SRR Ra`KalenChapter One Hundred-Thirty-Four:
Return of Raith
[SNR Kalen: Brig]

Kuro stands above the toppled erie`Riov- not sure what to do next- but sure he didn't want to be at odds with his acting CO anymore. Ku frowns looking down at his chronometer... "Damn, 15 seuren- are up..."

A light chirp and Pranara's voice squawks over the COM: The CO of the SNR-Ts`Irk had beamed over shortly after the skirmish, overriding shield protocols, and was on his way to the Brig.

{{The Ts`Irk?... That's tr`Kunto's ship isn't it?...}} Before Kuro can ponder the situation, a simple sound, one everyone takes for granted, hisses across the room. The Arrain turns, expecting a stuffy Revellion officer, and comes face to face with Raith. The 'commander?', who's traditionally vibrant violet hair was now snow white, whore a raven black uniform, with some white triangular designs on each of the upper arms. Raith gave a simple, curt nod to Kuro, and turn to face tr`Kandeen.

"I know what has been happening here- I would not have had it so- but I was not here..." He nods toward the holding cells and two flanking guards, also clad in black, strode forward and helped Kandeen to his feet. The CO swiped his hand deftly over the wall panel and accessed the ship's com. "Raith to all personnel. Platoons One and two gather all your effects and report to the SNR Ts`Irk. Senior staff to meet there in two hours." Shifting his attention back to the Arrain before him... "Arrain, au is relieved of au current post- report to Ranger detachment six on the Ts`Irk."

< insert the Ku and Elq logs here >

Raith swings around, followed by his escorts, and disappears back into corridor. Leaving Ryu, Nerik, and their Revellion captors to digest their orders.

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