SRR Morrahe`VnuChapter Seventy-Five: After the Skirmish

After the Klingon intruders seemed to be well on their way to being killed...injured Rihannsu beam in or walk into medbay. More medical assistants arrive, and the Medlab is awash in activity.

Rylan, still angry over being ignored from the Com-tap, steps closer to D`Tarik as the Medical-man straightens and goes back to Emni. "Well?" he asks in a insitant tone, "Why didn't au answer me, then?" Rylan pauses a moment, watching D`Tarik quietly work on Emni as if the rest of the Medbay didn't exist. DT, knowing that Emni's skull had been cracked, and still doing poorly, can't seem to figure out why the wound is affecting her so badly as she should've come to by now. Looking down at the girl, Rylan raises a brow of concern and asks gently, "Can I help?"

"I'm na fully sure what is wrong..." DT looks up at the taller boy, his face etched in distress.

Leaning in a little closer to get a better look at Emni, Rylan asks, "Run a brain-scan on her? Maybe she had pressure on it from where her skull cracked open...?"

"Na..." D`Tarik shakes his head, ashamed of himself, "I haven't done that yet...guess I'm na thinking right..." he explains, beginning to run the scan. Rylan pauses to look at him again, noticing that DT doesn't seem to be his usual, professional self where Emni's concerned.

Katara, not knowing anything better to do, had decided to see what she can do for the injured parties in medbay. Spying one that doesn't seem too bad off, though he's holding his head in pain, she heads over to him and asks hesitantly, "Can I help au?" Picking up a scanner when the Farien didn't answer, she runs it over him hoping to pass it off to a more experienced medical officer if she could manage to flag one down. Trying to smile, she asks quietly, "What's ninte name, Farien?"

"Gehan tr`Tahn...." he mumbled back.

Katara smiles again and bows her head, "Gehan...where does it hurt the most?" she asks. Not able to read the scanner, she casts a 'lost look' over her shoulder to DT.

"The top of my head." he answers, looking up at her, one hand still holding the place where it hurt.

Still working on Emni, D`Tarik hears Katara's exchange with the Fairen as the pair were at the next biobed over. Not turning around to face them, he says, "Katara, check for a visable wound. Then, if au find io, let me know. If na, run a brain scan."

Katara nods at this, then does as instructed. Not seeing anything where the Farien said it hurt, she started another scan, biting her lip at knowing she couldn't even read the first one, "Are au seeing things okay?" she asks, "How did it happen?"

"Na really." the Farien squints at her, "I'm seeing two of everything...."

Katara sighs at this, a lost expression on her face, "Maybe au have a concussion then...."

Growing a little alarmed with the level of uncertainty Katara was displaying, tr`Tahn asks confused, "Are au even a docter?!"

tr`Rogel, already finished with two paitients heads over at Katara's last. "Na, she's na." he takes the scanner out of her hand, "But *I* am!" He skims over the scan readings a moment.

"Ahhh good." Farien tr`Tahn nods appreciatively, "Real medical attention!"

Katara, standing back from tr`Rogel turns to see the Tal`Shiar agent that she had seen in Rylan's company once or twice. Vyynd and Aeris and a few other of the security officers carry in some of the wounded from their ranks. Katara bows her head to him, "Jolan`tru rekkhai..." then sighs and motions around the room, "Just set them anywhere..."

"Jolan`tru." he answers absently, laying the security officer he carried on his shoulder down to an available biobed.

"Do au know anything about medicine, rekkhai? They could use your help."

"I know enough." Vyynd nods, helping the others lay the injured down on empty biobeds. "But I wouldn't want to be the executor of mal-practice....?" he almost smiled.

"Well...if au know first better lend a hand." she answers matter-of-factly, and heads over to one that suffered from minor cuts as she was rather good at fixing that kind of ailment.

Vyynd nods at that, "Ie then..." and starts administering minorly to the first security personel he brought in.

Rylan opens one of Emni's eyes gently and shines a penlight in it. "Her pupils dialate alright...." he looks back to DT, "What's the scans picking up then?"

Turning to glance at Ry again, D`Tarik shakes his head, "The scan is na picking up anything...I don't know what's wrong." he answers, highly confused, "She stopped breathing earlier..."

Rylan only shrugs at this, and picks up a nearby hypospray to hold it out to him. "Maybe if au shot her full of stimulent?" he asks hopefully, "That might wake her up."

Glancing around the medbay to see if the assistants were getting along all right, D`Tarik turns back, "I already tried stuff like that." he waves the hypospray away from him, "Na-thing is working."

