Message Board!
About Me (Saerli, duh)
Goofan shouts, SCORE!
Miriya takes lessons
Brumil-n-Syrith 4-EVA
Borgh gets sassy
Saerli = yank slut
Banzeye reveals his lil ogre
Mouth of Vekril
Xyltan am fek skeered
Alerik shouts, Thuper!
Shake your bon-bon
Razfat staggers x100
Bixie Frax0r
Zzspriali Bee
3/26/02~ Wow, it's been awhile. I don't play many Online Games anymore but I still troll the boards once in awhile. Here are some pics :) MarieAndMimi, MarieAndTony@WorkMarieAndMimiGoofinOff. More laters.

10/23/01~Some updates. Menteth isn't so
timid. Oldschool Post I saw while in Qeynos. I get lost alot. Banzeye enjoys his time in prison. I got  bored at Ragefire. Need more dirt on Hyrin.

10/08/2001 ~ I don't play EQ much but I want to keep this site going. Here's a list of recommended
Movies. TV and Music aren't done yet either but are basically there.

8/27/2001 ~ Wow, it's been awhile. Haven't played much until recently. Here's me playing

4/21/2001 ~ Been busy. I updated
RL pics and Whitehawk gimps.  I made a PixieBorgh, BixieMiriya and GothraalSistah- you guys are going to have to harass them in order for me to be able to post em ;p

4/06/2001 ~
EQFredd and Rossie add-ons.

3/31/2001 ~
History of Beels Part I

3/27/2001 ~ As requested by Rossie..
The Dingo's Den..
               ~ I was bored but didn't have much time-

3/26/2001 ~ Here are some
pics submitted by Adill. I took it upon myself to make a gif outta the ogre ones ~.~

3/24/2001 ~
BUCKETHEAD! Thanks Gubak :)

3/23/2001 ~ I need to finish this from the pics I took awhile ago but here is
EQ Fredd's First Appearance.

3/22/2001 ~ I have to redo the links on all the pages since I was stupid and didn't start off with frames. If anyone knows an easy way to do it in Frontpage or Dreamweaver lemme know. I started this page with the default Yahoo Pagebuilder thingy. Changing every page is a pain in the R00sterbutt. All the links from the news have been added to the main page so far.

3/20/2001 ~ BZZZZTTT!! Ok I am going to go to hell for this but
Frax and Spriali said it was ok I swear!
                ~ Speaking of
                ~ These
pics have been sent to me by Dorath. ENjoY!

3/17/2001 ~Links for the day are
Mixelp00p, and Agoober's train. I'll add them to the links when I am all done :) Also a quickie animation that I need to find a place for: Myckey's revenge.  (Myckey has since been added to the links <--- under Ariesto's animation).

3/16/2001 ~Ok after all that I realize I want frames on this thing. Gonna be awhile til I figure out the easiest way to do that since this program doesn't support them :/
(Did a temporary fix, ignore the screwy colors.)

3/15/2001 ~News for the day: Gorf is a

3/11/2001 ~I just started messing with html so be patient! If you have any blackmail pics feel free to get in contact with  me and I will post them. I appreciate the
HEPL.This is the first time I've attempted making a web page so please pardon the lack of design-  I'm working on getting content atm.  I'm still working with file sizes so some of the links will be a little slow for now. If you don't like it, you can Die IRL ;p


Agoober train
Ariesto the puppy frikker
Did I say that..? :O
Kaar Baar Stare! ..!.. o.0 ..!..
Character pics and mo'~
Sahiiri Di'irl
Whitehawk newbs
Pedro the Pr0n Prirate
Event pics~
Santa Borgh
Santa Banz
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~Last Word Message Board~
About me
Site born: March 11, 2001
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