Thomax's Final Fantasy V Walkthrough
Final Fantasy Anthology Translation
By Thomas Montgomery - ([email protected])

Quick-Link Table of Contents
World One
1) A Meteor Has Fallen 13) Walz Tower 25) Rikks Village
2) Teaming Up 14) Tycoon Castle 26) Easterly Village
3) Pirate Caves 15) Karnak 27) Desert of Sand Tides
4) Steal A Pirate Ship?! 16) Fire Ship 28) Gorn Town
5) The Wind Shrine 17) The Great Escape 29) Under Crescent Island
6) Tule Village 18) Back to Karnak 30) Earth Crystal Revealed
7) Torna Canal 19) Library of Ancients 31) Tycoon Meteor
8) Ship Graveyard 20) Getting a New Ship 32) Battle in the Sky
9) Kerwin Town 21) Jachol Village 33) Ruins of Ronka
10) North Mountain 22) Jachol Cave 34) Battle at the Meteors
11) Town of Walz 23) Crescent Town 35) Off to a New World
12) Walz Castle 24) The Black Chocobo
World Two
36) The New World? 43) Kelb Village 50) Gill Shrine
37) Galuf to the Rescue 44) Valley of Dragons 51) Moore Village
38) Big Bridge 45) Back to Val Castle 52) Moore Forest
39) Lugor Bordertown 46) Surgate Castle 53) Gilgame's Gil Game
40) A Moogle? 47) Zeza's Ship 54) X-Death's Castle
41) Moogle Village 48) Barrier Tower
42) Val Castle 49) The Shoat Summon
World Three
55) Home Again? 62) The Magic Lamp 69) The New Sub/Airship!
56) Getting Faris 63) The Hydra Summon 70) The Hidden Mime Job
57) Meeting With Gill 64) The Odin Summon 71) Guardian Blue Spell
58) Chicken/BraveBlade 65) Mirage Village 72) The 3rd Lithograph
59) The 1st Lithograph 66) Songs of the Bard 73) The Bahamut Summon
60) Getting Reina 67) The 2nd Lithograph 74) Phoenix Tower
61) Kuza Castle 68) Fork Tower 75) The 4th Lithograph
76) Entering the N-Zone 79) N-Zone : Waterfall 82) The Final Battle
77) N-Zone : Chain Ruins 80) N-Zone : Castle 83) The Multi-Endings
78) N-Zone : Forest 81) N-Zone : Final Dungeon
Extreme Enemies
Omega Shinryu Gilgame

World One

1) A Meteor Has Fallen
You start the game by commanding Boko (your chocobo). Ride the Boko east to the meteor's crash site. Follow the path and you'll see two Goblins carrying away Reina. After you defeat the very easy goblins, you talk to Reina and you get to name yourself. Note: No default name appears for the character, but his name is Bartz. Soon afterward, you meet Galuf, who seems to have amnesia. Galuf and Reina leave for the Wind Shrine, which leaves you all alone again. Take this time to get the Phoenix Down in the chest, which is hidden to the bottom-right of the area. Note: You can run around in areas like this by holding down the circle button. Go back to Boko and leave. Save.

2) Teaming Up
You now command Boko again. Trek north of the small forest area. You immediately go into a scene where Boko suddenly stops and Bartz is thrown off. An earthquake hits and you need to get out of there. As you run up, you run into a couple of battles with more easy-to-kill Goblins. After you jump a few holes, you see Galuf and Reina lying unconscience. After you grab them, a scene comes where you all decide to go to the Wind Shrine together.

3) Pirate Caves
Unfortunately, that earth quake has cut off the trail to your next destination. So go north to the cave. Here, you'll encounter your first random battles. Shortly into the cave, you'll notice a healing spring. Heal here when your HP gets too low. Further in, you see a pirate demonstrate how to get passed the sealed door, but before you do it yourself, get the Leather Cap in the chest to the left. In the next area, your group notices a ship sailing without wind. Note: If you want, you can exit here and save on the world map. At the end of the twisted trail, you find yourself in pirate's hideout.