Rylan shrugs again, setting the hypospray back down on a tray, "Well, give her a moment to recover then." he glances around the medbay himself, 'Au have ninte hands full with everything else..."

"Au are right....." D`Tarik answered with an imperciptible sigh, "Please keep an eye on her for me, Rylan?"

"Ie." Ry nods, pulling over a chair, "Sure."

"If anything happens, get me right away!" D`Tarik insists, hesitating by Emni's bed. He didn't want to leave her, but knew he had duties to attend to.

"Ie, ie, ie." Rylan waves him away, keeing an eye on Emni's lifesigns, "Go do ninte job...." DT pauses a moment more, then heads over to a security officer who lost an arm to a Bat`leth.

tr`Rogel shined a pen-light into tr`Tahn's eyes a moment, only to have the Farien slap his hand away. "Get that light out of my eyes!"

tr`Rogel shrugs, making a note on the isd in his hand, and smirks at tr`Tahn, "The light won't be a problem for long. Au have a concussion..." he explains, putting one of 'DT's Specials on Gehan's head.

"Let me out of here, I'm fine!" tr`Tahn protests, pushing himself up to a sitting position.

tr`Rogel pushes him right back down, "Na. I don't think so. Don't make me sedate au either..." he shakes a finger at the Farien, "Na with a concussion."

"I want to go back to the...back to the..." tr`Tahn tries to protest, and stops to think a moment, "Umm....what's my post?" he looks hopefully up at tr`Rogel, "I can't remember!"

tr`Rogel only grins at that. "Well, when au can remember, let me know and I'll scan au again." he turns to the next paitent.

After a quiet moment with tr`Rogel buisily repairing a broken arm, and Farien Gehan tr`Tahn staring up at the ceiling, trying to remember, tr`Tahn suddenly exclaims, "I remember!" he grins happily, "It was gonai!" the grin on his face faltered, and his brow creases in puzzelment, "Or was it....?"

tr`Rogel smiles over at the Farien, "And how are those eyes focusing now? Still seeing double?"

"Well," tr`Tahn answers, squinting at the medical assistant, "If au have two heads, I'm fine." he shrugs, and tries to stand up.

"Na!" tr`Rogel laughs, "Ninte out of luck!" his expression immediately turns serious again, "Now lay back down." Shaking his head at tr`Tahn's insistant attitude, tr`Rogel waves him towards the door, "All right then, ninte so insistant...get up and walk."

"About time au let me go!" tr`Tahn nods a little angrily and stands. He takes a few shakey steps towards the door, crashes into a wall, and falls. Sitting on the floor he mumbles to himself, "Where did that come from?"

tr`Rogel chuckles, and helps the boy back to the biobed, "See...told au so!"

"I guess I'll rest." tr`Tahn nods, "For a little while at least..."

"Ie..there's a good lad..." tr`Rogel pats Tahn's shoulder and heads over to the next paitient.

DTarik, meanwhile, starts working on stopping the bleeding of the officer who was missing an arm. Smiling encouragingly, trying to calm down the rather paniced officer he nods, "We can start growing au a new should be better then the old io."

"GROW me a new io?!?!" the pale face of the Eredh turns to DT in shock, "How?! I've gotta' be back on shift in an hour!!"

"Au won't be going to ninte shift." DT announces with a shake of his head, "Getting au a new arm is what we need to worry about. And how, is a technique of my own." he says rather proudly, "Au have na-thing to worry about..." and before the Eredh can protest, DT shoots him full of sedatives and knocks him unconscious.

Looking up at Vyynd, tr`Fhien asks through gritted teeth, "Tell me this dislocated shoulder ain't gonna' hurt in the morning."

"Don't worry." Vyynd grins. Looking about a bit confused, he manages to find some pain medicine and administers it to tr`Fhien. " hold still..." Vyynd grabs tr`Fhien's arm gently. Bracing the officer's shoulder with the palm of his hand, Vyynd quickly pops the joint back into it's socket. He pauses a moment, listening to tr`Fhien's small yipe, and smiles. "See..that was fairly painless. Though, I'd see io of the medical assistants about how to stop some pain in the morning..."

"Ie..." tr`Fhien says through still-gritted teeth, standing away from the biobed, "Hann`yyo, rekkhai."

D`Tarik, who had turned around at the yelp of pain that tr`Fhien had not been able to hold back as his shoulder joint was popped back into place, asks Vyynd in horrified concern, "Dear Elements!! What are au doing to that poor man?!?!"

