SRR Ra`KalenChapter Thirty-Nine: tr`Ghire's Promotion to Riov
[SD239906.2 - tr`Ghire's quarters]

Tr`Ghire sits quietly in his chambers, a few unread ISDs spread out before him. One that he has read is in his lap. He couldnt believe what it said and kept reading it over and over again to proove that what he had read the first time wasnt true.

As of 0900 hours today SD239906.4 tr`Ghire is to be considered part of the Revelion Galae. Furthermore, at the behest of officers who know him he is given a feild commision of Riov and put in charge of the third Attack wing.
The Riov's forces are to temperarily be atached to those of the second assualt wing- under the command of erie`Riov tr`Raith.
Jolan tru
EnRiov tr`Ronga ch`Revellion forces, Acting commander

Riov? Him? Ghire didnt know what to make of this -one minute the comand staff seemed to not trust him- the next they give him a promotion. It was a feild promotion yes, so it didnt officialy mean anything- certainly it wasnt recognized by anyone other than the officers under Ronga- but a promotion none the less.

The Commander gives up thinking about the issue and starts to sort through the reports before him. Raith had issued an order that the five battle cruisers under Ghire's command be left in the system to patrol and be upgraded. The erie`Riov also requested that Ghire's followers report to the academy for further training. As a fleet officer Ghire was insulted that he would be forced to send his men through basic training- basic training for marines of all things! He would normaly complain but was unsure it would acomplish anything.

Thinking back to times past, Ghire contimplated his temperary commander. Raith had been a Virha`Erien when he surved as chief engineer on SB 220- that had been months ago- before Ghire had resigned his command of the station to join Vaek`Riov (comodor) tr`Kirk's suposed revolutionary forces. The Riov shakes his head at that thought- not wishing to dwell on his falling out with tr`Kirk. He stands, mostly finished with the information before him, and is about to go to bed when his door chime sounds. Not sure who could be calling on him at this time of night, Ghire aproaches the door and deactivates the lock. he is startled to see Raith leaning against the bulk head, ISD in hand, and grining at him.

"Hello Riov... I have a small mission for you." He grins and the door closes behind him.

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