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Love em love em love em!!!!


(reviewed by Kevin Baker)

My uncle turned me on to this cd a few weeks ago. I didn't really know what to think at first. Hard (but not too much so), raunchy (but not too sleazy), and not-at-all serious. It grew on me, so now I have most of the album in mp3 format. So, let us review what I do have. The opener is Rock The Nation, and it's pretty typical of what you can expect. Heavy guitar tone, Sammy Hagar screaming (though tons better than his output with Van Halen), and fairly light lyrics. No major social statements on this one. Hard rockin' party music, basically. Matter of fact, a line in this one seems to sum up Montrose---"I just wanna have fun, fun, FUN, FUN!" Can't blame 'em fer that. This really is a fun album; very tongue-in-cheek at times, rockin' out just enough, but never mind-numbing or super-impressive in any way, shape or form. OK, Ronnie Montrose plays some good guitar, but he ain't Jimi Hendrix or Jimmy Page or Randy Rhoads or Tony Iommi or Ritchie Blackmore or Carlos Santana....OK, I'll stop listing, cause I could go on for awhile.

The next song is probably my favorite, and I seem to recall hearing that it was some sort of a hit. That would be Bad Motor Scooter, which has simply hilarious lyrics. Sounds like an overamorous teen guy. Plus, they do a good job of getting the guitar to sound like a motor scooter. Favorite line---"I'd come out to you, but I'm afraid of your dad." Or "Get on your bad motor scooter and ride." Hard to say. The song is 100% fun. Laughable teen machismo at it's finest. Next up, we have Space Station. This one isn't one of my favorites. Too gimmicky. These guys were best just sticking to staright out rock and roll. Good Rockin' Tonight isn't quite as good as the rest either, but it is a bit of a style change, seeming to be more New Orleans blues rock than hard rock.

The only other real highlight is Rock Candy. Riff based hard rock about a REALLY hot and apparently lonely 17 year old girl. Cool. The riff is good, and the words, while utterly banal, sound so immature and adolescent you have to like 'em. Basically, this is one adolescent album. Every teen guy needs a copy of it, just for the machismo, ballsy elements.


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