Looking over to D`Tarik, Vyynd pats tr`Fhien on the back, "Helping him..." bringing a new wince of pain to Fhien's face. "Don't worry about your next, it'll be covered." he smiles to the Eredh.

"Vynnd!! We have much less barbaric ways of fixing his shoulder!" D`Tarik protests, "That's just primitive!"

tr`Fhien glances over at the Chief Medical Officer, still painfully gritting his teeth, "S`okay rekkhai..." then bows his head to Vyynd, "Ie, hann`yyo rekkkhai. I'll see au tomorrow then." But his words weren't heard over D`Tarik's angry shout.

"Get out of my medlab...HNAH!!" he screamed at Vyynd.

"D`Tarik..." Vyynd began calmly, "I doubt this man wants a microbiotic symbiotic organism injected into his bloodstream in order to rejoint his shoulder." he chuckled, then apologizes tr`Fhien for the back-pat.

Not having a clue of the medical proceedure was that Vyynd had just described, tr`Fhien agreed with a raised brow, "Na, actually. That didnt' sound so pleasing." he nods his head again at tr`Khaine and heads out.

Not noticing this, D`Tarik declairs angrily, "They won't let me do that any more, and au know it!!"

Vyynd cocks an eyebrow at D`Tarik, "Oh, sorry..." he laughs, "And I would be heading out, except *ninte* staff asked me to stay and assist them..."

"Now, this is my medbay! Na ninte security office! Au *will* do things my way in my medbay." D`Tarik's furiously retorted, "I said get out Vynnd!" he turns back around in dismissal of the Tal`Shiar agent, focusing on the unconsious security officer missing an arm again.

Vyynd moves on, cotinuing doing the medical staff's job and aid his men, being less primitive and restraing himself to only give out pain killer to tide way for what he thought of as, 'lazy ahz medical jackoff....' Another injured security officer, bleeding from a blade-wound, looks up fearfully at Vyynd as he steps closer, "Ah....rekkhai....?"

Vyynd blinks at seeing the wound, "Na to worry, tr`Rekkohan has proven best at helping blade wounds..."

The Officer looks down at himself, then back upto Vyynd, "It's all right, rekkhai... just a flesh wound really. But..." there was a long, thoughtful pause, "What was all that about symboyants?"

Vyynd laughs and bandages the wound, 'Na-thing, just a joke. He takes ludicrousity very seriously, but he also takes medicine very seriously, so not to worry." he continues on doing whatever he can for the injured officer.

"Ah," the officer smiles a little confused, "Hann`yyo rekkhai."

Chuckling over all the chaos from over in the corner, Rylan suddenly jumps at Farien tr`Tahn's angry shout, "Grrrr...THIS IS SO BORING!! I *hate* being in this cursed bed!!

Turning his attention to Tahn, Rylan asks with a smirk, "Who are au then? I know I've seen au before, but fvadt if I can place where..."

"I thought I gave au my name?!" tr`Tahn squints over. With his vision still blurry, he wasn't too sure who it was speaking to him.

Ry shrugs indiferently, "Au probably did, Farien. But I've got a whole ship of people to remember." he smirks again, "And with all the Klingons and what not...."

"How could au forget me?!" tr`Tahn asks indignately.

Ry chuckles a bit, and nods, "Ninte new here. Let's see..." he squints up at the ceiling a moment in thought, "I saw au on the Oira at io time....and au said something earlier about being a Gonai...." He pauses in his train of thought when he sees something unusual out of the corner of his eye. Turning his widened eyes to properly see this strange new developement, he quirks up a brow.

D`Tarik had placed an odd little cyborg spider-looking-thing on the stump of the security officer's arm. The strange looking contraption had several different colored testubes on it's back. But it was it's strange, almost sinister qualities that had caught Rylan's attention. Not seeing the quizzical look from the erie`Arrain, D`Tarik watches his little machine set to work, "That should prepare the wound for a new arm...." he quietly says to himself with an approving nod, then turns around to work on another paitient who suffered a few broken ribs.

"Ahh...DT?" Ry asks concerned, then raises a hand to point at the cyborg spider-thing. "What in Areinnye's *that*?!"

Vyynd walks up beside Ry at this question and looks over at the machine, "Hrm..."

"It's part of a system I have developed to re-create limbs lost in battle." D`Tarik answers proudly, applying a few silver bandages to the other officer's ribcage to start the process of knitting the bones back together, 'That is preparing his wound for treatment." Letting the silver bandages do their work, he moves on to the next paitient..this one a scientist.

Rylan, looking more then a little concerned, asks, "It's na .... Borg or anything...right?!"

