SRR Morrahe`VnuChapter Seventy-Six: The Time Weapon
[Oira of the SRR Morrhae'Vnu.....]

The crew is recovering from the Klingon assault, but is rapidly transwarping away from the battle and is now in the clear. After getting the Klingon-blade-mark on his back removed and getting the all-clear of Klingons, Rylan ordered the lifts turned back on and takes TL 5 back to the Oira to report in. "Pest are controled, rekkhai." he announces with a slight smirk as his feet hit the deck.

Rhagarokk, huffing and puffing with his Kaleh still drawn, turns "Ie, menkha. Probably the most efficient operation this ship's crew has ever done..." he sheathes his kaleh and sits back down into his command throne.

Rylan grins proudly, reminding himself to tell that to Vyynd later, "Any word yet from the Hydra, rekkhai?"

"None... and I'd complain about their complete lack of communications or help but I'm convinced they have the ship bugged."

Glancing around the Oira, not likeing the sound of that at all, Ry offers hopefully "Perhaps they're still dealing with their own Klingons...." then switches subjects, "Our location, rekkhai?"

Rhagarokk glances down at his side display, "Very close to the target point, 20 seuren-a. I'd have hoped for more prep time then this, but io does what io can with the situation. Alert all departments that we've dispatched with the Klingons and to prepare for arrival at the time weapon. I want status reports from all departments as soon as possible."

"Ie rekkhai.." Rylan taps open a shipwide com and relays that message, being sure to add the note that departmental reports are to be sent asap. Pausing a moment, Rylan hesitantly admits, "The science department never did figure out just how the Empress mangaged to do what she did, rekkhai....nor how to get us back....."

Rhagarokk grins at this, "I have a theory on that..."

"Ie?" Rylan quirks up a brow, looking back to the Leih.

"Alright, while I have a rough idea of how to do what she did, from what I can extrapolate from the working model in my head, I think that the alternate universe she created with her weapon wasn't satisfactory. In her madness, she thought that eliminating her enemies from time would have na further impact on the timeline. But in fact, this was na true at all, and this alternate universe was even worse off for her. So she ordered another change to change things back to base timeline. Our temporal shielding kind of messed with this whole thing, leaving us temporarily in a bubble of an alternate reality."

Seeing the status report start to roll in, Rylan assembles them all into one big chunk and sends them to the Leih's chair while he listens. Looking back up at Rhagarokk's last, he asked, "Was there any chance of na getting back at all...because of the shielding, I mean?"

"Ie, there was a chance..." the Leih nods, "but those are the risks that io runs being on this ship. It's very important what we do, but it means great risk. What I'm worried about now is how the Time Weapon stayed immune to the changes. If it had temporal shielding like we do, it would have phased back at the same time we did. But I think it goes beyond that... to a level of existing outside of time."

Rylan looks blankly at Rhagarokk a moment, and mentally kicks himself for not paying attention in Science class like he should've. "Ah...nathing can exist outside of time...or so I thought, rekkhai..." he smiles weakly.

"Ie, that is the logical assumption... and I'm blasted if I know how it does it. And I don't know what will happen when we go up against it... if we'll be able to affect it at all..." Rhagarokk pauses to look over the departmental reports.

"If it bleeds, it can be killed. If it exists it can be destroyed." Rylan shrugs as that problem seems simple enough to him. "The weapon is a machine like any's got to have a weakness somewhere on it."

Rhagarokk grins, "But that's the question, isn't it? Does it really exist?"

"Well, I hope so..." Rylan grins back, " Cause it just pushed us back to a time that shouldn't have been."

Rhagarokk cocks an eyebrow, "That's the spirit. They may have some neat trick, but they cannot stand up against the weight of our scientific might. The various departments look like they're at readiness, and getting in some preliminary long range scans..."

Heading over to the Tac station to get a glimps of what the long range sensors were picking up, Rylan jokes, making light of the whole thing, "Besides, if this time weapon didn't do it, then we've got bigger problems as we're heading for the wrong target."

Rhagarokk gives a single laugh out loud, "That'd sure make the Hydra mad..." he pauses, then gives out the readings from his chair, "Mostly as expected... a really big object in a state of temporal flux emitting chronitons. Rylan, inform the crew that we will be entering sensor range in 5 seuren-a and to stand ready."

"Ie rekkhai..." Ry opens the ship wide channel and calls all necessary crew to the Oira, the others to their respective posts.

"Condition Red!" the Leih calls out.

Rylan hits the shiny red button on the Tac console, only to hear the ship's computer come back with, "Unable to comply. Already at Condition Red."

Grinning at that, Ry looks back over to Rhagarokk, "We never stood down from the Klingon attack....."

The Leih chuckles at this, "Stand down to Condition Green, THEN go to Condition Red." Rylan shrugs, complying with that request, chuckling himself as that was probably confusing the heck out of the rest of the crew. "There..." Rhagarokk nods, "Gonaiih, bring us out of Transwarp at a safe distance from the target, disengaging temporal cloak and engaging phase cloak."

"Ie rekkhai...." the Gonaiih nodded. After a slight pause, he reported, "Coming out of transwarp now...."

"Disengaging temporal cloak...." Rylan announces, taping the appropraite buttons, "Phase cloak on, rekkhai..."

"Full scan!" the Leih orders, "Bring the target up on the main viewer!"

The large, silver, nearly monolithic Time Weapon looms on the screen, but the viewer is unable to completely focus on the blurred object. Grasping his command chair, Rhagarokk say determindly, "Let's do this...."

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