What is the Giant Slug Brigade?
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A later message contained just two words - "Cole slaw!". But we have naught to fear! A new weapon to aid in the fight against slugs has been developed - the Cabbageblaster 2000!
If any further serious threat is shown, contact will be made with the Cabbage Berzerkers and the Veggie Squad, the former Alliance's two militant branches which are ready and willing to defend their green comrades over the world and the cabbage way of life!
11th August 1998 - The Slug Brigade have been defeated by the combined efforts of The Cabbage Berzerkers and The Veggie Squad! Using Iodisers loaded with Slugs Begone salt, the two groups infiltrated the slug's headquarters once again and its members dissipated around the world. But, for how long?
31st July - Casey the Cabbage sent pleas for help to the Cabbage Berzerkers.
Circumstances mean we must act now. I have escaped the Slug Brigade prison with The Veggie Squad and am ready to attack. Armed with the new slugs-be-gone salt we shall defeat the Slug Brigade for good. I suggest Habbage coordinates the attack from the Cabbage HQ while Casey and Erik with The Cabbage Berzerkers help me and the Veggie Squad attack. Yours in battle Captain Cabbage
HABbage!!!!!!! I have terrible news!!! I couldn't email you cuz it would be too late!! I can't talk for very long. Luckily I used my handy Cabbage communicator. Anyway, the Slugs have planned beyond what we thought they were capable of!! I can see them coming in from the distance from my Garden Quarters. They are moving into our territory and into the Cabbage Alliance. I know you may not believe me cuz slugs are so slow, but you have to warn everyone quick! And I mean quick! They should reach the Cabbage Alliance at approximately 1900, 7:00 eastern time TODAY!!!! That would be Noon New Zealand time!!! We gotta clear out or something and I gotta save my-`#!$ self!!!!!!!! Ah...$#...hhh!!!!-Gabby Cabbage
Together this group of fearless cabbages will defend the Cabbage Alliance against the evil slugs.
Oh mighty Cabbage, I ask for permission to save our Cabbages behind enemy lines. I have begun work on the iodizer, a top secret weapon of mass destruction for slug kind, but I have began to recruit brave Cabbages that want to defend the Alliance. Each will be issued an iodizer with which to defend themselves. The name of the force will be the CABBAGE BERZERKERS. We need brave cabbages to join up ASAP, I will begin contact missions to CAPTAIN CABBAGE and CASEY CABBAGE. I will transmit new plans for their own iodizers, if it's not already too late {perish the thought}
Now cabbages are suppose to be kind and gentle, but we need a force to protect us. So to all cabbages that are willing to join me and fight back, begin training hard (we except no wilted leaf Cabbages, we need strong leaves) So get out in the sun and build some leafs brothers and sisters, more plans to come.Thank you for considering me worthy to help oh Mighty Cabbage.
Yesterday I looked over some of the slug's mail (not email) there was some funny stuff in that pile of mail. ;). The slug that's supposed to watch me (he doesn't do that much though) has a girlfriend named Cindy Slug, she sent him a picture of herself and yuk she was UGLY. Other letters were bills but the last letter was a letter from a CABBAGE!!!!!!!!!!! The name was kinda hard to read but it said:
Dear Captain of the slugs, There is an impostor in the Brigade. It went on explaining about ME, so I'm not going to the brigade today. Casey the Cabbage
I'm in the brigade - I was accepted! I wore a disguise this time, it was a good thing I did too, cuz the slug that interviewed me was wearing glasses! He asked me strange slug questions I didn't understand very well, but I could make out some of the words and answer enough right to be accepted in :).
The Recent News About The Slug Brigade They have already started rebuilding the lab there, and they're working VERY fast. At the rate they're working they'll be done in at least only one week! I found the antidote in the stupid fort like place. I wrote it down but was caught! I had to think quick, I told the slug that I was copying it down for the leader, and was to burn the WHOLE book after I was finished, well... there's good news and there's bad news. The good news is I successfully burnt the book after copying the antidote, the bad news is they DID catch me. I got in trouble and am stuck under strict supervision; I still can listen to plans and write it down in my note pad :) but it will be harder.Gotta go I'm on the slug's computer and he's coming back,
-Casey the Cabbage
P.S. the only reason he let me alone is cuz I'm strapped to a chair :)
Slug News
1. They THINK that one of the REAL slug members stole the poor cabbages.
2. I stole the recipe for their cabbage killing missile, so they have to start over. That should stall them to a later date.
3. Their lab set on fire today, so it'll be a long time before they can start research on their cabbage killing missile.
I hate slugs! Yesterday my brother (Mr. Purple) was in my backyard and was threatened by a slug! I almost decided to use my research in bombs and make one that would kill all slugs world wide (only slugs). But I decided not to. I found more info on the upcoming attack. It will be sometime in August but I have no official date from them. I'll snoop some more today and see if I can learn anything more out. -Casey the Cabbage
Dear HABbageFortunately, Captain Cabbage survived the surprise attack with the help of the quickly formulated Slug-to-cabbage formula, Slugs Begone!
The sub-group is still in the preparation stages since we had a disaster just recently with the 'giant slug brigade' attacking out group. Sadly we lost a few of them but those that survived are making excellent recoveries. Anyway, how is the cabbage alliance growing? Are there many more .....oh my God.........They've found me.........I don't know how.........but they have.............farewell.........this may be.......the.......last.......message..........ever..................
Be warned cabbages! We are here and we shall not be defeated! Surrender Cabbage Alliance. We leave our mark of destruction wherever we go. We are everywhere, all seeing and all knowing! We know where you live! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!
The Giant Slug Brigade.