

So, you want to see the profiles! Or, maybe you just need one! Either way, this is the right place for you! If you joined the NML within the last month, you'll want to fill out a newbie profile form. If you've been on longer than that, you can head on over to the current listee form! Both can be found under the 'Send In A Profile' link.

Oh, you just came to check out the profiles, see whose up? Well, cool! Check the 'Newbie Profiles' and drop a line to them; welcome them to the NML, that's what this site is for! 'Listee Profiles' is up, as well, so get in touch with them, too! The more contact everyone has with each other, the better off we'll all be. Don't be afraid to drop someone an email or an IM and just say hello!


Send In Your Profile

Newbie Profiles

Listee Profiles
















Send in Those Profiles!




Okay! Time to send in those profiles, Ladies and Gents! Just click the link appropriate for you (remember, one month or less on the list means you should be hitting the 'Newbie' form, and over that, is for the 'Listee' form). Again, please just make sure you read the notes before sending the profile in!



Newbie Form

Listee Form


















Newbie Profiles





Here are all the newbies that sent in their profiles! Check 'em out, and whether you're a fellow newbie or just a listee passing through, make sure to drop them a line and let them know that you're glad they joined!




One Shot

*~ Joined November 4~*

















Listee Profiles





So, you want to check out some of your fellow (if not, then soon, right? Right!) NMLers? Cool! Just click a section to take you to a list of all the profiles of NMLers whose nicknames start with those letters!















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