4) Steal A Pirate Ship?!
At the entrance of the pirate's hideout, you have a small decussion and decide to sneak on board to pirate ship while the pirates are sleeping. Board the ship and go up to the top of the ship and attempt to take the helm. This proves to be futile. Before you know it, your in jail under the command of Faris. When Faris sees Reina's pendant, Faris decides to take you to the Wind Shrine. As you leave on the ship, you'll be asked if you want to be taken to the Wind Shrine. It's up to you, but I suggest that you take the helm yourself and sail west to Tule Village to buy weapons and armor (preferably 2 Broadswords) and some tonics. If you went to Tule, than you can reach the Wind Shrine by sailing northeast. Save.

5) The Wind Shrine
Upon entering, you'll see a group of scholars pacing back and forth. Go there and you learn that Reina's father has not returned. It's time you head up the Wind Shrine, but first, talk to the scholar to the left of the pot, and drink from the pot to restore all health. On the 2nd floor, get the chest to the far left which contains a Tent. Go to the next room down where you'll find your first save point. Save. Continue down and to the right where a staircase will lead you to a chest containing a Leather Cap. Go back and go left. On the 3rd floor, you will be confronted by a long narrow path. There is a short cut that will save you time. There is a secret passage just to the left of the door. Inside that door is a chest with a Broadsword. Equip it. Use a few tonics to bring your health up to par, and engage battle with Wingrapter.
Wingrapter (250 HP)
If all your guys are equiped with Broadswords, than just hack away! Make sure that you DO NOT attack when it's wings are closed, because if you do, he'll counter will Iron Nail. If not all your guys have Broadsword, than use them as healers.
After the battle, head upstairs to the 4th floor where there is a chest, which contains a Staff, hidden to the far bottom right. The secret passage is located just below the bottom right pillar. In the next floor up you see that the crystal has been shattered. Reina's father appears and tell you to protect the remaining crystals. You then recieve the crystals and the following Job classes: Knight, Monk, Blue Mage, Thief, Black Mage, White Mage. Head to the back of the room and teleport out. Boko then comes and asks you if you want an explanation on how the job system works. Definitely take this opportunity to learn. After the tutorial, you'll be placed in front of the Wind Shrine. Place a Job on all of your characters and save. Sail southwest to Tule Village.

Things to do: Blue Magic
Now that you have the Blue Mage ability, go back into
the Wind shrine and learn Aero from the Mauldwin, and
GobPunch from a Blakgoblin. Then sail back to the pirate
caves and learn RedFeast from a Steel Bat. You are also
able to get the treasures in the Pirate's hideout.

6) Tule Village
As you enter Tule Village, Faris decides break off from the rest of the party. Talk to the man in the purple outfit. He'll take you to the Hall of Learning, which is a good place to go to learn the ground rules for the game. Note: If you tell the lady at the Hall of Learning that you aren't a beginner, she'll give you an aggressive response. ^_^ When your done with the Hall of Learning, Head over to Zok's house which is located at the top of the Village. Reina asks Zok for passage through the Torna Canal. Zok says he lost the key and for your party to stay the night. In the middle of the night you get to know a little bit about Bartz's past. When Bartz re-enters the house, Zok gives the Torna Canal Key to Bartz.

Things to do: Tule Village
Before you leave Tule Village, make sure you go to the Pub and play the piano.
Also, go up the stair and enter Faris's room to see a rather unusual event. Examine
every box, pot, chest, barrel, bush, EVERYTHING! There are tons of items in
these objects. And finally, buy weapons, armor, magic, and tonics from the
various stores. You may need to fight more battles to get GP, but it's worth it.
If you don't want to buy a lot of stuff, at least buy the Bolt spell because of an
upcoming battle.

7) Torna Canal
When you get back into your boat, there will be an event where they decide to save the rest of the crystals. Head due east to the Torna Canal. Examine the door. Sail your boat down the waterway, and you'll eventually run into a whirlpool and Karl Boss.
Karl Boss (650 HP)
Before the battle, you should make a bunch of Black Mages so you can use the Bolt spell. If you have learned the Monk's !Store ability, than combine the Monk with the !Store ability to do even bigger damage. It would also be smart to have a healer of some sort.
After the battle, Hydra is pulled into the whirlpool, and you are sent drifting out to sea...

