From: Christy Kelly ([email protected])
To: [email protected]
Date: 7/1/2004 9:02 AM
Subject: Re: We're here

No, I really DIDN'T care, lmaaaaaao.

Seriously I went back to my old high school scrapbook and looked up the article about your game... with that headline LEDOUX IS PERFECT!!! I remember how you kept saying "I want that on a shirt," lmaaaao.

Shwoo! What a last couple days. Just getting everything together for two days at Mom's is such a chore... I don't know how I would have gotten it together to come up there for a week. I'm in the homestretch now and just get tired so quick. I guess I could give up my swimming but I feel like it's really keeping me in shape, my obgyn says it's good for me and the baby too... but doing that mile first thing every morning KICKS MY BUTT! Of course I LIKE my butt, I want to HAVE a butt and not have it fall, so that's why I keep doing it. But then I get home and I'm just laaaaaaaazzzzzyyyyyy... don't feel like doing anything.

NOt to make your Dad jealous or anything but Stevie is going to have crabs at our cookout on Sunday. We haven't had them yet this year, Marty loves them although first time we went he got all grossed out... he tried eating the mustard... I was like DON'T EAT THAT!!! DON'T EAT THAT OR THE LUNGS!!! He'd never had them and he just couldn't get the hang of it, I felt so bad for him. I think he maybe got about a tablespoon and a half of crab meat altogether.

I've got to run out and do a few errands but wanted to write you now just in case I didn't get online later... we're leaving first thing tomorrow. xoxoxo love you Christy

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