SRR AylhrChapter Forty-Two: That Which Sleeps.....
[SRR Aylhr]

She hadn't been bothered again by the strange vision she had seemed to have earlier. Had in fact, forgotten all about it on route to ch`Rihan. And once more, the Oira seemed as it had before. Everyone dutifully looking to their consoles, mostly beeps and tapping of buttons, and an issued order once in awhile to break the silence. It couldn't be just that she was new here, and it couldn't just be that they were thinking of the future fate of the Leih. It was simply that they were Galae. No unnecessary chatter allowed.

After a long, silent flight, she finally announced that they were entering Esin system, typing in the commands to bring it down to 1/2 impulse as she did so, and smiling faintly to hear the order for her to do just that as she had hit the last button, with another standard issue "Ie, Rekkhai." Moments later, they had permission to hover in orbit, and she tapped in the codes and steered the ship to the correct co-ordinances, bringing it to it's boring old hover over the planet below. It had been a long time since she had been on ch`Rihan, but as her Grandfather wasn't there anymore, what good would it do to stop down to visit?

She had waited for another hour or two, though it felt like years in the chair. She positively loathed standard orbit. But she felt the old familiar tap on the shoulder, and looked up to see an officer waiting to take the station in her stead, holding out an ISD to her. Happy enough to have hugged him (though she didn't) over having a bit of freedom while the ship hovered itself above planet, Lhoell took the ISD and let him have the chair. Moments later, and with permission to leave the Oira, she headed out, scrolling through the ISD as she went.

Standard stuff, really. Report to medical. Report to security. Get her issued gear, and find her quarters.

The Security hadn't been the problem. That seemed to go quickly enough. Getting her issued things and finding her quarters hadn't been a problem either, and to be truthful, she was rather relieved for the moment after the door had slid itself shut, leaving her alone to put her things away if that had been her wish. She hadn't. She had just thrown them down on the bed, along with herself, and let that unexpected bit of news from the Medical bay sink into her head a little more.

[Little earlier in medbay....]

Looking at the face of the officer in the medbay, Lhoell blinked her jade-green eyes a few times while looking at him blankly. Her mouth opened, then shut again. She bit her bottom lip thoughtfully as she ran this bit of news over in her mind a few times more, then looked back to him again as he typed her information into her files, and finally managed a confused sounding, "I'm what?"

The officer looked back over towards her with a raised brow and repeated his earlier statement sounding just as confused as she had been at her question. "Pregnant. Four months along, by the readings." then added with a understanding smile, "Like Reh said, it seems to be going well, na problems or complications Reh can see."

"FOUR months?" Llyriah shook her head and hopped off the biobed to snatch the ISD out of his hand that he had been copying into the files, scrolling through the medical mumbo-jumbo and trying to make sense of it. "That's impossible! Reh can't BE pregnant, let alone four months along!"

"Well...according to this..." he tapped the screen of the offending ISD, "Au are. And au`rh four months along."

"Then check it again!" she slapped his chest with the ISD, "As Reh am pretty fvadt sure Reh would've known had Reh skipped io time....let alone four!!"

So, test her again, he had. And when the second test was done, he nodded and said apologetically, "Au were right. Au`rh na four months along....."

"HA!" Lhoell had interrupted him with wise nod of her head, "See! Reh don't know what ninte game is, mister-man," she tapped his chest with an angry finger, "but that was NA funny!"

He only looked up from the ISD and held it out to her, finishing his statement blank-faced, "....Au`rh five months along."

To that, there wasn't anything to say. Utterly confused, she had only taken the ISD from his hands and left again. After she had reached her room and thought all that over, Lhoell stood herself up from the bed and crossed into the bathroom, turning on the lights with a barely spoken mumble. Looking at herself in the mirror over the sink, she turned to the side, and slowly her eyes traveled over her reflected image. And there it was. Her normally flat belly starting to round out in the tell-tale signs that yes indeed, she was carrying. That curve hadn't been there before. Not at all. But there it was now.

Running a trembling hand over the curve of her belly as her eyes left the mirror to glance down at herself, she felt the first undeniable slight movement that finally drove this new bit of information about herself home, as the sleeping child within her turned over.

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