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FF8 - The Oath

[ Squall | Rinoa | Zell | Quistis | Selphie | Irvine | Laguna | Kiros | Ward ]
[ Edea | Seifer | Fujin | Raijin | Cid | Angelo ]

Squall Leonhart

Name: Squall Leonhart
Age: 17
Height: 5' 8"
Birthday: August 23rd
Occupation: SeeD Trainee
Weapon: Gunblade
Home: Balamb Garden

The taciturn hero of the adventure likes to think of himself as a loner. Pushed into a position of responsibility, however, he displays surprising leadership qualities, inspiring fierce loyalty in those around him.

A consummate gunblade fighter, Squall is easily the most promising SeeD cadet ever to have been trained. His school, Balamb Garden, has high hopes for this reticent yet concientious student. Squall is rarely, if ever bested by his fellow trainee Seifer, who considers him his eternal rival. Far more balanced than Seifer, Squall would never resort to unfair means in order to reach his objective. Yet he displays a marked absence of pride in his achievements and tries to suppress joy or any feelings that would bind him to others. There must be profound reasons for his distinct reluctance to get closer to people he has known for years.

Though withdrawn, Squall does not shrink from what he considers his duty. Much as he resents leadership, he is the first to ensure that what is necessary gets done. Squall's clear mind and sense of responsibility leads others to trust and follow him. He is quite popular at Balamb Garden and although everybody agrees on how difficult Squall can be, staff and students admire and like him. So, much against what he perceives as his wishes, he makes friends who care deeply for him... and while Squall desperately tries to remain detached, he will learn that a treacherous heart can change a multitude of things... maybe even the course of the world...

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