SRR Ra`KalenChapter Seventy-Four: Checkmate
[Officer's club]

tr'Elq is sitting across from tr'Idran with an old earth chess board in between them. Having witnessed the erie'Riov's quick dispense of a Rihannsu some time ago when the game was first introduced to them, they'd taken up an interest in it. As time went by they became better at the game.

A few moments later tr'Elq looks up from his thoughts during Idran's move and wonders if he's guzzled a little more Rhenish than was good for him.

In the position that was formerly occupied by Idran's king a small Sentient being not unlike a hamster suddenly appears. For a moment both officers are shocked by the occurrence, especially once they realize it isn't just the Rhenish.

Finally coming back to his senses tr'Elq grabs the bottle opener that's near his left hand and quickly grabs the hamster with his right. As follows he quickly twists and pops off the hamster's head.


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