Gairloch High School, Geography Department

Abhainn Srath na Sealga

photographs 13-16


1. Feinasheen: source

2. Bealach na Croise: upper course

3. Loch an Nid

4. Meander

5. Course change

6. Ox-bow lake

7. Achneigie: meanders

8. Eilean a' Chip: general view

9. Eilean a' Chip: pool

10. Eilean a' Chip: stumps on floodplain

11. Eilean a' Chip: eroding floodplain

12. Eilean a' Chip: waterfall

13. Eilean a' Chip: new channel

14. Eilean a' Chip: new course

15. River cliff and meander scar

16. Loch na Sealga

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Photograph 13

(077801, northwest)

The new channel created by the upstream movement of the waterfall is shown in this view.

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Photograph 14

(077801, southwest)

This photograph taken in 1998 shows the river having completed the change in its course. The view should be compared with photograph which was taken from a similar location.

Task A

14.1 Refer to the O.S. map and use the information from photographs 8 to 14 to draw a labelled sketch-map of the changes in the river's course.

Task B

14.2 Write a detailed and illustrated account of the changes in the river's course.

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Photograph 15

(073805, southwest)

There is further evidence of the change in the course of the river in this photograph.

Task A

15.1 How is the semi-circular feature in the photograph indicated on the map?

15.2 What evidence of erosion is shown on this photograph and why is it happening where it is?

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Photograph 16

(070808, west)

The river broadens in its final kilometre before reaching the ribbon loch shown here. It is joined by another river from the south. The river is still some way from the sea but this is a natural break at which to leave it.

Task A

16.1 Name a. the loch; b. the mountain on the left; c. the mountain beyond the one on the left; d. the river joining from the south.

16.2 What is the term for where a river joins another?

16.3 What term is used for the smaller river joining the main one?

Task B

16.4 On a piece of tracing paper, plot the river being studied and its watershed from its source to where it is met by the river referred to above.

16.5 Calculate the river's catchment area.


Using map, photographs and text, draw a map to show all the main features of this river. This could be added to the tracing if task 16.4 was completed.

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