Welcome to Heartfelt Cleaning
Bedtime Routine
1. Clean Up House Before Bed
a. Living Room: Pick up and put away things, toys, dishes, clothes, shoes.
b. Kitchen: Clean it up, shine sink, lay out clean dish cloths, and run the dishwasher.
c. Dining Room/Entrance: Clean the hotspots.
d. Review check list to make sure nothing was forgotten.

2. Think About Tomorrow Before I Go To Bed

a. Check calendar for appts.
b. Start a To Do List for tomorrow
c. Make lunches if needed.
d. Gather items for tomorrow and place at the door.
e. Mae sure boys have their things gathered and put away.
f. Lay out clothes for tomorrow.
g. Get son ready for bed.

3. Office/Computer
a. Answer any emails and return phone calls.
b. Clean desk and any hotspots.

4. Focus On Myself Before Bed

a. Shower
b. Clean face and brush teeth.

5. Reflect On Today's Accomplishments
a. Write in journal.
b. Study Bible.
c. Say prayers and get into bed.
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