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Welcome to my webpage...              I hope you would find things that might interest you in here ...                   This webpage is a mixture of my personal profile and information and is also a place where you will find information on reptiles and other animals .............                  Check my latest activities, I update it almost every week!       Enjoy...

Did you know that:

Snakes have forked tongues

for the same reason we have

2 nostrils?

Did you know that:

Snakes have no eyelids?

They have specialized scales

that protect their eyes.




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My Pets

My House
My Favorite car
Abul Abed Jokes


My latest activities


I know its been a while since I updated my site and my news. Well, what can I say? I have been extremely busy with moving to our new house. I did a huge paint job, installed new wood floor, and zillions of minor and major renovation things.


Basically tonight was my first "back to action" night. I just came back from a Shisha place. I had a jasmine Shisha. It was so good that I brought some with me home.


This Saturday is going to be busy. I invited my friends over for a Bar B Q on the pool. If you want to come just give me a ring :)


That is basically it. I will soon have some pictures and songs to download. Stay tuned :P



We went Bar-B-Q'ing with my cousin Amer and our group of friends. Girls were sitting and the guys were preparing the food! How odd eh? :P


Just for the record, Amer took care of the Bar-B-Q :)


We played Frisbee and there was a competition at the end between me and Lina. For sure she won :P ha-ha yeah right.



Noubough came all the way from London Ontario. She stayed few days we had a lot of fun.


Syria, winter 2005:

I went along with my mother to Syria this winter. For me the reason was to finalize a personal issue. For my mother it was to sell her house.


We sold our  house and finished all the paper work.


I met with my cousins and friends. I had great time and enjoyed the visit to the maximum.


I spent most of my "Shisha nights" at a great place called Kastana along with my cousin Humam and our friends Ammar and Mazen.



Hahaha .. just thought you would like this. I found it funny and there was a lot of work put into it.. I keep the names and the copyright.. Click on this text. Dina you will like this am sure hahaha (K)




Here we go again .. woke up this morning with all my family sleeping over. My sister came from Kuwait with her husband and kids. My other two sisters slept over and we woke up a full house again since long time.


Things are going great in general. I finally was able to set one day a week where there is no work.


Monday or Tuesday am going for a one day trip to Toronto. Our shipment fro Syria finally arrived.



I just wanted to mention a special thank to Dina for everything. Dina you are hilarious and cute and funny and drop dead shekshy :)


Thank you for being around. Its all :) .. We will be having a BarBQ around the swimming pool this weekend .. please come by it will be fun :)



Diana its your birthday today :) I sent you a card and I hope you like it. Happy birthday Dandoon and I wish you the best in everything ..



Lulu :) it was your birthday today. As a gift I will put myself on the first plane to Dubai in the middle of wintertime  .. expect me to give you a call when am there :) and don't worry I'll sleep over my cousin's lol ..






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