At the end of each poem you will find a link to an explanation of the poem's message, meaning, intent, or maybe just a description of the setting and mood in which it was composed. This isn't intended as a crutch for people who aren't paying attention, nor an aide for overly obscure poetitude; it's just something I started doing for the hell of it and found enjoyable. I started this last year (within a couple of weeks of Christmas 2000), finished all the bits for all the existing bits week or so later, and have been adding explanations to newer poems as I added them to the page. There are two exceptions: "Upon the Death of my Grandfather After a Long Illness in Gainesville, Florida," which carries its own explanation below it; and "Mike's Desk Drawer," which, I think, speaks entirely for itself and bears no further explanation. Newer poems might lack a What It's About link, but rest assured one is on the way.

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