Letter by Tarassios Zantorozni, from Koprydalos prison, written on December 4th, the 6th day of his hunger-strike

Having been incarcerated behind bars and cement for the last six and a half months in Koridallos Prison, I ascertain that they have managed to imprison my body only. All else that is true and free I have managed to keep intact.

I am held hostage by the State because I had decided to participate in a protest demonstration. The system was seeking to find scapegoats in order to promote an image of control and administration of justice. The system’s corruption appeared in its full majesty since, from the very beginning, there were inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the police reports which, in succession, were necessarily modified when presented to the magistrate. Of course alterations, in combination with other pretexts that the interrogation set as the issue, served to delay my case so that the decision would be influenced by the six-month committee, and lead to my further imprisonment. How, indeed, could any judgment be valid that employed methods of deception and distortion of facts when there was no valid evidence against me.

Hemmed in by all possible choices, led to a dead-end, having endured the continuing injustice against my deepest being, I continue my struggle with whatever means I have left.

If they imagine that by imprisoning me they have subjugated my passion for freedom, then they are laughable. In my attempt to heighten the contradictions of a decadent system and to demonstrate its totalitarian character, I shall cease to give them the right to determine my body - as it is the only thing that they possess of me, I shall convert it into a form of struggle against them for the purpose of my release.

Thus I have been on hunger strike since Wednesday, November 29, and I ask for the immediate and unconditional release of myself and my co-defendants, the dropping of all charges and the closing of our cases. I shall not allow them to use freedom as a tool in their legal and political games. My struggle, however, will be a difficult one and will need the support and solidarity of people who are outside these walls and who support my struggle.

Consciences are not subjugated, are not incarcerated, are not directed.

Tarasios Zantorozni
C wing of Koridallos Prison

"May 6th" Anarchist Prisoners on Hunger Strike in Greece

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