an energy ball *taught by King Kai*
Serenity's Fantasy Anime
Dragon Ball Z
My Dad
Dragonballz is very loosely based on an old budhist tale of the monkey king and novice budhist monk, Tripitakas epic journey.
Goku is the hero of the show Dragon Ball.
Goku was sent to Earth as a baby to conquer it, but a head injury resulted in him having no knowledge of his Saiyan heritage. Gokuis just and pure of heart. It's been over a thousand years since anyones seen a Super Saiyan and there's never been one like Goku. His training in martial arts was under Master Roshi.
During the first Saiyan Saga, Goku learns about his past when his brother Raditz arrives. When Raditz tries to take Goku's son, Gohan, a battle breaks out and Goku and Piccollo temporarily join sides to defeat the Saiyan Warrior. Unfortunatly Goku has to sacrifice himself in order to beat his brother.
Goku's training then continues under King Kai in the nxt dimension. He returns to Earth just in time to save his friends from Nappa and Vegeta, but it's during his greatest battle against Freiza that he becomes a Super Saiyan.
The intense aura of energy around him turns his hair gold and his eyes green.
Goku building up a power.
Gohan yourning as a young boy.
Frieza on Namek trying to find the Dragon Balls.
Picollo Smiling.
You have probably seen this character but have no idea who he is, right?
Trunks is accually Bulma and Vegeta's son from the future. The earth of his time is in peril, so he travels back to warn our heroes of the danger. He , instead, finds them facing a danger of their own- battleing against Freiza and his father King Cold! To everyones suprise, he almost instantly turns super sayian and saves the day. A fter saving Goku, he warns our friends of the impending danger and returns to his own time. He comes back later during the Android Saga. Trunks is actually at this time , so we get to see both of them at the same time.
King Kai is one of the greatest martial arts teachers. He lives in the next dimension on a small planet with tentimes the gravity of Earth- an ideal training ground! He lives with a goofy monkey named Bubbles and a grasshopper named Gregory.
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Gohan is Goku's first son- he has a second son named Goten later on. Gohan is first introduced as a bit of a weakling, due to his mother Chi Chi's influence. No- one would ever expect the fighting potential he has inside! It's Piccolo who begins Gohan's training but no-one realises his Human/Saiyan heritage makes him stronger than a pure blood of either of these races.
Gohan looks up to Piccolo and wears a fighting outfit like his as a sign of respect.
Gohan's potential continues to grow till he surpasses even Goku. Gohan is the first to Super Saiyan level Two.
I Also have other information that I wanted to add,
so here it is:
Full Name:
Son Gohan ( In Japanese the name Son always comes first, also the the surname always comes first)

Chi Chi


Siblings (Brothers or Sisters):
Goten (Younger brother)


Ox King ( Chi Chi's father), Bardock (Goku's real father), Gohaun(Goku's adoptive father)

439 East Satan City ( When a child)
Next door (When an Adult)


Videl Satan

Son Pan
Series Age:
DBZ beginning-4yrs,Saiya-jin conflict-5yrs, Namek/Freiza-5yrs/6rys, Android-7yrs/9yrs, Cell/Cell Game-9yrs/11yrs. Buu Saga-18yrs, end of DBZ-28yrs, Dagonball: GT-38yrs

Alternative Time Line:
Mirai Gohan is 7-8 years when Goku dies of heart disease, he trains Mirai Trunks in his early twenties and dies in his mid twenties. In the alternative time line Gohan is bigger and more mascular as he has had to fight the Androids much more throughout his life.

Power Level:

Raditz Saga-710(max 1130), Saiyan Saga-110(max10000), Frieza Saga-3000(max 75000), Garlic Jr. Saga-140000(max 500000), Android Saga-1000000, Cell Saga-120000000(max 300000000),
Boo Saga-275000000(max 450000000).

Bukujutsu, Energy Dan, KameHameHa, Masenko, Oozru, Zanzoken,Fly.

Birth Year:
757 A.D
Gohan is half Human, half Saiyan.

