
This is my Cosplay section! I've cosplayed different Final Fantasy characters,
but I really wish to cosplay Rufus Shinra! (I'll need to get a few new threads though)
Cosplaying is a way of life, not for those who are afraid of what onlookers will think
Quote by me ^__^

Elena of the Turks Cosplay
Here I am dressed like Elena of the Turks. the lighting is kind of bad but its still seeable. Yes I'll be replacing this picture when I get more film.

Hojo Cosplay
The long waited for picture. Many are intrigued when I tell them I cosplayed Hojo of Shinra. I can like name 3 people right off the bat who were all like
"ooh I wanna SEE" when I told them of my Cosplaying Hojo. Can you see the glass I am holding?
Well that is Jenova. I like taped a tiny cutesy piccie of Jenova that Hojo drew and stuck it under a glass.
One day I'll take close up pic of my "specimen"

Aeris Cosplay
Here is a cool Aeris one! I had to make do with what i had, but its pretty cool.

More Aeris Cosplay
Here I am imatating Aeris praying for the planet. Lucky me, Sephy didn't come behind me *snickers*

Fujin Cosplay
My Fujin look. So i really don't have an ultra cool shirt that Fuu has....big deal...:-P I make do,
I'm happy the look, so nyah!

Rinoa Cosplay
This is possibly my best cosplay! The color contrast of the vest thing might be off, but above all I love this look!!

Yuffie Cosplay
Here is the well awaited YUFFIE cosplay!!

Cid Cosplay

Ellone Cosplay

Tonberry Cosplay
Yes, I cosplayed a cute little Tonberry and I crouched down for the effect!

Scarlet Cosplay
Here I cosplay the evil mastermind mechanical genius, Scarlet! XD

Selphie Cosplay
I'm Selphie here! BOOYAKA! my dress might have a different pattern on it, but as Squall would say "Whatever"

Shiori Cosplay
When I designed the outfit for Shiori, I looked in my closet for clothes I had,
because I knew that one day I would cosplay my own character!

Tifa Cosplay
Finally! a non-scary looking pic of me as Tifa!

Reeve Cosplay
My black and white cat plushie dons my plastic crown to be Cait Sith
while my huge Meowth plushie poses to be a Mog.

Cait Sith Cosplay
This is my Cait Sith does when he's off duty........

SeeDsI went to the fanime convention in Santa Clara. We met up with another SeeD!
She was exicted to pose with us! She really did remind me of Selphie
I was Rinoa as you can tell and my brother was Squall.

BodyguardsThis pic was not intended to be cosplay, but when my dad and I were in the picture with my brother on the last day of school,
we were wearing our shades and it makes us look Turk-like! XD

My Friends Cosplay!

My Friend Brooke Cosplays Edea

My Friend Michelle Cosplays Edea

(Yes that is Brooke's older sister)
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