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The False Yami:

     'Member when I said in the grave-keeper spoiler that Malik declared Rishid to be his shadow? It's a little more complicated than that. The anime dub doesn't do a very good job at explaining the specifics of this...

     When Rishid carved those marks into his face, he found a way to indirectly share Malik's pain, letting him know he wasn't alone in his suffering, and it curbed Malik's hatred. When Rishid became Malik's "shadow", he was, in essence becoming Malik's "Yami". Malik's hatred was... kinda diverted for Rishid to bear so Malik wouldn't loose his head.

Eheheheheh... I like rods and pointy things... **pause** Okay that sounded wrong...      Since a person can only have one yami at any given time, while Rishid was active, Yami Malik couldn't come out (he was "overshadowed" **snicker...coughblush**).

     When Rishid fainted from pain when Mr. Ishtar tried to kill him, Yami Malik gained control until Rishid woke. Then, when Rishid fell to Joey in the Battle City finals, Yami Malik escaped again... and this time, he wanted to make it permanent.

     Dead permanent.

<-- (lookit the knife!)

     New: Well, it's  a spoiler so much as a rant... YTV aired the whole Isis-explaining-the-creation-of-Yami-Malik thing today and when Y. Malik was standing over Rishid (like in the pic above)....... THEY EDITED OUT THE KNIFE!!! It was obvious too, 'cause the Rod's missing it's bottom half and Malik's trying to hold air in his left hand where the sheath used to be before the dubbers decided it was inappropriate for the eyes of children. 

    They've covered up all evidence that the Rod conceals a blade by colouring over it or cutting scenes, and suddenly everyone Malik's ever killed/tried to kill was/will be sent to the Shadow Realm instead (cause y'know, having your soul tortured in never-ending darkness is so much better than simply dying). Cut cut cut! 

     Yes, Liz is annoyed. Yes, Liz is talking about herself in third person. Liz is allowed her vices. **glares at the dubbers** 

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