9/3/02 - Damn it's been about a month since I updated the site. Besides College and AtX i've been doing a lot of nothing.  AtX has really taken up a lot of my time. I went out and bought a server for us, and i'm in the process of getting my good friends Randy to provide me with a T3 connection.
News Archive
9/6/02 - Hello guys, I have a lot on my mind tonight. Some good, some bad things.  Well the good news is the TFC server for clan AtX will be up soon.  But whats really bugging me  my depression tonight. I've never been this depressed in a long time.  Normally i'm always carefree and try not  ta' let life drag me down. I guess tonight my thoughts caught up with me. I sat down and thought about a few people that have really changed me in my life. Lauren Lewis, Randy Gladish, and Arch Angel.
Lauren I care for you dearly, I always will until the day i die.  Randy, you've been the best friend i could have ever asked for. You made me smarter, you made me aware or things i've never seen b4.
Arch, you've always been my father figure in my life.  Glad to have someone as smart as you I can turn to. As for this site, maybe this should go under a rant. but it's my site so bite me.  I just wish i could be happy again.
E-mail my lame ass and tell me what you think. I might just e-mail ya back.
9/18/02 - I can tell your lying, your lips are moving.  I find myself setting in my room pondering if i should or shouldn't do my homework. I came 2 the obvious choice that lazyness pays off now. So i'm writing in my web-page and bascially downloading games.  I really don't want to wake up and go to college but i fear it's gonna happen if i want to or not. Until then, i hope you guys have a great fucking day.
9/20/02 - Finally, it's Friday, I really need this week to be over. Have you ever had one of those days where it feels like everything is overly complicated. Ya know, days when you know things should be easier, but for some reason stuff just seems harder. I've definitely been having one of those days today. It all started when i opend a word document this morning too, I think maybe Microsoft Office is evil.  Today is much better than yesterday, even tho i didn't get a Kristpy Kreme doughnut =(  If you've never had one of those things, seriously find a store near ya and buy one of every flavor. I only get to eat them once in a great while since i'm on a budget. Feel my pain people, it really sucks.
1/ 9/03 - DAMN!  It's been a few months since I touched this site. I sorta gave it up awhile back. But now i'm gonna start putting more shit back on here. Look for more rants soon.
1/ 10/03 -  Me and my friends from WoH and AtX have been playing Natural Selection for the past few nights. Me and Protoman seem to work pretty damn good on the same team. WooT!
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