Gary Rogers

Please be patient,page is graphics intensive.It will be worth your wait.Something for everyone.

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Purrfect Pets~Marvelous Meows

rustys catbanner

A cat is just a bundle of Purrs!

May all the little animals be as happy we are

end to abuse

cats welcome

Although we are kitties,our site deals with all little animals.
Especially homeless kitties and doggies
Please be kind to all of us.


kittens thinking on bar

tabby welcome

Our Family

My name is Tiger.I am the proud Matriach of our family.I am "The Topcat"of all the cats in our family.Baby and I are the mommies of the other kitties in the family.The kittens are each distinct with their own personalities.You will meet all of the family inside these pages.

Cats are often misunderstood.We are very affectionate and help to lower ones blood pressure.A cat is a friend who will never betray you.There is no such thing as "just a cat".All cats are special little furrbabies.

We can be very independent at times but we also crave the attention of our human mommies & daddies.

Dogs come when they are called.

Cats take a message and get back to you.


We kitties have a sense of humor too.


2 Mommies & their Babies.

Learn about how we all became one big happy family and came to live with our human mommy and daddy.

cats on bench

The Kittys Speak

Sweet Pics In Our Kitty Album

After much meowing from the kittys,Baby and I decided to let them tell you a little about theirself.They can be a paw full at times.You will find out when you visit.

Hey Kittys! After you listen to The Kittys,lets go do the Kitty Chow Chow.


Anyone that has ever lost a pet knows the heartache of such a loss.We have 3 cats and 2 dogs at Rainbow Bridge.
babyangel&dog with book
Visit Our Memorial~Paws To Remember

no abuse

Although the majority of people are good there are some that get pure enjoyment our of torturing animals.These same people that would torture an animal would also torture a child.
Please do not abuse your pets.We have feelings too.Be a responsible pet owner and spay and neuter your pets.Never,Never Abuse Your Pets.

On the 8th day God created cats

So men could understand women :-)

Women & Cats do what they want

so Men & Dogs better get used to it :-)


If you like any of the graphics on our site,please visit the graphic links throughout our site.Download some of their graphics and their logo to your hard drive.Please provide a link back to their site. They deserve the credit for their fine work.
Do Not Link Directly To Our Server Or To Their Server



Complete index is on Site Map to Purrfect Pets~Marvelous Meows.
Each page has a link to the Site Map to Purrfect Pets~Marvelous Meows. You may use that or scroll to the bottom of the page and click on BACK,NEXT or HOME.

The album on this site is registered in the name of the owner Rustyjo.

Please sign one of our guestbooks.We will visit you and put our pawprint in your guestbook.

sign view


Purrty Please Vote For Us

You may vote at these sites at any time~no deadline

Click on the graphics below.Thank You!


To enter our home pet the sweet black and white kitty.
She reminds us of our Lucky and Bandit.


Site Map Purrfect Pets~Marvelous Meows


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Just as Time Marches on,so does

Life with Tiger,Baby and their six babies

We add pages frequently

Last was on 09-25-2007

kitty bar



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Cat Luver

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