Saiyan Summary
What's In The Site
Seven Years have pased since the end of the DragonBall series, and Goku has settled down after he and Chi-Chi have their first Child, Gohan. All is peaceful Until Goku's evil brother, Raditz lands on the Earth. He tells Goku that he belongs to an alien race known as the Saiyan, and that he was supposed to exterminate all the life of Earth so it could be sold to the highest bidder.
However, Since Goku hit his head as a kid. he forgot his orders and became a peace-loving child.
Raditz affered goku to join him in conquering the universe, but of course he was turned down. Angered that he would not  do his bidding, Radditz kidnap Gohan and tells Goku to Kill 1 hundred Humans in exchange for Gohan. Of course Goku Did Not.

Instead Goku Teams up with his Arch-rival Piccolo to get his son back. Both attacking at the same time, Goku and Piccolo Fight Radditz in a Hard battle, Piccolo tells Goku about an attack his been working on bit it takes a little while to power up and Goku has to fight alone with Radditz for about 5 minutes so Goku does he puts a Good fight he sends a Kamehameha at Raditz with a powerlevel of 924 Radditz Cancelled it out. Piccolo fires he's Special Beam Cannon but misses. Gohan enraged by the pain being done to his father, attacks Radditz and greatly weakens him. Goku manages to get Radditz in a hold, and he tells Piccolo to fire his attack so Piccolo charges it up and fires it with a power of 14,40 hitting Radditz and Goku directly in the chest. they both die.

Before Radditz dies, Piccolo tells Radditz that Goku will be back in a matter of weeks and Radditz ask's how so Piccolo tells him about the Dragonballs then Radditz has the last laugh and tells Piccolo and Goku who is still alive that the Scouter is also a communiction device and that two other Saiyan called Nappa and Vegeta will arrive on Earth in one Year to make a wish. Annoyed Piccolo delivers the final blow killing Radditz shortly after Goku Dies.

At King Yama's place Goku is told that he is to go to King Kai's planet to train, in which to get ther Goku has to cross the 1 million mile Snake Way Goku agrees and sets of.

Months have passed and Goku is still on Snake way, and he is yet to have reached King Kai's planet, on his way he runs into a passing demon and is offered a lift, Goku accepts but he falls asleep and a bump in the road knocks him off snake way and into the land of no return (Hell) when Goku awakes he finds two demons staring at him and then he is informed that he has fallen of snake way and is in hell and that the only way out is to bet both demons in a contest Goku easily wins both contests and his shown the way out, but when he comes out he finds that he is at the begining of Snake Way and he has to start the journey again.

Meanwhile Piccolo begins to teach Gohan how to survive on his own in the wildness aswell as training himself. When Piccolo thinks Gohan is ready he trains him personally and this routine leaves Gohan Beaten Badly.

Krillin, Yamacha, Tien, Chaozu and Yajirobe head to Kami's tower to train for the arrival of the Saiyans. The Various training methods take there powers above 1 thousand.

When Goku finally reaches King Kai's, he undertakes a series of training exercises that seem pointless to Goku. His first task is to catch King Kai's monkey Bubbles, who is used to to the high gravity
of the planet. Goku finds that it is quite a chore to chase something with a gravity of 10x Earth's normal Gravity.
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Eventually Goku does catch Bubbles. Goku' second task involves hitting Gregory, a flying Cricket creature, with a heavy mallet, goku finishes that task with ease. it' at this time that King Kai finally teaches our hero some techniques like the Spirit Bomb and the Kaio-ken power-up move.

The Saiyans arrive so master Roshi and the others wish Goku back so goku starts his long jounerney back along snake way luckly King Kai's training had increased his speed.

The year is over and the saiyans have arrived in a heavy populated city. After which the destroy it they head to battle Piccolo and the others asseseing their apponents, Vegeta notices that one of the warriors, Piccolo, is an alien known a Namek. The Saiyans un-leash six Saibamen one on one and they agree. Tien is the first to go and he makes quick work of the first Saibaman. Yamacha goes next, and beats the next Saibaiman but when Yamacha back is turned the Saibaiman jumped onto Yamacha's back and destroyed himself and Yamacha. Growing boared Vegeta orders the Saibaiman to all attack at once, but the  Saibaimen are no match for the Z warriors.
Now that the Saibaiman are all deafted Vegeta tells Nappa to have some fun so he attacks Chaouzu tries what the Saibaiman did to Yamacha and jumps onto Nappa's back and self destructs, in doing so he destroy's himself but not Nappa then in Chaozu honour Tien goes all out at Nappa and dies after using all his power.

Krillin tells Vegeta to wait for Goku so Vegeta tells Nappa to stop and that they will wait for Goku but only for two hours two hours goes past and no Goku so the battle resumes.
Then Vegeta realises that Goku might be a problem so he oreders Nappa to destroy them all before Goku get's back.
Nappa decides to kill Gohan first so he fires a blast a Gohan but Piccolo jumped in the way (since Piccolo has grown close to Gohan while training him). Gohan inraged by the death of his friend Piccolo Gohan Powers up to a power which greatly suprises Nappa and Vegeta but doesn't affect Nappa.

Goku is back and Krillin and Gohan are the only survivors, Goku takes on Nappa and now the tables have turned and Nappa is the one who can't any blows so Vegeta destroys Nappa with one blast and now it's Vegeta's turn.

Goku and Vegeta square off, beginning their long duel. while Goku manages to hurt Vegeta badly, his repeated use of Kaio-ken puts alot of strain on his body. Seeing that he was overpowered, Vegeta put a fake moon in the sky and transformed into a Oozaru. Goku chased around by the giant ape and with the help of the Solar Flare Goku gathered some energy for the Spirit Bomb but Vegeta recovers before the attack can be launched, and most of the energy is lost. He grabs  onto Goku and breaks every bone in his body, but neglects to notice Yajirobe sneaking up behind him. with one swipe, Vegeta's tail is cut of by Yajirobe's Sword.

Back in his oringinal form, Vegeta begins to do battle with Gohan. Meanwhile, Goku summons the Spirit Bomb and puts it into a Ball and gives it to Krillin. When it looked like Gohan was going to be deafeated Krillin threw the Spirit Bomb and hits Vegeta.

Thinking that Vegeta is dead our heros start to celebrate. However, they notice Vegeta's body slowly falling to the ground. He is still alive. Vegeta and Gohan resume battle, and it looks like the Saiyan Prince will claim victory. However, Yajirobe intervenes again, and slashes Vegeta in the back with his sword. when he gets over the shock of being slashed from behind. Vegeta kicks the crap out of our fat friend. This gives Gohan ample time to stare up at the false moon Vegeta had created and transformed into Oozaru.

With little energy left Vegeta gets smacked around by the giant Gohan, eventually Vegeta cuts of Gohan's tail but Gohan lands on Vegeta has he de-transforming and is crushed. Vegeta in series pain calls for his pod and crawls towards it but Krillin wants to finish him but Goku says to give him mercy he does and Vegeta flies off swearing to return and get revenge.

On To The Frieza Saga....
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