From: Christy Kelly ([email protected])
To: [email protected]
Date: Thursday - July 15, 2004 8:09 PM
Subject: Re: Good morning

Margo it was the BEST day... so weird too because it started out so bad... I got up and I just felt achy and cranky, wishing that baby'd just pop out NOW, so SICK of being all big and pregnant, you know the feeling... plus my allergies have been flaring up the last week and of course I don't wanna TAKE anything for them, I logged on the net and started about six emails to you and just deleted them, I was in such a foul mood and I didn't want it to spread... talk about a computer virus... anyway I finally just had to GET OUT so I came into the Y and swam and that pissed me off even more... there was this YUPPIE swimming there, this big feelin' dude with this barrel chest and a big solid belly, built like Captain Kirk in the fat years of STAR TREK, you know, I've seen him in the gym but this is the first I've seen him in the pool... of course he's wearing a SPEEDO... and every other length, he'd hit the end block turn around and BLOW HIS NOSE IN THE POOL. Of course always at the SHALLOW end which is the other end from where the lifeguard stand is... Becky (this nice PSU student who's guarding for us this summer) I don't think was catching it but I did... I said "Becky that guy is blowing his nose after every lap." She said "You want me to say something?" And I said "No, next time he does it ~~ I ~~ will." So I swam a few more laps and as I'm doing my turn I hear SNIFFFFFFFFF! next to me, and I stopped and I stood up and I was gonna say "Do you realize how gross that is?" and I don't know what possessed me but I looked right at him and I cleared my sinuses really loud NNNNHHHHHHKKKKKKKKKHHHHH and blew my nose in the pool then HAWWWWWWWKKKKKKKKKKKKK spit in the gutter, then I glared at him and started swimming again.

Becky said he stopped at the other end and flagged her and said "Did you see that?" And she said she told him I really didn't much care for him blowing his nose in the pool after every other length... and he goes "Well what makes her think she can spit? Who's she think SHE is?" And Becky said "Actually, she thinks she's the aquatics director." LMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Becky said he swam another 20 laps and didn't SNNIFFFFFFF!! once so it worked. He should just be glad I didn't spit in his lane, asshole. I mean it's posted right there on the wall, which no one reads, I bet he's one of those who tries to dive in the shallow end too... maybe he'll hit bottom sometime and break his neck, lol.

As you can see I'm still in kind of a vicious mood...

So after I swam I went to Target for a few things and thought I'm in town, I should meet marty for lunch, and that was when the day turned... we just went to the college diner and had burgers but it was so nice sitting with him, talking to him... he said "Chris this morning I was getting breakfast and Maura came in and she goes "Dad did Mom run to the pool or is she still in bed?" And he said he had to go "what?" He said "Maura called me Dad, Chris... it was kind of scary but I liked it." That made me feel so good because I was never too sure about what Maura thought of Marty but she's calling him Dad, that's pretty good right? So that made me so happy.

Anyway we were talking about the baby and is it going to be a boy or a girl and I qwas just whining and moaning and pissing and bitching and everything and Marty took my hand and he said "I have been so nervous about all this, but seeing maura I realize that you've done all this before and you did it on your own and look how great she turned out, she's such a great person, I can see you in her, and I don't just mean the way she looks, I mean how caring she is, how thoughtful she is, how funny she is, all that... so if you did that great on your own, just think how we'll do together." It made me cry Margo it just turned my day around.

Well after that I went home and Maura had a video of the olympic trials and we sat and watched that and made cracks about all the guys, I love watching michael phelps but Maura said "Jesus Mom don't be a front runner... watch out for Ian Crocker." And everytime they'd show him she'd walk up to the TV screen and pretend she was touching his face, walked up one time and flicked his nipples, we were both laughing so hard... I peed myself laughing (which isnt' that hard at this stage believe me)... it was the best time... and we talked some and she said that she talked to you and that you guys had a nice trip, said that tony's doing good... she didn't let on about any of the stuff you told me about... I don't know if she would... you know a lot of that stuff has already been said and when she showed up it was kind of understood although really I think more than anything she just wants to be a part of this. THAT'S what makes me feel best, knowing that my daughter likes Mart y and feels comfortable enough around him to call him Dad and that she'd want to take two months out of her summer at the beach before her senior year of college to come be with pregnant miserable me... it's just the best feeling.

SO like I said a really good day!

I wondered if you guys got caught in that storm, they said there were tornadoes touching down. None of that near us but it was still pretty intense. Three times this week I hung out wash and it got rained on, that was another thing that pissed me off, lol. Well it finally dried today plus it smells great, rinsed with rainwater... nice.

Maura wants to log on here and check her email and then we're going to watch the rest of that video so that's all from me for now... glad you got back ok... hope your raspberries were good... say HI to little Becca and tell brian I'll write him back tomorrow. xoxoxoxo love you Christy

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