site design & created by : rtr. sanjay das, on behalf of rotaract club of imphal


Manipur's capital city, Imphal. has harmonised itself seamlessly into its beautiful
natural environment. The pretty township is the very heart of the official. Commercial
and cultural activities of the state. Visitors can enjoy some of its special attractions
before moving out of town into its great outdoors to savour Manipuri culture in all its
richness and variety.
Imphal's historic Vaishnavite centre, Shri Govindaji Temple is located close to the
Royal Palace. This interesting structure with its twin domes has a paved courtyard
and a great assembly hall where devotees congregate to participate in various
devotional activities. On either side of the presiding deity are the shrines of Krishna,
Balaram and Jagannath. The Ras Leela dance performances held here are

Imphal's Khwairamband Bazar or IMA Market is quite an unusual market - almost
3000 Imas or mothers, man the stalls in this unique bazar. Stalls are lined on either
side of the road. On one side, the stalls hawk anything from farm produce to fresh
fish, and a dazzling selection of groceries. Opposite these, are a row of stalls selling
exquisite handlooms and household tools. In a street, not so far away you can pick
up some of the most exquisite wicker works and traditional basketry.
In the heart of Imphal. at the Bir Tikendrajit Park lies a monument known as the
Shaheed Minar. This memorial pillar was raised to pay homage to the indomitable
spirit of the Meitei and tribal martyrs who sacrificed their lives while fighting the
British in 1891.

Managed by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, are the beautifully kept
War Cemeteries, which commemorate the British and Indian soldiers who died
during the Second World War. Each grave carries a little stone marker and bronze
plaque recording the sacrifice of these martyrs.




Manipur has at least 500 different varieties of orchids. The Central Khonghampat
Orchidarium, just 7 km away from Imphal. offers visitors an excellent opportunity to
see at least 110 species, which are showcased here. The Orchidarium is doing
exceptional work on propagating some of the rare species. Its 200 acres are host to
many rare varieties of orchids, which include almost a dozen endemic species. The
finest time to see these blooms is in March-April when they look their very best.

Go to see the rare but incredibly graceful Sangai (brow antlered deer) at the Manipur
Zoological Gardens. The zoo (6 km) lies on the verdant base of the pine growing
hillocks at lroisemba on the Imphal-Kangchup road.


Set amidst stands of jackfruit and pine, Langthabal (8 km down the Indo-Myanmar
road) is dotted with relics of an old, historic palace, temples of architectural
importance and ceremonial houses,

It is ideally located for those delightful views and a glimpse of Manipur University.

The health resort of Kangchup, 16 km from Imphal, offers lovely views of the Manipur
valley from its lofty perch at a height of 921 m.


Close to the Waithou Lake, on the Indo-Burma road, is a village famous for


On the lofty heights of the Kaina Hills (29 km) lies a legendary temple where the
famous Ras Leela dance is performed on particular days.


Khongjom, 36 km on the Indo-Burma road, is known for the martyrdom of Manipur's
Major General Paona Brajabashi in 1891. Khongjom Day is celebrated on April 23
every year.


You can also enjoy grandstand views of the Manipur valley from Tengnoupal (69
km), the highest point on the Imphal-Burma road.


Moirang used to be the focal point of Manipur's early Meitei culture. Located 45 km
from Imphal. the town has an ancient temple of the pre-Hindu deity Lord Thangjing.
Every May, men and women, dressed in colourful traditional costumes sing and
dance during the Lai Haraoba ritual dance festival to honour the deity.

Moirang played an important role during India's freedom struggle. The flag of the
Indian National Army (INA) was first raised at Moirang on April 14,1944. At the INA
Museum, you'll discover a host

of letters, photographs, badges of ranks and other memorabilia of the martyrs of the
INA (headquartered here during World War II) who fought under the dynamic
leadership of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose against the Allies.

Loktak lake and Sendra Island

One of the most enchanting and biggest freshwater lakes in the North East is
Manipur's Loktak Lake, just 45 km from Imphal. The Sendra Island Tourist
Bungalow offers dazzling views of the lake, its rich plant and avian life and the
intriguing floating weed, shallow bowl-like islands (Phumdl) and the fishermen who
live on them harvesting water chestnuts. Situated in the middle of the lake, the
tourist home has a cafe and makes an ideal look-out. Boating has been introduced
along the lakes labyrinthine waterways. Also on the southern part of the lake is the
world's only floating National Park, the Keibul Lamjao National Park. the unique
habitat of the rare sangai, the brow antlered deer or the 'dancing deer'. The entire
lake complex is a wildlife enthusiast's dream.


Famed for its stoneware, Bishnupur, 27 km from Imphal on the Tiddim Road, has
the brick Bishnu temple (15th century). The unusually small bricks of the temple
show Chinese influence (possibly during the reign of King Kiyamba) according to
some sources.


Manipur's popular and highest hill station is Ukhrul 83 km away. It is famous for
those lovely Siroi lilies, which grow here in abundance. The nearby lime caves of
Kangkhui are worth visiting. It is also the headquarters of the Tangkhul Nagas.

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About Imphal

Govinda Temple
Shri Govindaji
ima market
Saheed Minar
War Cemetery




Cymbidium Tigrinum Orchid

Tigrinum Orchid

Siroi Lily

Siroi Lili

Dendrobium Chrysotoxum
Platicerium Wallichii Orchid
Khongjom War Memmorial
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Loktak Lake
Bishnu Temple
People at Loktak on Picnic
View of Ukhrul

Shri Shri Govinda Ji

Adventure Sports

Fairs & Festivals

Getting There

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