8) Ship Graveyard
Once in command, go down the stairs to rest in the right room. Go back on deck, go the right and cross to the walkway leading down. Examining the rock will present a path leading to a chest containing a Flail. Go back up and continue to the door on the next ship. Going through the ship, you'll come to an area with two rooms. The top room has a door leading to a chest with a tent. After getting the tent, go to the lower room. Here, you will need to go under the water to get to the next area. Go down the stairs to be in a water filled room. Examine the box with a cross bone symbol to recieve 990 GP. Head upward and go through the top door first. Get the chest containing the Phoenix Down. Backtrack to the water filled area and go down through the door with the light. Here you will enter yet another water filled area. Go straight down and to the right to the staircase. In this next water filled area, get the chest and go up the stairs. Exit the ship, but watch out for the trap door just to the left of the exit. Falling through the trap door will cause you to fall down one floor. In this next area, the party decides to dry thier wet clothes. Lenna leaves into the next room, and Bartz starts a little fire to get things dry. Faris, however, does not want to take off any clothes because of one simple fact, Faris is a... (drum roll, please) ...GIRL! Okay, go into the room Reina was in and SAVE! Use a tent if low on HP/MP. Continue up to the deck. Move off that ship and go down to the bottom ship (you'll have to do some stone jumping). Go into this ship and grab the World Map. Go down the steps and grab the three chests. Head back up to the deck and cross the rocks to the next ship. When you open the chest, ship will rise from the water. Before you jump onto those rocks, prepare for a boss fight.
Siren (900 HP)
For a quick and EASY battle, make everyone Monks. Equip the !Store ability if possible. In battle, just use regular attacks, or !Store. The fight will end very quickly due to the Monk's strong attacks.
Exit through the top and you will be on the world map. Save.

9) Kerwin Town
Now that you are in a new town, you can get new items, armor, weapons, and magic. Go to all the shops to get the newest stuff. Make sure you leave enough money to rest at the inn. Talk to all the townspeople while your at it. Check the line of barrels to get an antidote. The woman to the right of the line of barrels will start a conversation where you now have to find a way of transportation. Go to the pub and head up the stairs. After talking to the man, leave Kerwin Town and head northeast to North Mountain.

Things to do: Kerwin Town
Kerwin has a piano in the Pub, so make sure you play it before you leave.
While in the Pub, make a Thief to see the secret passage to the left wall of
the Pub. In the secret room, you can obtain 1000 GP for examining a pot.
In Kerwin, you can also get the Ice Rod. From the Pub, go straight down
and you'll see crates. Move your way between the crates until you see
yourself again. Examine the crate on the left to get the Ice Rod.

10) North Mountain
Before you actually enter North Mountain, you should save you game. Almost immediately after you enter, you'll be confronted by a cave that separates into two paths. Take the lower route first to get a Phoenix Down. Then go other way. Get the Soft from the Chest and continue forward. From here up is pretty strait forward. Just keep in mind that when you reach a certain elevation, you'll see purple flower plants. DON'T TOUCH THEM!!! Because if you do, your entire party will be hit with poison. This is a real inconvenience, because you have to use Antidote to cure them all. When you reach the save point, use a tent and save. When you exit, you'll have to face a boss fight.
Magissa (650 HP) ; Faltzer (850 HP)
This battle can be just as easy as the battle with Siren if you use the same strategy. Make four Monks with !Store ability if possible, and attack! If you are quick enough, you can kill Magissa before she even summons Faltzer.
After the battle, you can go to the top of the mountain. Here, Reina heals the Dragon and in return, the Dragon heals Reina. You now own your very own Dragon!!! Take the Dragon down far south past Kerwin to the Town of Walz.

Things to know: The Dragon
Just to keep in mind, the Dragon CANNOT land on forests, water, or deserts.
So if your panicking that you can't land your Dragon, make sure you are over
smooth, green plains. And just because you have the Dragon, it doesn't mean
you can roam the world. The Dragon can't fly over mountains.

11) Town of Walz
When you enter town, go ahead and rest at the inn. Of great interest is the magic shop, which contains spells that will be used by future jobs. In the house on the far left side of town, there is a pot which contains the SilvrGlasses relic. Spend whatever money you have left on healing items, weapons, and armor. In the southeastern corner of town is Garula, who isn't really relevant right now, but will be. Just keep him in mind. Exit town and go to Walz Castle.

