Message from the Editor

picture loading.. We not only welcome you to our website, but we also actively seek your input, and or contribution of information. Please let us know how we can improve our site - what information can be added and what enhancements and improvements can be made.

Your suggestions will help us reach our goal of making this site a valuable source for genealogical and historical information for the professional and beginning genealogist, and researcher with ties to Jiménez, Coahuila.

Jiménez was founded in December of 1859. It survived Indian attacks, natural disasters, foreign invasions, and was the site of the first pre-revolutionary armed uprising against the dictatorship government of Porfirio Diaz in September of 1906. For a small town, it has a colorful history.

It is the purpose of this website as a means of researching and sharing that research with the descendants of the pioneers who left us their legacy.

I look forward to hearing from you.

HG signature

Horacio González De Hoyos




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