Gohan had home schooling ( With his mum) until he was sixteen and joined Orange Star High School in Stan City when he was 18.
Gohan is the first DBZ warrior to become Super Saiyan level 2, he does this in the Cell Saga when he see Android 16 die.
Originally trained by one of Master Roshi's rivals, this three-eyed hero is now one of the most strongest Z fighters- he onece even beat Goku! He uses his trademark Concentration Bombs and always fights back-to-back with Chiatzu.
Bulma is one of the main girl characters in Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT.
Her father is the owner of Capsule Corp. and is the best inventor in the world(Dr. Gero tried to beat him, but had no success in the end his inventions killed him).
Bulma is a Technical genius who can fix anything and everything.
In the early series she goes out with Yamcha, but then when Vegta stays at her house she tells him that she thinks he's cute!!!
She marry's Vegeta when he comes back to Earth, she has a son with him and his name is Trunks.
Chiaotzu is a master of telepathy and telelkinesis and can usually stop any enemy in it's tracks. Early Dragon Ball Z series, Chiaotzu was quite a strong fighter. But Chiaotzu's power level doesn't increse as rapidly as his friends do, so he doesn't play a major fighting role.
Chiaotzu is the white one in the middle!
The white one!
Often accompanied by his cat, Puar, Yamcha and Goku have been friends for some time. Knowing how strong the Saiyan threat to Earth is, the longtime ally trains hard under Kami. Yamcha and Bulma were formally a couple but she eventually moves on to someone else- guess who!
yamcha at the back behind king kai
little goku with little bulma!
dragon punch
Krillin trained with Goku under master Roshi. They started off as fierce rivals but eventually became the best of friends once they got to know each other. Loyal, courageous and dependable, Krillin has stood beside Goku in all of the toughest situations they have had to face. During the Namek Saga, he fought with Gohan against Frieza's hechman, Zarbon and Dodoria, then against Frieza himself. Krillin has developed a number of unique attacks, but nothing like his Distructo Discs- sharp enery blasts shaped like (Yup, you guessed it!)Discs.
Krillin is at the back with bald hair
fav picture!!!!!!!
Master Roshi:
Master Roshi was the first earthling to understand how to control the power of light. He lives alone with a turtle. Master Roshi origanally trained Goku and Krillin- it was Master Roshi who taught Goku his awesome 'KAMEHAMEHA' 'wave'.
Definatly the most famous Namek in the Dragon Ball Universe, Piccolo started as an enemy. Born from Kami's evil spirits, he battled Goku in order t rule the world. After Goku's, he trains Gohan in hope that he'll be able to defend himself against the Saiyans.
He truely realised the fighting potential of Gohan and they develope a special bond- which is so strong that piccolo sacrifices himself for Gohan- he's blasted into the next dimension. When he's wished back by Dragon Porunga, he arrives on Namek in time to help deal with Frieza. He discover's Guru's Guardian, Nail, dying after his battle with Frieza, and Piccolo fuses with Nail to his ancient Namekian fighting style. Piccolo, like any Namek, can regenerate his limbs-thus making him a fighter to be reckoned with.
Master Roshi!
Guru is the oldest Namek creator of the Namekian Dragon Balls. He's old and sick and when Guru passes, the power of the Namekian Dragon Balls will pass with him. Kind-hearted Guru uses his skills to awaken the hidden power inside Krillin and Gohan, and give Dende his gift of healing.
Dende was the only surviver of his village- rescued by Krillin and Gohan. Dende's lack of fighting ability is compensated by his ability to heal even the most serious wounds. He's destroyed during the battle with Frieza and wished back to life to replace Kami as the Guardian of Earth.
Kami is the Guardian of Earth. Casting off his negative spirit, Kami looks after all his life with his friend Mr. Popo.
He's the creator of the Earth's Dragon Balls and when he dies, the Dragon Balls go with him. Kami took Goku to train with King Kai. He also trained Tien, Chiaotzu and Yamcha.
Mr. Bubbles:
Bubbles lives on King Kai's little planet. His job is to the Z warriors used to the 10 G's on King Kai's planet. He does this by getting them chase him around.If they catch him they are ready to proceed with King Kai's training.
Bubbles!*cute* ( With Goku)
Bubbles, King Kai & Gregory!
King Kai:
Dr.Gero's claim to fame is that he created Android's 16, 17, 18, 19 and Cell. He also made an android out of himself which was numbered as 20. He once belonged to the Red Ribbon Army ( this origanates from The Dragon Ball series). once the army fell, he decided to take revenge on Goku by creating robots whose soul purpose is to destroy him.
Dr. Gero!
Android 16:
Number 16 is more android than human. Unlike the other android's, his design is completely robotic and he has no human bits in him. He only follows his prime directive which is to eliminate Goku. However he is somewhat, gentler than the other android's.
Android 16
Android 17! *cutie*
Android 17:
Android 17 has almost as much pride as Vegeta. Though he is evil he does not kill random people. He only kills those who get in his way. He's a cutie pitty he die's.
Android 18! * my favourite character*
Android 18:
Android 18 is very similar to android 17. Before she met Dr. Gero her and her brother(17) were actually human's. Eventually 18 marries Krillin and has a child named Merin.