12) Walz Castle
When you enter the gates of Walz Castle, go straight up to the throne room and talk with the king. Soon the room shakes and another meteor falls to the earth. The king leaves the castle and heads over to Walz Tower. Take your dragon and fly northwest to the strange-looking tower.

Things to do: Walz Castle
You can take time to explore the Castle. Right outside the throne room, go into the double doors, and then go down the staircase in the corner of the room. Here, in the storagehouse, there are boxes which contain some useful items. Back at the double doors is a staircase going down to the first floor. From here, you can go down the stairs to the Dungeon. Whatever you do, don't let the Lone Wolf out, because he will steal some treasures if you do. Back to the first floor, there is a circular button on the ground. If you step on it, it will reveal a passage to left side of the castle. If you go through the two doors and down the stairs, you will be in a poorly lit area. In this area there is a very difficult enemy called Harpy. You can't kill him yet so don't try. There is a risky way to get all the chests without getting killed. To do this, make 4 Knights. When you run into the Harpy, have everyone use the Guard ability and RUN AWAY! The Guard will protect you from it's powerful attacks. Get all the treasures and get out! If the Harpy manages to kill one of your characters, quickly use a Phoenix Down, but don't heal them because Harpy's attacks are one-hit KO's. When you are back to the first floor, you can exit from the bottom right. This leads you to the right side of the castle. If you follow the water upward, you can go through the water fall to enter the Walz Watertower. Here, you can run into an enemy called Elftoad, which will cast the Blue Magic spell ToadSong if you get the enemy by itself. Once you obtain the FrogSong ability, leave the watertower. You aren't ready for lies further.

13) Walz Tower
Upon entering, you see two guards lying on the ground. You learn from them that Garula (the creature from the Town of Walz) has attacked and has headed toward the Water Crystal. On the 4th floor, the King is lying on the floor. Move just above the king and step into the water. Climb up the vine to recieve a Silk Robe from the chest. Fall down the hole and go to the 5th floor. Get the chest and save you game. On the 8th floor, climb the vines to back left to get the SilvrArmBand relic. Then climb the back right vines to get the Ether and to continue to the crystal room. In the crystal room, you must protect the Water Crystal by fighting Garula.
Garula (1200 HP)
Garula's attacks can kill a party member in two hits. Because of this it would be smart to cast the White Magic spell, Protes on everyone. Also, if you went to the Walz Watertower and learned the ToadSong spell, you should definitely cast it on Garula to make him extremely weak. Garula is, however, a smart creature and will recover himself from the frog status, but if you cast Mute on him, he will stay a frog forever.
After the battle, the crystal will shatter into 6 pieces, but you will only be able to reach 5 of them. Do not forget about that 6th crystal shard, because you will have to recover it later in the game. After getting 5 crystals, the ground will shake and the tower begins to shake! Before you know it, you're in water all the way. Luckily, Hydra comes to the rescue and uses it's last ounce of strength to bring you all to shore. Return to the Castle and speak to the king who is in his chambers. He tells you that Karnak also uses an amplifier for the crystal. Time to go to Karnak, but if you talk to the servant to the right, she will recommend you go to Tycoon first. So lets go to Tycoon.

14) Tycoon Castle
Fly your Dragon southwest of Walz Castle to get to Tycoon Castle. When you meet the Chancellor, you agree to spend the night before you leave again. After a couple of nightly events, you gain control again. It's time to go treasure hunting! Go down the stairs and search the pots to find a Potion. Exit the room, and run all the way to opposite side of the next area. Go up the stairs until you enter a room with a woman. Seach all the barrels and pots to get items. When you talk to the woman (Jenica), she mentions Reina's older sister, Salsa. Return to the 1st floor and enter the King's Hall. Go through the right door and go up the steps. On the 4th floor is room full of pots. Seach the pots to get items. Go up the stairs and out onto the balcony. Now here's a familiar scene. This is the place where the game opened up to. Exit the castle and go to the storagehouse which is left of the castle. Pull the switch on the wall and a door will appear. If you have a Thief in your party you will see a path leading to the Chancellor. Talk to the Chancellor and he will give you a HealingStaff. Get the rest of the treasures. Now it's time to go to Karnak.