"Na!" D`Tarik laughs, "Like I have ever met a real borg!" he shrugs, "It's just a little...based off the technology. Just a little...nathing more...." then adds quickly to change the subject, "How is Emni doing?" he walks towrds the biobed where she lay.

Rylan had been about to question what he ment by 'based on it a little' when his thoughts are interrupted by a nudge and whisper from Vyynd. "I once knew a Borg that put containers in his shins." tr`Khaine grins.

Grinning back up at Vyynd, Rylan nods and says low and quiet, "That could prove usefull actually....could hide a bottle of Rhennish in something like that and no io'd be the wiser." then shrugs as D`Tarik comes closer, "She's fine...still sleeping, na-thing's changed."

"Do they serve food here?" tr`Tahn asks of the assistant who came to check on him, "I'm hungry!"

Smiling down at Tahn, the Erien answers, "Ie...what would au like Farien?"

"Hmmm..." he pauses a moment in thought, "What do au have?"

"Let's see...I can bring au a bowl of stew...or hholaer..." she shrugs, "I can replicate just about anything au would like."

"I know! Do au have any of that lloann`na food called pizza?"

This seemed to startle the Erien a moment, "Ah, Pih`zha?" she repeats confused, "I suppose.... if I knew it's composition to program it into the computer." she pauses, "But I don't know it's composition, so na. Au will have to have proper Rihannsu food."

"Don't au know anything about other species?" tr`Tahn asks with an air of annoyance.

The Erien grins back, "I know enough na to trust them."

"I guess I'll have the stew and hholaer then." tr`Tahn sighs. "And whatever else au think is good."

The Erien nods, heading over to the replicator, "All right then..." tapping in a few keys, the food materializes on a tray, and she brings it back to the Farien; placing it on a tray within arms reach, before she heads off to another paitient.

"FOOD!!" tr`Tahn declairs happily, then digs in.

As D`Tarik busily attends to Emni, Rylan glances back upto Vyynd, passing a curious eye over the Tal`Shiar officer, "How fair au in the fight, Vyynd?"

"I could have used a bit of a closer shave..." Vyynd rubs his chin, "But na well. I lost a few men...heads lobbed off, bad business. So I returned the actions..."

Rylan grins widely, "Ie...I blasted a a scrap though." he looks over his shoulder at the torn and bleeding flesh, "But I returned the favor by cutting a it wasn't a total loss...." he looks back up at Vyynd with a sheepish grin, "Ah... maybe we should set up another training session for us?" he glances again at his shoulder and mumbles, "I zigged when I should have zagged...."

Vyynd laughs at that, "Ie, share a good non-alcoholic beverage every now and then as well. But for now, I should be back to the security station and begin scanning the network again...."

"Or something else of that nature if I can sneak io, I think..." Ry grumbles again quietly, then nods at tr`Khaine, "Ie...hann`yyo Vyynd. Let me know what au find."

"Jolan'tru rekkhai..." Vynnd bows to Ry and heads out.

"Hann`yyo, Vynndd..." D`Tarik calls out to the retreating figure of tr`Khaine. Vyynd waves over his shoulder as the doors close behind him.

Tahn, already finished with his food, pats his belly with satisfaction, "Ahhhh, that was great!!"

D`Tarik passes a curious glance over at the Farien, who has been ordering his staff around like common waiters, and heads over to look at the medical isd near tr`Tahn's bed. "Are au okay...?"

Tahn, his belly about to burst, nods as his eyes close sleepily, " Ah, I'm fine!" and immediately drifts off to sleep.

D`Tarik shrugs and turns back to Rylan who had gone back to looking over Emni's lifesigns, and sees the wound on the erie`Arrain's back. "We should get au fixed up...." he pauses to glance at Emni worridly.

Rylan nods at that, "Ie, that would be appreciated." he looks over to DT and shrugs again as he waves a hand over the monitor, "She's fine according to this, DT."

"I guess she's okay...just something seems off. She should've woken up by now..."

"Maybe she'll come out of it soon..." Rylan raises a brow, "Did au try an amonia tablet? That always woke au up when au passed out..."

"Ie..I did." D`Tarik nods, "Oh, well...let's get au fixed up. Go lay down on that biobed..."

Heading over to the bio-bed on the other side of Emni's so DT wouldnt' have to be too far away from her, Ry takes a seat. Sprink, who's been trying to stay out of everyone's way by sitting quietly in a far corner all this time, hops over to the chair that Ry had occupied, seeming to watch over Emni.

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