Summaries and reviews of books by Sir Henry Rider Haggard


Lest it be thought that I was solely occupied with legal research and writing, and the study of arcane subjects like heraldry or ecclesiology, there are other aspects to my life. One of them is music, which as yet does not appear on this website. Another is reading old fashioned adventure and romance novels, principally Rider Haggard (I'm also keen on science fiction, particularly John Wyndham).

The following are links to reviews or summaries of the novels (and some short stories) by the Victorian and Edwardian writer Sir Henry Rider Haggard (1856-1925). As reviews are written they will be added to the links. Priority is given to reviewing the lesser-known works, and as can be seen the process is largely complete. I have attempted to give a synopsis of each story, and a commentary upon it's literary merit, or place in the Haggard oeuvre. Some reviews are more extensive than others. The next planned step is to include a reading guide for the novice, with suggestions of which Haggard novels to tackle first, to get the most out of them.

Allan and the Ice Gods

Allan Quatermain (to follow)

Allan's Wife

The Ancient Allan

Ayesha, the Return of She



Benita, An African Romance

Black Heart and White Heart

The Brethren: A Romance of the Crusades

Child of Storm

Cleopatra, Being an Account of the Fall and Vengeance of Harmachis


Elissa: Or, the Doom of Zimbabwe

Eric Brighteyes

Fair Margaret


The Ghost Kings

A Ghostly Connection

Heart of the World

Heu-Heu, or the Monster

The Holy Flower

Hunter Quatermain's Story

The Ivory Child


Joan Haste

King Solomon's Mines (to follow)

The Kiss of Fate

The Lady of Blossholme

Long Odds

Love Eternal

Lysbeth: A Tale of the Dutch

Magepa the Buck

The Mahatma and the Hare: A Dream Story

Maiwa's Revenge: A Novel


Mary of Marion Isle

The Missionary and the Witch-Doctor (to follow)

Montezuma's Daughter

Moon of Israel: A Tale of the Exodus

Morning Star

Mr Meeson's Will

Nada the Lily (to follow)

Only a Dream

Pearl Maiden: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem

The People of the Mist

Queen of the Dawn: A Love Tale of Old Egypt

Queen Sheba's Ring

The Real King Solomon's Mines

Red Eve

She (to follow)

She and Allan (to follow)

Smith and the Pharoahs

Stella Fregelius


A Tale of Philo

A Tale of Three Lions

The Trade in the Dead

Treasure of the Lake

The Virgin of the Sun

Wanderer's Necklace

Way of the Spirit (to follow)

When the World Shook

Wisdom's Daughter

The Witches Head

The Wizard

The World's Desire

The Yellow God: An Idol of Africa




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