15) Karnak exactly are you supposed to get to Karnak anyway? Well, if you talked to the wounded Karnak soldier at Walz Castle, he gives you clues that there are warp points in the fallen meteors. So head over to the meteor that fell near Walz Tower. Inside the meteor is a warp point that will warp you to a different part of the world. From the new meteor location, trek west and follow the forest until you get to the Town of Karnak. Before you enter Karnak, you can learn the ???? Blue Magic spell from a pack of Wild Dogs in the forest. In Karnak, if you talk around you hear that they built a wall between Karnak and the Library of Ancients, and that Cid is locked up is some dungeon. Before you forget, play the piano at the Pub. When you are all ready, go to any of the stores and attemp to buy somethong. They claim you are a meteor monster and they put you in jail, right next to Cid. You may think your stuck here, but if you wait 30 or so seconds, Cid will blow a hole right into your cell wall. After talking, the Chancellor comes in and says the crystal is cracking. This is your ticket out of jail. If you look around you notice that all the unopened chests are guarded by flames! Some of them will be available to you later. When you leave the jail area, you'll be in an area with soldiers and scholars. See the chest guarded by two flame? Remember it! This chest contains a Ribbon. Also, just before you leave the castle, there are two chests on opposite sides of the room, each guarded by a flame. The chest on the left contains the spell Esna, so don't forget that one either. Leave the castle and SAVE!

Things to do: Walz Watertower
Now that you have the Fire2 spell, go back to the meteor and go to Walz Castle. Walz Watertower is
behind a waterfall on the north part of Walz Castle. Go all the way up the tower until you reach the
room with the summon essence. Examine the essence, and you will fight Shiva.
Shiva (1500 HP) ; IceCommander (600 HP)
Make 4 Red Mages and cast Fire2 on all the enemies and Cure2 on all your guys EVERY
TURN. Shiva is very weak against Fire2 and will go down quickly.
After the battle, you recieve the Shiva summon, and you can make a quick exit from the south end of
the room.

16) Fire Ship
The Fire Ship is just below Karnak Castle. Cid will meet you there and lead down below where place suddenly looks like a metal factory. Before you do anything, keep in mind that you can learn the Flash spell from a Cool Dust if you get alone, and the Exploder spell if you attack a MottleTrap with a Bolt spell. Go through the white door to get the MythrilGlove relic. Grab the chest with a Cottage from the corner of the room. Go up the stairs from the bottom left corner to get an Elixir. Go down the stairs toward the right side to get another Elixir. When you've done all this, to unto the white door at the top. Activate the switch to go up a level. Grab the chest to the right to get a Phoenix Down. Go up into the next white door and activate the switch to go down. From here, go up the air ducts to reach the lower level. Go through the white door and activate the switch to go up a level. This area is a small room with two other white doors, and four air ducts. The other two white doors both lead to dead ends, so don't mind them. Go through the 3rd air duct to get the Thief's Glove. Then, go through the 2nd air duct to continue through the Fire Ship. Go up the stairs first to get the Moonring. Then go through the white door to eventually get to a save point. Save and use a Tent. This next area consists of a bunch off switches and platforms. Activate the first switch, then the top switch, then the left switch, in that order. Move across the long platform to the other side where there are two switches next to eachother. Activate them both and move onto the large square platform. Activate the switch while you are on the platform to move yourself to the top. Get the chest and go through the white door to enter the Power Room. Before you proceed any further, make four Red Mages and equip as many of them with Ice Rods. This is a tough battle.
Liquid Flame (3000 HP)
Liquid Flame has three forms: Human, Hand, and Tornado. Here is Liquid Flames's strategy: When he is in Human form, he will use Fire magic on you, when he is in Hand form, he will use physical attacks on you, and when he is in Tonado form, he will use Fire magic on himself to heal. Continuously cast Ice spells on him until he turns into a hand. When he turns into a hand DO NOT cast any type of magic on him because it will do absolutely no damage. To get him out of Hand form quickly, use a regular attack on him. Unfortunately, he will counter with a strong attack. Ice magic is typically the only effective thing that will bring him down quick.
After the battle, go though the long pipe to get to the crystal room. A possessed soldier then shatters the crystal. Because the crystal has shattered, the entire castle is going to blow! SAVE THE GAME IMMEDIATELY!!!

