

Luke's ROTJ Sabre

Luke catches his ROTJ saber 'thrown' by R2

A small collection of pictures of Luke's lightLightsaber from ROTJ.   There were several versions of this prop which accounts for the differences you will notice.

sabers.jpg (28039 bytes)From the prop porn' book "Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary".  Shows comparison between the two main ROTJ Lightsabers (plus Vader's).

luke_ROTJ22b.jpg (42699 bytes)From the Guide to Weapons & Technology.

luke_ROTJ21.jpg (32418 bytes)The more utilitarian version of the Lightsaber.  Seems to have been constructed from several parts including a Graflex clamp for the control box.

luke_rotj19.jpg (7097 bytes)The other side of the utilitarian Lightsaber.

Luke_ROTJ20.jpg (27008 bytes)A large image of the most popular version of the Lightsaber.  This appears to have been totally custom machined.

saberemp.jpg (9768 bytes)A still taken from the movie showing Luke's Lightsaber on the arm of the Emperor's chair.

luke_ROTJ22.jpg (12983 bytes)A fan picture from the "Magic of the Myth" exhibit.  Looks like a stunt prop; NB. the lack of details of the black grip.

Luke_ROTJ8.jpg (35376 bytes)An image from the Smithsonian "Magic of the Myth" exhibition.


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