Letter of hunger strikers G. Kiriakopoulos and T. Zantorozni from the hospital of Korydallos Prison
( January 2, 2007 )

This text is our joint effort to maintain contact as we continue our hunger strike fighting for our liberation.

The events of the last days cannot but make evident the real face of the State's repressive apparatus -- despite both the Government's and the Parties' frantic efforts to mislead public opinion as they once again adopt the familiar game of disclaiming responsibility. It is crystal clear that the relationship of governor and governed is neither able to change nor to adopt more humane forms.

The methods of the police, the judiciary and of their bosses, always aim to crush any voice of protest or resistance, whereas demagogic rhetoric -- of Roman impulse in a bombastic style -- glorifies praetors whose hands are daily painted in blood.

Only in a diseased imagination can the so-named administering of justice hide the evident persecutions of many activists. The case of P. Aspiotis, G. Kalaitzidis, and G. Karasarinis who are all prosecuted for expropriation of police material, as also the case of N. Kountardas, S. Malindretos, who are prosecuted for the Polyzogopoulos beatings, and also our own cases, are indicative of the efforts of an authority without evidence or summary procedure. In parallel, activists such as G. Dimitrakis are prosecuted for opposing capitalist interests.

Knowing that the form of struggle that we have chosen will meet the same confrontation, we realize that probably the duration of our proceedings will be prolonged.

With the hands of justice's ever-ready excuse of bureaucracy, the inquiry dealing with the case is proceeding to transfer responsibilities and closing the files after nearly eight months, adjourning any answer to release appeals until after winter recess. The intolerance and the use of similar subterfuge seemingly intend to annihilate us psychologically, naturally indifferent to our health. This position demonstrates that it is nothing other than the spearhead of a totalitarian system.

Out time in prison has strengthened the conviction that justice is something other than blind. The recent release of the "godfathers" as well as the sharks of the parajudiciary, demonstrates the generally held belief that justice employs various measures and standards.

Now in the prison's hospital, we are discovering that this place cannot form an exception to the long list of inappropriate places of confinement and lack of interest. Even our examinations lack credibility since one diagnosis describes pathological problems which in the next disappear as if by magic.

Visual problems have begun, Tarasios is in an especially weakened condition, although I too have problems of an over-concentration of uric acid in the blood. We will continue our struggle nevertheless, and not become pawns in their game.

The trial, underway these days, of all the three activists (P. Aspiotis, G. Kalaitzidis, and G. Karasarinis) whose only "offence" was to refuse to become informers, constitutes a critical turning-point in the road towards autocracy that Greek justice has taken. Towards these activists, we express our solidarity and support.

In closing, we would like to express our solidarity with the just struggle of those incarcerated in Ioannina Prison. Nonetheless, it is a public secret that the term 'prison' is boldly used in the specific circumstance which, essentially, more closely approaches stables, asphyxiatingly packing-in human souls.

The solidarity that so many people have shown us has literally embraced us and given us strength and courage in these difficult days. What can be more important than to know that we are not alone!

Hunger strikers

Gerasimos Kiriakopoulos

Tarasios Zantorozni


"May 6th" Anarchist Prisoners on Hunger Strike in Greece

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