Pulp Fiction, The Stories - Story Two:

Boxer Butch Coolidge (Bruce Willis) has made a deal with Marsellus Wallace: He is supposed to throw a fight. Instead he wins.
Coming home, he finds a submachine gun on the kitchen table. It belongs to Vincent, who was sent there by Marsellus to kill Butch. Butch kills Vincent instead.
On the way back he runs into Marsellus, who pulls a .45 and chases after him.
They run into a pawnshop where Butch knocks out Marsellus and, in turn, is rifle-butted by Maynard (Duane Whitaker), the pawnshop owner. When he wakes up, he and Marcellus are tied up.
While Maynard and his friend Zed (Peter Greene) are busy in the back room doing unspeakable things to Marsellus, Butch frees himself and, with the aid of a Samurai sword, Marsellus. Marsellus promises not to go after Butch any more. Butch takes Zed's chopper and his girlfriend Fabienne and leaves L.A.

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The Stories:

1. Story One
2. Story Two
3. Story Three
4. Story Four

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