Report from the Street Action Against the Cops in Vancouver

By Nobody Special, March 16, 2006 / Vancouver, Canada

Last night, on the International Day Against Police Brutality (March 15), about 50 people marched down Hastings Street from Victory Square to the cop shop on Main Street.

An indigenous person made a short speech before the march took off, saying that Vancouver cops are an invading force on Native land and that indigenous people here didn’t have cops before colonization.

Most people in the march wore masks to conceal their identity from the police. Hip hop, metal and punk tunes, mostly with anti-cop lyrics, were played from a ghetto-blaster. The crowd shouted "Fuck the Cops!"

An unmarked police vehicle and a cop standing next to it with a video camera were pelted with many eggs at the start of the march.

A journalist who was taking photos of the march was attacked by masked rebels. This made the media vulture back off a bit.

The Main Street police station was hit with a bunch of paint-bombs and a bottle was thrown at the court building next to the police station.


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