You Are Not Alone!

This page is dedicated to my son, Welsey(my pooh-bear),
who was born on January 30, 1997
with a bilateral cleft of his lip and alveolar ridge.
Even though it has been a trial,
he has been one of my greatest gifts!

This page is for the parents of cleft babies,
or anyone who needs information about clefts
to help someone they care about.
It is a place to find as much information as possible,
that will be both helpful and comforting to them!

Need To Talk To Another Cleft Mom!


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On to Not Alone

*Please note*
In the following pages I refer to all babies with the pronouns he/him/his.
This is only for ease and clarity.
No offense is met to any girl, including Wesley's 3 sisters.

[Not Alone] [Site Map] [Wesley's Story] [Thoughts] [Before and After]
[Causes] [First Steps] [Feeding Tips] [Cleft Team]
[Surgeries] [Links] [Adoptions] [1st Birthday]
[Wesley's] [Home] [Lora's]
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