Actor: Stig Eldred
Biography: A warlord and the elder brother of Demetrius. When he learned his brother's death was at Hercules hands. He captured Iolaus and tortured him to reveal Hercules' location. Iolaus escaped using his celebrated old hunter's tricks. Maceus freed Echidna from her imprisonemnt and allied with her. Hercules confronted them and Echidna killed Maceus by accident with one of her tentacles.
Actress: Katrina Hobbs
Biography: As head virgin in the Festival of Dionysus, Marysa was to be first to drink the wine blessed by the God. If Dionysus was pleased with the King, nothing would happen. But if he was displeased, the virgins would go beserk and kill the king and queen and the head virgin would marry the heir to the throne. The evil Prince Pentheus had Ares possess the wine so the evil god could control the virgins and make them kill the king and queen, but Hercules was able to stop them killing the king and queen. Marysa then married Pentheus' younger brother Nestor.
Actor: Ian Mune
Biography: The cruel owner of an arena of death. Manas Maxius likes nothing better than to watch slaves fight. He is also hoping to impress the even more sadistic Postera however, and so he makes the gladiatorial combats fights to the death. He got more than he bargained for when he tried to amke Hercules a gladiator as he led a revolt of the slaves against Menas and had him and Postera exiled.
Actor: Martyn Sanderson
Biography: King of Scyros. He liked to be thought of as an inovator and wanted to stamp out barbaric traditions in Scyros. When Autolycus robbed his treasury, Iolaus got the blame and it is only by his daughter Dirce's knowledge of the traditional law that bought Hercules enough time to bring Autolycus back so Iolaus could get off the hook.
Actor: Neil Holt
Biography: The leader of the gang of bigots who burnt Lyla and Deric's home. Merkus was not satisfied with this and also murdered Lyla. He and Jakar then told everyone that Deric had gone mad and burnt his own home and killed Lyla to turn the townspeople against him. Deric confronted Merkus and killed him although Deric claimed it was in self-defence.
Actor: Noel Trevarthen
Biography: King famous for his golden touch. When this curse was removed, Midas' kingdom was struck with famine and desperately needed money. Midas entered into a business deal with Voluptua and Segallus where they would run The Touch of Gold Gambling Palace together. The partnership was far from equal though. Midas was little more than a figurehead while Voluptua and Segallus took over the kingdom. Hercules helped him come to his senses and saved him from a deadly trap set by his evil partners. Midas closed the casino and pledged to run the kingdom properly.
Actor: Anthony Ray Parker
Biography: After being released from his imprisonment by two greedy treasure-hunters, the Minotaur started terrorising the villagers of Alturia by luring them into his labyrinth before hunting them down and killing them. Hercules and Iolaus travelled to Alturia to stop him and managed to track him down in his Labyrinth. The Minotaur revealed that like Hercules, he was a demi-god and the son of Zeus, but he had been turned into the Minotaur by Zeus as punishment for misusing his gifts. Hercules refused to kill his own brother and it was only when he threatened Iolaus that Hercules was forced to kill him. As the Minotaur was dying, Zeus appeared and changed the Minotaur back into a human, allowing him to die with some dignity.
Actress: Karen Witter, Teresa Hill, Kimberly Joseph
Biography: A divine assassin who delivers justice on mortals on behalf of the Gods. She was an old flame of Hercules, but she didn't let that interfere with her work: Both Iolaus and Salmoneus were targets for her at various times and it took Hercules some effort to convince her not to kill them. Nemesis decided that she would kill only those she judged deserved it, not who the Gods told her to kill. This did not sit well with Hera and Nemesis was stripped of her immortality and powers. Hercules later ran into her and her baby son Evander who had strange powers of levitation. Nemesis told Hercules that he was Evander's father, but secretly it was Ares and she was hoping Hercules would protect her and Evander from the God of War and Discord who saw Evander as a threat to her chances of being Ares' number two. Hercules managed to protect Nemesis and Ares agreed to keep Discord in check. Nemesis and Evander lived together contendedly for several years until Zeus took Evander to Olympus - he said it was so he wouldn't accidentally harm Nemesis, but it was really so he could use his powers to free Hera from the Pit of Tartarus.
Actor: Cliff Curtis
Biography: Nemis was a good centaur who fell to evil out of desperation. His childhood friend Penelope saddened him by choosing Marcus instead of himself as her husband and Hercules had killed his brother Nessus. Nemis decided to deal with both problems at once. Working together with the centaurs Deric and Craesus, he blinded Hercules and took Penelope captive at her wedding, hiding her in a cave. Hera gave him a magic club with which to kill Hercules if he tried to take her back. Hercules did so and in the ensuing fight the cave began to collapse. Wanting to protect Penelope more than anything else, he held the cave roof stable while Hercules rescued her and her maid of honour. The cave collapsed as the three escaped and Nemis died a hero
Actor: Cliff Curtis
Biography: This centaur was once a friend of Hercules, but he found himself falling for Hercules' wife Deianera and conspired against the demi-god. When the Nurian maiden Iole came to Hercules' home to ask him to travel with her to her hometown of Gryphon, where a hole to the Underworld had opened up, Nessus told Deianera that Hercules would leave her for Iole. Deianera didn't belive him and so Nessus tried to rape her, but he was killed by Hercules who shot him from afar. As he lay dying, Nessus told Deianera that if she gave her cloak smeared with his blood to Hercules he would stay faithful. This was a trap however and the cloak tried to crush Hercules when he later put it on. When Hercules entered the Underworld, he met Nessus in Tartarus who mocked him and told him Deianera had killed herself thinking the cloak had killed Hercules.
Actor: Jonathan Blick
Biography: The younger son of King Iphicles and Queen Camilla of Meliad. Nestor was sent by his mother to find Hercules because she suspected foul-play at the Festival of Dionysus. Nestor and Hercules found that Nestor's brother Pentheus had made a pact with Ares to kill his parents and make him king. The plan was foiled and Nestor was made heir to the throne. He later married Marysa.
Actress: Lucy Liu
Biography: She and her fiance Cyrus were tricked and enslaved by the slave-master Belus. Not wanting to see her in the hands of a cruel master, Hercules paid Belus for her. He tried to help her, but she did not appreciate his help at frist. Eventually she warmed to him and the two of them set out to find Cyrus. Cyrus thought that Hercules wanted her for himself and tried to kill Hercules. He sent Hercules flying over a cliff and took Oi-Lan away only to run straight into Belus who promptly enslaved them again. Hercules freed them and Belus' other slaves and Oi-Lan and Cyrus decided to start a new life in Greece.
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