There's more info on Android 18 in the Android 18 section!
Yajirobe is more interested in eating than fighting. His one accomplishment in life would be  during the big fight in the Vegeta Saga.
Karin *For short*
Karin (Pronounced <CORE-IN> in the English show) lives under Kami's palace in the sky. In Dragonball he known for his ability to help raise a warriors fighting level a notch. Karin also makes senzu beans, which can restore any weak warrior back to his original state.
Videl goes to the same high school as Gohan(Orange Star High school). She is Mr. Satan's (Hercule's) daughter (if you re-arrange her name it spells devil). She is very strong for a human and she is a super hero to a degree. Eventually Gohan and her have Romantic relations and get married.
They have a child called Pan.
Cell Juniors:
The Cell juniors were spawned by Cell once he achieved perfection.Each mini-Cell is as strong as his original state.
This is a picture of Cell in the form of perfect Cell. This is the strongest form that Cell can become. Once acheived this form he wreaked havoc on the DBZ warriors. He also creates the Cell Juniors.
Imagine being totally devoid of compassion or pity, put that together with the fighting potential of over one million, and you've got frieza- the most powerful being in the Universe. Frieza only cares about power and once he learns about the Dragon Balls, he'll let nothing get in his wayof his wish for immortality.
This lizard-like creature has the ability to transform his body into four stages, each more powerful than the last. His fourth and final form is his perfect form and his small body contains indescribable power. For those of you that watched his death at the end of series two, be warned if you have not seen the next- because you haven't seen the last of FRIEZA!
The Ginyu Force:
The Ginyu Force is composed of five members and has been hailed as the most powerful team in the entire Universe- until they meet Goku and his friends.
Each one possesses his own unique attack and when Freiza's top two Henchman, Dodoria and Zarbon, are unable to eliminate Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta, Frieza summons the Ginyu force to finish the job and collect the Dragon Balls. The memebers are Captain Ginyu, Burter,Jeice, Recoome and Guido. Burter is the fastest being alive and uses the purple spiral flash with Jeice. Jeice is not super-fast or strong, but a balance of both- making him very dangerousHe uses firball attacks andteams up with burter for the Purple spiral flash attack. Their leader, Captain Ginyu, is the Strongest of them all and has the ability to switch bodies with his opponents- although this does backfire and he ends his dys as a frog! Recoome is the titan of the team, super-strong and tough- but super slow! He has two special attacks, his breath attack and Recoome Boom.
The last member is Guido. Short and Pudgy, his power comes from his mind and he can move almost anything with just thought, as well as having the ability to stop time.
The Ginyu Force also all love to eat chocolate nut bars- their favourite food!
Oolong is a pig who can transform shape. However, he flunked out of shape shifting school. To addition to his incompetence, he has no shortage of cowardice.
Once a prince Vegeta and his comrade, Nappa, were two of he last surviving saiyans. They first came to Earth to destory all life forms and sell the planet. In size Vegeta is not as big as the other Saiyans, but he can power up to unbelievable levels enough to destroy planets.
He once wanted the Dragon Balls for himself, so he could wish for imortality, but after the Namek Saga  he now fights alongside his new pal, Goku. Although still rivals, they no-longer try and kill each other, even after he finally becomes a Super Saiyan. He eventually marries Bulma and during the Android Saga, they have a son named Trunks.
Babidi created the demon Buu.
Babidi is the son of Babidi.Babidid free's Buu so that he can use him as a tool to do evil deeds. For this reason Buu is often called Majin Buu, as anyone who is a slave to Babidi is referred to in this fashion. Babidi soon finds that controlling Buu may be harder than he had previously thought.
Buu Final:
This is the final most strongest form of Buu. He can regenerate much faster than his other forms and he even makes Vegeta look weak. This is also his true form; the same form that he once killed Kaioshins with.
Fat Buu:
Fat Buu is the form of Buu that is slightly more innocent than others. He was created by Babidi but eventually a Kaioshin forced Babidi to use his powers to imprison Buu.
Many years later Babidi released Buu, but threatened him if he misbehaves again. Buu loves two things: Candy and Destruction. He runs around turning people into candy and then eats them. Buu has massive strength and the ability to regenerate. He constantly acts childish and only does what he pleases.
Puar is Yamcha's shape shifting cat. Unlike Oolong he actually made it through shape shifting school. He is forever loyal to Yamcha.
laughing goku!
flying evil***
evil scratchs***
awaking the hidden  sleeping power
Dragon Ball Z!
help me!
Mr Bubbles
The Character Changes!
Fat Buu
hercule(videls father)a dick if ask me!
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