Everybody loves to read, right? Right? RIGHT? I'd better hear some voices agreeing with me pretty soon or it's game over in Chicago for all you sports fans....

BOOK! Right now I'm in the middle of creating an MS Access database of all my books. Here are some of my favourite authors and books. Click on their names to learn more about them. The list changes often, so check back again soon!

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Kids Lit

Alcott, Louisa May- one of my favorite authors. Little Women etc.

Trixie Belden- That schoolgirl shamus and her pals solve loads of mysteries together in Sleepyside on the Hudson.

Montgomery, L.M.- Anne of Green Gables and much more!
������Please take a moment to check out my L. M Montgomery site! Sorry about the ad square.

Wilder, Laura Ingalls- Famous author of the autobiographical Little House series.

English Lit

Austen, Jane- A bit slow-moving and 'stuffy' at times, I know, but still worth the effort. Just look at how well all of those recent movie versions of her books have done!

Davies, Robertson- a great Canadian author that charmed many with his Deptford Trilogy, among others.

Dickens, Charles- What can I say? One of the best loved English authors ever.

Steinbeck, John- One of America's finest writers, John Steinbeck had a knack for capturing the humour and pathos of life.

Trollope, Anthony- Not as popular as Dickens, but a great read nonetheless. Dickens' humorous, concise insight into people's motivations and actions.

Modern Lit/Fiction

Coupland, Douglas- A Vancouver based Canadian author who has his finger firmly on the pulse of Generation X ( a term he coined.)

Irving, John- The wonderful author who has touched me with many of his books. Resides part-time in Toronto.

McCullough, Colleen A writer from 'down under' best known for The Thorn Birds, but I am currently reading her First Man in Rome series (and it's great! I highly recommend it!)

Robbins, Tom- A wonderfully irreverent,spiritual and imaginative writer.

Vonnegut, Kurt- Who is this guy? He and Kilgore Trout have got some 'esplaining to do!!


Asimov, Isaac- One of the pre-eminent voices in sci-fi.

Clarke,Arthur C.- famous author of 2001series, among many others.

Kay,Guy Gavriel- an Canadian author with a gift for prose and an wonderful imagination.

Wyndham, John- absolutely one of the best sci-fi writers ever!

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ABE- The Advanced Book Exchange; lots of used/rare dealers. Check it out!

Chapters Canada- Chapters online. They're everywhere!

Indigo Canada- Another great online bookstore for Canadians.

Project Gutenberg- Volunteers have been creating etexts of important and enjoyable works since the 1970s under the direction of Micheal Hart. Download a book, an essay or become a volunteer yourself!

Rocket Library- Looking for FREE reading material? Rocket ebooks are for you. Just download their ebook and browse through the titles available for download. Definitely worth peeking at.

Amazon- Probably the Internet's favourite store.

eBay- If you like buying things (read: books) at auction, then you'll love eBay!
�2000 Veronica Savage,[email protected]

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