SRR Ra`KalenChapter Forty-Two: Back with Kuro and Pranara
[ch`Revellion Surface]

Somewhere in the middle of the ferocious brawl, Kuro remembered Pranara. Hefting a few smaller brutes aside, he lifts his head above the din of battle, scanning the perimeter for her. He stood for a moment, wondering where she had gotten off to, before he was punched in the face. Growling furiously, looking down to see who it was that wanted to die, he spied Tr`Elq, immersed in the battle.

tr`Kuro>::bends down and shouts to Elq:: I`m going to find Pranara! Keep the fight raging till I get back! ::fends off a stray limb or two:: Try to findRagarok as well!

tr`Elq> ::nods avidly:: I`ll keep `em fresh for au Rekkhai! ::turns to swing at some anonymous goon::

Tr`Kuro bashes and plows his way through the crowd tactfully, finally pushing out of the brutal mob. He looks in the place he last left Pranara, finding no one there. His natural instincts kick in and he slowly follows the path she took minutes ago. His blank eyes rove the dilapidated buildings, as he walks directly toward her hiding place. He carefully closes on the place his senses drew him to, pausing a moment then peering around at her swiftly. He whirls around the corner ready to fight anyone who might have abducted her again. Seeing that she is alone he moves toward her.

tr`Kuro> there au are! I thought you might have met with some of our friendly locals.

t`Pranara>::stirred from her thoughts:: no, I just thought it wise to be discreet

tr`Kuro> Aye. ::stretches a bit, then freezes, listening to the sounds of the mob being disbanded by the authorities::

t`Pranara> ::peering out at the sound:: What is that?

tr`Kuro>::curses quietly:: Officers! ::pulls her back out of sight:: we have to get au to the Kalen and me out of dodge, Remi and Elq can fend for themselves, they`ve seen enough bar brawls in their time

t`Pranara>what about Ragarok

tr`Kuro> Elq will take care of him ::takes hold of her carefully and moving off briskly and quietly::


Kuro and Pranara's fighter edges toward the station, near the docking port the Kalen has just docked at. This time Kuro acting as an escort, Pranara the important individual at the moment.

tr`Kuro> This is the Kalen, A six deck, tactical war craft, a compliment of approximately 60 Rei`Krannsu

t`Pranara>::her eyes shift along the sleek craft, quietly admiring the trim vessel::

The fighter delicately approached the docked craft, jetting through the airlock, and into the flight deck. After landing the craft, Kuro carries her bags as she follows a just behind him. He briefly points out the main features of the craft as they pass by them, on the way to her quarters. Finally, they reach her spacious (militarily speaking) quarters. They enter through the doors.

tr`Kuro>::sets her bags down inside the room:: These are your quarters. You can unpack and wash, but I would advise au to go and see Raith after you settle in a bit.

t`Pranara>::picks one of her stuffed bags up with some effort and drags it onto a chair:: thank au, Rekkhai. I shall see Raith shortly. Perhaps I shall see au later.

tr`Kuro>::nods:: you shall. I am off to give my report to Raith and settle matters with the local authorities. If au have any questions I shall be available shortly. ::turns to go:: Oh and your uniform is on the table, Jolan tru ::walks out::

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