Prisoners' Letter from the Hospital
January 25, 2007

Today, from Nikaia hospital where we continue to be, we send warm greetings to the University Occupation assembly and to the ever-expanding solidarity with our own situation. The prosecution's decision as well as the fact that as of this moment the committee that will be examining our case has not convened - proves, for yet another time, that whoever battles for freedom and dignity is an enemy of authority who must be destroyed.

We are not heroes, we love life, but there can be no life without freedom and dignity. We are fighting with our lives not only for our own immediate release but also for that of K. Katsadouras. The three of us being held in prolonged custody is illegal even by the laws of this same hypocritical authority.

Our struggle cannot end, it is a one-way path until we are vindicated. Whatever games the authority is undertaking to play upon our backs do not concern us - because they cannot subjugate our conscience and our dreams. VERY SIMPLY, THEY SHALL NOT SUCCEED AND ONE WAY OR ANOTHER THEIR FACADE SHALL BE REVEALED BEFORE THE WHOLE OF SOCIETY.

Our collective struggle continues.

Tarasios Zantorosni and Gerasimos Kiriakopoulos
Nikaia, 25-01-2007

"May 6th" Anarchist Prisoners on Hunger Strike in Greece

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