Don Carroll
Memorial For Caesar
Born 07/04/1988 ~ Died 10/20/2001
Krissy misses you so very much



cat walking to Rainbow Bridge

cat angeldog angel

As near as we can figure Caesar was born in 1988. He showed up at my daughter's in 1992.He was in such bad shape.He had definitely been abused and either abandoned or ran away from home.He was so malnurished his little ribs stuck out.

When my daughter,Krissy arrived home from work there was this precious Siamese sitting at her doorstep.It was love at first sight.

She took him to the vet to have him checked out.The vet said that he was about 4 or possibly 3 years old.He was given shots and treatment for his malnutrition.

Krissy grew up in a home that was filled with so many cats and dogs but now that she was on her own she had none.She knew in her heart that God sent this sweet furbaby for her to care for.

Caesar had been declawed and also neutered so at one time it seems that he had been an inside cat.I suspect that what may have happened as in so many cases his owner died and then Caesar was abandoned.

I remember a terrible time when my daughter called me crying.Seems that while she was at work the landlord decided to go to her apartment uninvited.He had a habit of doing this.Just being nosy,I guess. Anyway when he left he did not watch as he closed the door and he let Caesar out.Now Caesar had no way to get back to the safety of the apartment.He was very vulnerable since he did not have any claws to defend himself.This was to be very bad for him for a big cat attacked him.He laid under a tree shaking and licking his wounds.

When Krissy returned from work she saw him laying there.He was so weak he could not even walk.His eye was completely swollen shut and his face was so swollen.She and I rushed him to the vet and he had to be operated on.He stayed at the vet for 3 days.Krissy cried so hard during that time.She was so afraid of losing him.

I must tell you that when she saw her landlord she definitely gave him a piece of her mind also.The landlord never again came into her apartment when she wasn't there.

He was so well behaved and quite the talker.When my daughter and I would talk on the phone Caesar would listen contently but then when he thought he had been neglected a little too long he would let Krissy know in no uncertain terms. He would begin to talk as only a Siamese could.He was so sweet,loving and funny.

Since Caesar had been declawed he could not play with the cat scratching post.However,this did not prevent him from playing. His favorite toys were little balls that he would bat all around the apartment.He usually lost half of them but then he always got more.He also loved to sit and watch the fish in the aquarium. Krissy had a rather large aquarium and Caesar would sit for the longest time watching the fish just swimming around. I often wondered just what he was thinking about.He also would sit on the windowsill and watch the birds fly.This was one of his favorite things to do.He also watched the butterflies that landed on the windowsill.

When Krissy would go to work each day he would usually go in on her bed and take a snooze.He seemed to sense what time she would get off from work cause when she would unlock the door she could hear him as she put the key into the lock.He was greeting "his mommy" in a way that only he could.

Caesar was not only my daughter's kitty he was so much more. He was her constant companion,her protector,her confidant,her friend.He was her everything.The first thing she saw each morning and the last thing at night was Caesar.They would cuddle together,laugh together and also cry together. He could sense her feelings and moods and he was always there for her and she for him.

Now our sweet Caesar has gone to the Rainbow Bridge where he will be able to be free of pain.He will be missed each and every day by myself and my daughter. He will live in our hearts forever.


Old Russian Prayer


Hear our prayer, Lord, for all animals,
May they be well-fed and well-trained and happy
Protect them from hunger
and fear and suffering
And, we pray, protect specially,
Dear Lord,
The little cat who is
the companion of our home
Keep her safe as she goes abroad
And bring her back to comfort us.

cat walking to Rainbow Bridge

There will be no more suffering for you my sweet Caesar.Now you can romp and play with Heidi, Patches, Lucky, Duke and Tippy. Krissy thinks of you each and every day.You were loved by so many people.I miss you so much also sweet baby.I am glad that you will not suffer any more.You will live in Krissy's and my heart forever. You will never be forgotten.Now we must let go and say good bye to you until we meet again.Take care little one.You will live in our heart forever.

caesar butterfly


The Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here,

That pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends

So they can run and play together.

There is plenty of food and water and sunshine,

And our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor;

Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again,

Just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content,

Except for one small thing: They miss someone very special to them

Who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together,but the day comes

when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.

The bright eyes are intent; the eager body quivers.

Suddenly he begins to break away from the group,

Flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

YOU have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet,

You cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.

The happy kisses rain upon your face;

Your hands again caress the beloved head,

and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet,

So long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together. . . .

Gone from our sight, but never our memories

Gone from our touch, but never our hearts

Gone from our touch,but never our memories.


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