Due to some recent requests, I felt I needed to clarify my policy about the "non-commentary" tapes on my list.

I have already stated that I don't make these tapes "for cost", and some other requests and issues have come up recently which have made me consider and modify my policy further.

These tapes are made by people who rely on the sale of these tapes as their business. That is why I can't in good conscience offer them "for cost". If you wish to buy the tapes, I can direct you to where many of the tapes are sold, and have done that on a few occasions.

Also, when I do a trade with someone - even if one's preference is to have tapes copied in EP mode (the six to eight hour length, usually) - the videographers' tapes must be copied in SP mode. Yes, that makes for fewer events per tape, but I respect the work and the time these people put into their craft, and do not wish to 1) cause degradation in quality of their product and 2) do not wish to "flood the market" by putting as many of these events on tape as cheaply as possible.

So - this notice is both for those who needed the "for cost" issue clarified as well as those who are interested in doing a trade with me.

I must add that there are a few of these tapes which are "for listing" only and aren't available for trade. I have made a note near the top of the web pages of the items which aren't available for trade at this time.

Good luck, and good trading!!!!

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