Richard Yernolde

Worcestershire, England
A. D. 1587

Inventory of Estate for Richard Yernolde

Will of Richard Yernolde 1587

??????????????????????????????????????? yernolde of Odyngley sycke in body but of ???????????????????????????????????

????????????????????????????????? thys my laste wyll & testamente , in maner & forme, ffolow???????????????????????????

??????????????????????????????? vale of myserye, a moste myserable, & wretched synner,????????????????????????????????

????????????????????????????????fully assured, (by faythe) to fynde , onelye in the death,& pertious???????????????????????

????????????????????????????fully assured (by faythe) that god shall restore unto me, at the laste daye ?????????????????????

?????????????????????????? to reygine with hym for ever , in hys kyngdome / I therefore , moste freelye????????????????????

???????????????????????? of almightye god / And my bodye as from the earthe I receyved yt __I willingley?????????????????

????????????????????? & happye resurrection , yelde & gyve yt over to the earthe agayne to be buryed without ??????????????

?????????????????? yt shall seeme good to my Executors / and for those earthlye goodes & possessions , ???????????????????

???????????????I wyll they shalbe disposed as folowethe / ffyrste I gyve & bequeathe, unto wyllyam yernolde my sonne ??????

????????????be payde unto hym by my Executors ,when he shall accomplishe , the age of xxi years Secondlye I gyve & bequeath

??????????????(John?) yearnolde my sonne, seventye poundes to be payde unto hym lykewyse, when he shall accomplishe the age of xxi?????

????????? I gyve & bequeathe unto Alyce yernolde my daughter, twentye pounds, to be payde unto hyr by my Executors ???????

she shall accomplishe the age of xxi years / or at the daye , whan she shalbe bestowed in mariage/ whether shall fyrste ___

hopyinge that she wylbe advised, & ruled,by hyr mother,(& my overseers who I putt in truste) to marry with an honeste man that

feareth the lorde / Alsoe I gyve & bequeathe unto marye yernolde my daughter twenty poundes / to be payde unto hyr

by my executors , at age of xxi yeares / or at the daye of hyr maryage whether shall fyrste happen / hopinge of ??????

as of hyr syster, that she wylbe ruled, by my overseers, as ys aforesayde / And if it shall happen , any one or moe, of my

sayde sonnes or daughters / to departe thys lyfe, before, theyre sayde legacye, & legacyes, shalbe due & payde unto them/ then

my wyll & bequest ys, that hys , hyr or theyr portion soe departing this lyfe , shalbe equallye devyded & payde by my sayde

executors to ______ sayd children or chylde, as shall than lyve / And whereas my predecessor Thomas brooke, dyd by hys laste

wyll, gyve unto John Brooke hys sonne now lyvynge/ the some of fiventye nobles / my wyll & bequeste ys that my executors

shall make uppe the sayde xx nobles tenne poundes / to be payde unto hym by my sayde executors/ whan hy shall accomplishe

the age of xxi yeares / Also I gyve unto wyllyam Brooke xxs to be payde unto hym , whan he shall accomplishe the age of xxiyrs

Alsoe I gyve & bequeathe to everye of my godchildren vid, to be payde shortlye after my decease/ And ffurther my wylle

ys that Alyce my wyfe shall within syxe dayes after my departure out of this lyfe, enter into bondes of fourre hundrethe

poundes/ to my overseers/ faythfullye to performe thys my wyll & testament , accordinge to my true intent & meaninge ____

the sayde Alyce shall refuse, or not performe than I wyll that my overseers, shalbe executors of my wyll & testamente

And further , my wyll is that Alyce my wyfe, duringe her wyddowes estate , shall at hyr owne proper costes & charges, eyther

in learnings some good science or arte, guyde governe , bringe uppe or place, according to hyr abylytye, at the sight & discretion

of my overseers/ all & everye of my sayde chyldrens & chylde / But yf yt shall happen ,the sayd Alyce my wyfe, without the consent

of all my sayde overseers ,or three of them at the leaste ( yf soe manye of them shall than lyve) to marrye with anye man / than I wyll &

my wyll ys / that all my landes, goodes/ tenementes & heredytaments wheresoever mentioned or meante,to the bringinge uppe, & como-

-dytye of mychyldren: doe &shall accrue & come unto my overseers, as due to my executors/ to the coste behooffe, mayntenaince

profytt & Comodytye of my sayde chyldren ,& everye of them: at my truste ys / suche as I truste, wyll see yt shalbe perfourmrd

And upon the Conditions aforesayde , I doe make & constitute, the sayde Alyce my wyfe , my full & sole executrix to perform

thys my laste wyll faythfullye, in everye ____/ And to hyr upon the Condicons aforesayde/ I doe gyve & bequeathe , the reste

of my goodes ???? bequested, my dettes & funeralles beying discharged / lastlye, I doe desyre, my verye lovinge uncle, mr

wyllyam B??????? / my verye lovinge ffrende mr Thomas Trynmell/ my ffaythfull frends, & lovinge ffellowe , mr George

ff_dys ?????????Cosens/ George Wynnes / & John yearnolde of hadsor, that they wyll faythfullye, & carefullye be overseers

& see???????? the wyll & testament perfourmed which I onelye pronounce ffor my laste wyll renouncynge all othere w_stever

And ?????????? upon breach of condicons by my wyfe I doe make my executors / In witnes, whereof, I have here

unto ?????? the daye & yeare fyrste above wrytten: Auguste xxxth Elizabeth xxix th 1587.

In presence of these wytnesses

??????????????? marcke an_ simile George Winnes

John yearnolde

?????????? ____ ____ _____ xxii ___ Thomas yearnolde

?????????? ______ Anno dm 1587:58 __ Elizabeth manninge

?????????? _______ Inventare as Elizabeth wynnes

£154 3s 4d Elynor yearnolde/& others

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Will Transcript provided by:
Derek Yarnall