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The Grave keepers:

     The Pharaoh's tablet has been protected for 3-5 millennia by a clan that lives underground, forbidden to see the light of day or mix with the "upper world". These people are also the guardians of the Tauk and the Rod. The Ishtars: Mr. and Mrs. Ishtar (I don't know their names), Rishid, Isis and Malik, are at the head of this clan.

Mrs. Ishtar seems to be nice enough, but Mr. Ishtar is... really... mean. x_x He doesn't seem to have much in the way of compassion and he's very strict. When he punishes people, it generally involves bloodshed and hot knives.

Well well well, what do we have here?      Rishid was found abandoned by a well when he was a baby. Taking pity on him, Mrs. Ishtar brought him into her home, since she had no children of her own. She told her husband, that if she were to have no sons of her own, Rishid would be heir and undertake the clan-leader's ceremony at the age of 10.

     Five years after Rishid, Isis was born. Mr. Ishtar was just a tad bitter about getting a daughter instead of a son, and the rift between wife and husband grew. Finally, years later,, Malik was born.

     Mrs. Ishtar seems to have died at childbirth. I'm not entirely sure, but by the time Malik is 9-ish Mrs. Ishtar seems to be permanently out of the picture and Isis is playing mother.
Wwwaaaaaaaaa! I want my CLOTHES! I call age discrimination!

     Rishid loves Malik like a brother (hey, it's logical if Mrs. Ishtar was treating him like a son), but never acts like anything more than a servant. Malik was a typical kid: energetic, curious, and utterly kawaii. :) He knew that he was destined to get the scriptures of the pharaoh carved into his back when he was 10 and frankly, he was scared out of his mind. 

     He begged Rishid to take the burden for him and was surprised when Rishid only smiled and agreed. Later that night (with Malik eavesdropping) Rishid confronted Mr. Ishtar, asking to take on the burden so that Malik could be spared the pain. Mr. Ishtar was furious and refused, claiming that Rishid was never and could never be a true member of the clan, much less clan leader.

    Sometime later, Malik underwent the ceremony.

     Rishid, in the next room, could hear every single muffled scream his "little brother" made. Helpless and pained by his failure to protect "Malik-sama", he took up a knife and carved up the left side of his face.

     When Malik staggered in, bleeding and suffering, he mumbled "Rishid... who should I hate?" only to gasp in horror when he saw Rishid's face. Head bent, Rishid claimed that it was all he could do. Suddenly laughing, Malik declared that from that day on, Rishid would be his shadow. (We've got the beginnings of insanity here ppl... but can you blame him?)
No, you DON'T want to know what's going on.


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