dummy booklets or panes. 66 pages, $7.

Research Paper #4. The 1/2 cent Presidential Bureau Precancel Plate Numbers (includes reports to January l994).

This study reports for each city the plate numbers and reported positions known on Bureau Precancels of the 1/2 cent Presidential issue (Scott #803). Wide spaced and narrow spaced overprints are listed separately. 7 pages, $2.

Research Paper #5. Printing History of the Washington-Franklin Series, 3 cent - $5 Denominations.

This Research Paper lists the printing periods for each plate, and also the sets of plates that were at press together for each printing period. The data come from the plate vault records of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The coverage is all denominations from 3 cent up to $5, and includes all flat plates used for sheet stamps and booklet panes, and rotary ones used for coils. Offset plates are not included, since these plates normally went to press only once and the dates are listed in the B.I.A. Plate Number Checklist for plates 1-20,000. The coverage is from 1908 to 1923. 66 pages, $7.

Research Paper #6. Printing History of Special Delivery, Parcel Post, Parcel Post Due, Special Handling, Registration, Official Mail and Postal Savings Flat Plates. Rotary press Postal Savings Plates used in 1941-2 are included.

This Research Paper lists the printing history of each plate, and also the groupings of plates (usually 4) that were at press together for each printing period. Mixed denomination printings of Parcel Post and Special Handling plates are listed separately. 26 pages, $4.

Research Paper #7. A Study of the Production Records for the 1903 and 1914-15 Printings of the "Roosevelt" and "Panama-Pacific" Small Die Proofs.

This Research Paper contains the virtually complete record of the production of these series of small die prints, taken from "proving room" record books in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The information tabulated includes the die #, printing date, number of impressions, press number, and in some cases the disposition of the impressions. 82 pages, $9.

Research Paper #8. Printing History of Plates Used for Production of Booklet Panes, 1900-1954.

This Research Paper lists the printing dates for each plate, and also the groupings of plates (normally 4 for flat plates, and always 2 for rotary plates) used together for each printing period. The coverage runs from the first booklet panes issued in 1900 through the Presidential booklet panes, except for the Presidential Eye plates, the records for which have not been found. Flat and rotary press plates are included. 71 pages, $7.

Research Paper #9. Printing History of Plates used for Production of the First Bureau Issue, 1894-1903.

This Research Paper lists all printing information for First Bureau plates used for sheet and booklet pane stamps. For the period 1894-8, there are only a few "to press" dates; but the dates on which the plates were certified and hardened are listed, and this permits determination of which sets of 4 plates went to press together. This information is listed for early postage due, special delivery, and newspaper plates as well as for the plates used for sheet stamps. Starting in the fall of 1898, the full printing history of all plates are shown; and this is arranged first of all by individual plates, and second, for those denominations where plate sets were not kept together, by plate sets that were at press together. Where multiple sets of 4 plates were at press at the same time, the distribution between sets is at times arbitrary, but in most cases plates that were sent to press together and later dropped from the press on the same day were certainly used as a set. This Paper also shows the printing periods for the plates made by the Bureau and used to print stamps for Cuba. 41 pages, $5

Research Paper #10. Printing History of Washington-Franklin Flat 1 cent and 2 cent Plates and Rotary Sheet and Coil Plates.

This Research Paper lists the printing periods for each plate, and also shows the sets of plates that were at press together for each printing period. The data is from the plate vault records of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The coverage includes all 1 and 2 cent flat plates used for sheet stamps, as well as rotary press plates used for coils of all denominations and for 1 cent sheet stamps. Offset plates are not included, since these plates went to press only once and the dates are listed in the B.I.A. Plate Number Checklist for plates 1-20,000. Booklet panes plates are contained in Paper #8. The coverage is from 1908 to 1923. 148 pages, $14.


An additional series of reprinted articles have been made available to collectors as Reprints.. These are articles originally published in the monthly society journal and found to be of sufficient interest that they have been reprinted for sale to the public.. Reprints maybe ordered from the Executive Secretary (postpaid) at Box 23707, Belleville, IL 62223.. Overseas mailing add, appropiate additional postage..

Reprint #1 - Washington-Franklin Head Identification, Simplified ... $2

Reprint #2 - Perforation Measurements of U.S. Stamps ............... $2

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