Numerous competitions are held each year for skiboarders, skiers, and snowboarders alike. The status of these competitions range from X Game stature, all the way down to local competitions. Whether you are competing in the X Games or you are just trying to win a little respect at your local resort, competing in such competitions can be highly rewarding, win or lose. Below you will find a list of the 2003 competitions being held around the world for skiboarders. Always remember, GO BIG OR GO HOME.

  • January '03: International Snow Festival, Nagano, Japan
  • February 8 & 9, '03: Skiboard Jam @ Mont St. Bruno, Quebec
  • February '03: New York Winter Games
  • March 8 & 9, '03: Mount Snow, VT
  • March 22 & 23, '03: Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada
  • April 7-11, '03: Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada

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