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Service and Repair
Cine studio
Sound Studio
Kinor-35H (9KSN)
Kinor-35S (5KSN)
Konvas-2 M
Konvas-2 M-PL
Konvas-1 M
Konvas-1 ( 1KSR)
Rodina ( 3KSXm)
PRO Accessories
Lenses for Projector.


Russian cine cameras

- Russian professional cine cameras

- Home film processing, manual film processing tank

- Ukrainian footage


    Service and repair lab of cine cameras and lenses     repair-logo-1.jpg (8112 bytes)     

Comments, orders and questions

Service and repair of 35 mm cine camera Konvas-1M / Konvas-2M

Service and repair of cine cameras, mechanism, magazines and mechanical parts.

[ Repair of Konvas ] Modifications of Konvas motors ] Kinor-16 repair ] Kinor-16 motor modifications ] Faults of Kinor-16 ] Mechanism ] Lenses ] Designing ] Electronic ]

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The service, repair, design debugging and adjust include a few procedures.

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1. Repair, service, adjust of transport mechanism of body

-    taking to pieces, cleaning, check, grinding of parts a transport mechanism.

-        Re-polish film gate

-        Re-polish parts of transport mechanism

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-Re-lube, assembling a transport mechanism

- ballancing of base axis of mirror disk with mirror disk.

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- check and adjust of size of magazine hole.

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-        check and adjust of missing profile of transport mechanism., check of gaps on parts of transport mechnism

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- check and adjust of swash of mirror disk with microscope.

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       bench development, run-in table

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-        adjusting a flange focal distance of lens mount ,

-        bench development, run-in table, run with film magazine and film

To check condition of mechanism by " noise test "

The  noise oscillogram before service and repair.noisy-1.jpg (25910 bytes)

The noise oscillogram after service and repair.noisy-2.jpg (23891 bytes)

Service, adjust of optical parts of camera body.

- cleaning, adjust a position of a  mirror shutter disk

- adjust a sync of position of mirror disk and missing profile of transport mechanism

- cleaning, adjust a position of focusing screen by collimator,

- taking to pieces, cleaning, assemble of viewfinder channel,

- adjusting a flange focal distance of lens mount by measuring tools and collimator,

Service, adjust of viewfinder

-         taking to pieces, cleaning, check a parts a viewfinder,

-         check and adjust of position of optical parts of viewfinder

Test of camera by collimator.

Check flange focal distance of lens mount, position of mirror disk, position of ground glass.

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The final test of flange focal distance of lens mount, zoom lens, position of ground glass and position of mirror disk with collimator.


The current maintenance of mechanism of Konvas  camera.

The base points of oil gun lubrication ( 2-3 drops of lubricating liquid)service-2.jpg (40841 bytes) service-3.jpg (36107 bytes)





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