SRR Ra`KalenChapter Thirty-Six: Raith's "Re-Aquired" Abilities
[SD239905.30 - ch`Revellion system]

As in times past, the Enriov found himself urgently summoned to the station's oira. This time though, they were ready for any incursion. The tri-helix span of the ship yards stretched across a large portion of ch`Revellion's sky, thirty Kalen class ships sat ready, backed up by three orbital weapons platforms, and dozens of quantum torpedo batteries on the station. Even during the state of emergency, the station's fifty docks were all filled and buzzing with activity. Both satellite mineral processing plants were ringed by the Galae's capitol ships. All was ready- all to do now was wait.

The intruding craft didn't make the defense force wait for long. Five D`Dederix class heavy cruisers, their weapons and shields inactive, decloak, and approach the defensive border.

A tired and battle-weary Sub-commander's face appears on the Oira's viewer. He bows his head in respect to the general and introduces himself. " Jolan tru enriov, My name is tr`Ghire and I wish to offer my assistance."

====Some hours later====

The erie`Riov sat across a desk from several gathered senior Galae and Rei`Krannsu staff members. Ghire waited, patiently scanning the faces in the room. He stopped when he came across Raith, blinked, squinted at the erie`Riov insignia on Raith's collar, then moved on to the next person at the table.

Raith paid Ghire little mind, as he had Meira's medical examination of the P`tang to read, administrative digests on the some 15,000 crewmen Ghire had brought along with him, and several resuply and repair acquisition forms for the Kalen to be filled out. The two had served together on SB 220 for a very short time- and that had been Raith 3 anyway.

Raith looks up at Ghire for a second then back down at his reports. It had been so long since his predecessor had gone mad and cut a swath of destruction into the delta quadrant. Raith did have to admit some regret to not having much in common with his earlier clones. He lacked the bio-organic computer interfaces, the memories of his two precursor's deaths, and most of his psy ability. In fact, he had all most no elemental in his DNA. The order had decided to remove it all in light of the mess #3 had caused with it. Raiths 5 and 6 had even less than he, they were effectively Human / Rihannsu half breeds. This thought bothered Raith but he filed it away in his mind to be dealt with at a later date.

Ronga enters and sits down at the head of the table. He shuffles through a pile of ISDs and hands a few out to the gathered officers. Raith, having already read the reports, doesn't receive one. Ronga clears his throat and starts to speak. "Well then erie`Riov tr`Ghire, what am I to do with au?"

Ghire sits calmly, unfazed by the bluntness in Ronga's voice. " Well rekkhai, as I am in possession of five major ships and a moderate number of troops, it is better that you should ask- where should I point au?."

Ghire reaches before him and, picking up a glass, takes a drink of water. "Since my falling out with command I have been meeting up with a several armed rebel Galae forces. I am disillusioned with the navy- I have seen too many of my ke`Rhin slaughtered by the brass' poor judgment."

Ronga nods but Raith interjects before he can continue. "Survival of the fittest and we've got the fucking gun? Bah- what makes you think we are any better" Raith spits harshly. Eye brows arch all along the table, profanity is not something the officers are used to hearing during a debriefing.

Ghire takes this in stride and replies: "I have seen you in action. I have learned that you were responsible for my mind alteration," many eyes glance at Raith and then back to Ghire. "I found this out recently- but it doesn't surprise me. You were always jumping ahead- trying to manipulate command from bellow- so I'm not surprised in the slightest that you Lar and Danlek did that to me." he sips the water again and waits for a response.

"It was necessary- you were no more competent a leader than the other brass- though it wasn't my idea- I did support the officers who concocted it." Raith is barely paying attention, his eyes are still moving across the text on his ISD. "But you arn't complaining about that are you?"

"No, I'm not." Ghire shrugs." I don't know how I feel about that- but its not important now. Now, since you altered me to be like this, I want to be that good leader- I want the brass roasted as much as you do" Ghire's grip on his glass tightens.

Raith looks up at Ghire but not with interest. "Why do you think I trust your judgment now anymore than I did then?" Raith looks back down at his reports.

"Because I know you know what I've been doing all this time." The glass in Ghire's hand starts to crack. "I know Virha`Erien t`Ren was reporting to you. I know about all the devices you planted in my head- and I don't care!" the Glass shatters in his grip. Ghire's hand is badly cut but he doesn't pay it any mind.

Raith looks up again, still showing little interest. "Ren almost died under you command- even after the alteration job. Your infiltration orders worked- I'll grant you that much- but they still needed work."

Ghire looks pissed now, he is starting to shake his fist at Raith. "If the Galae command hadn't been pushing me for that I wouldn't have done it that way!" The sub commander tries to calm himself then continues. "This is why I want to join you here."

Raith fishes his reports and slides them down the table to Ranga. "We shall see." Ronga picks up the reports and thumbs through them for the erie`Riov's invariably hidden message. Finding it he looks up and says to bash: "Well then tr`Ghire, I look forward to seeing you prove yourself to me... Aefvadh."

Ghire looks a bit baffled with the sudden change of tone from the Commanding officer. "Ie rekkhai... what is expected of me?"

Ronga runs through many possible scenarios- carefully judging Ghire's responses to each- then issues some basic commands to be carried out. The briefing winds down and all the officers leave except Raith and Ronga. When they are alone Raith turns to the general.

Raith> Rekkhai... I have been wondering

Ronga> Oh? I miss read au then ::frowns:: I thought au wanted to speak on the matter of Ghire.

Raith> ::shakes his head:: Na. I want to speak of the past- of similar times. I want to be as I was before...

Ronga> ::eyes bug out:: Ho ho ho! ::shakes his head:: Au of all people know that is a bad idea- if erie`Riov tr`Danlek, a powerful elemental in his own right, had not been on the former SB 220, you ::pauses trying to think of a better pronoun. gives up:: You would have destroyed the station.

Raith> ::nods:: Its possible-

Ronga> No! Its very likely. The data link *he* carried could easily locked out operations and set the station to self distruct. No one, not even au, fully understands his motives- let alone what he is capable of.

Raith> ::shakes his head:: I will not be at my full potential unless I have the implants back-

Ronga> Au have the eyes... you have the built-in skills-

Raith> Not those... I want to have the element in me. I want my mind back ::a look of fire- literally fire- scrolls across his eyes:: I want my power back ::coldly. his mind begins to focus::

Ronga>::grits his teeth and begins to sweat:: And au question why this is na a menkah idea? ::focuses his own mental barriers::

Raith> ::eyes shimmer- then disappear leaving just the whites:: {{I want it back!!}}

Ronga> ::deep sweat:: {{get out of my head!!}} ::pounds back the psy blast Raith launched::

Raith> ::grins coldly his eyes suddenly returning to normal:: got ya ::taps something on a device held in his grip under the table::

Ronga flinches then writhes for a minute or two, all the while Raith sits calmly at the table. Ronga eventually recovers his composure and sits back relaxed in his chair.

Raith> ::is glad the Enriov forbids the monitoring of the briefing room for obvious reasons:: well then rekkhai, all is in order?

Ronga> ::nods smiling:: Ie, was there anything else?

Raith> ::shakes his head:: just wanted that operation done- that's all.

Ronga> ::grins:: certainly- send me your proposal and get it done. I cant wait to see how much better you will serve me with those implants back in your head.

Raith> ::grins back nodding:: Ie, and hann`yyu rekkhai- I only live to serve...

Raith stands and exits the chamber. He winds his way through the corridors toward the transporter room and beams out.

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