17) The Great Escape
Now that all the flames are gone, you can get the chests that were previously unaccessable. From the beginning, skip all the chests in the first area. Remember in the next area, open the chest to the left to get the coveted Ribbon. Run away from all random battles. Make a thief to move faster. Just before you exit the castle, get the chest to the left to learn the Esna white magic spell. When you have achieved these two tasks, you can go around the castle and open up any chest. When there is about 5 minutes left, make four Blue Mages and exit the castle. Before you can leave, you will be attacked by a soldier and some dogs.
Iron Claw (900 HP)
When you kill all the dogs, the soldier will turn into Iron Claw. Iron Claw will use the blue magic spell Doom Claw. So make sure you learn it. He isn't that hard so just pound him with whatever magic you have left, or with whatever sword you have. When he uses Doom Claw, heal that person ASAP.
After escaping, the castle is blown down to rubble and five crystal shards fall from the sky. Too bad you only get three of them, but you'll get the other two later. After getting the new Jobs, go back to the Fire Ship and talk to Cid. He is upset about what he has done and runs off to the Town of Karnak.

18) Back to Karnak
Back in Karnak, all the flames have disappeared. This means that you can go up the steps in the back of town and reach the Fire Rod. If you go to the second floor in the Inn, the queen is delirious over the event. Stock up on items, and get the best weapons and armor. When done, go to the second floor in the Inn and talk with Cid. He is very depressed about what he has done. Leave Karnak and travel southwest to the Library of Ancients.

Things to do: Blue Magic
On the way to the Library of Ancients, you must pass by a large desert. BEWARE! The only
enemy you can run into is the Quadraharpy, who is very powerful. Save before you pass by
the desert, because if you accidentally run into it, it just might be the end. If you feel you are
strong enough to fight it (which shouldn't be now), than make sure you have a Blue Mage in
your party because you can learn the very powerful blue magic spell, AquaRake. Also on the
way to the Library of Ancients you can get the Pep Up blue magic spell from a MythrlDrgn.
But in order to learn this ability, you must the Trainer's !Cntrl ability and manipulate it to use
Pep Up on your Blue Mage. The !Cntrl ability is the Trainer's second ability learned and it
takes a total of 60 ABP (10+50) to learn it. So make sure you get around to doing it.

19) Library of Ancients
At the enterance, you learn that Mid, Cid's grandson, has disappeared. Chat with all the scholars and when you are ready, go down the ladder and into the library. You will be confronted by a maze of moving walls. To get through this part do the following:
1) Move forward and wall will move to the right.
2) Examine the black hole, and the wall will move back, revealing another black hole.
3) Move through the two black holes and up the ladder. Move up to the edge of the bookshelf to make the wall move right.
4) Move to the farthest point to the right on top the bookshelf to make the bookshelf move back.
5) Climb down the ladder and examine the crack in the floor to move the bookshelf up. This will reveal a hole to go down.
You should now be in a dark room with a circle of light around you. Get the chest to get an Ether. Note: After you open the chest, it closes when it leaves your circle of light. FREAKY!. In the next area, there will be a door with a ladder next to it. If you enter the door, an voice says that no one shall pass. So go up the ladder and examine the books to reveal a passage. At the end of the path is a book. Don't open it until you are prepared to fight Ifrit.
Ifrit (3000 HP)
Make sure everyone can cast Ice2 or Shiva. And make sure that there is someone who can use Cure2. Continually cast Ice2 and/or Shiva, while one person casts Cure2 on your party.

After the fight, heal yourself and go back and go through the door. Now that Ifrit is yours, you can proceed through the bookshelf. Before going into the next area, go down the ladder to the left to get a Ninja Suit. Go back up and go into the black hole. Here, there is another dark room. Get the Phoenix Down from the chest and continue to the next area. In this area, there are more moving walls. Examine the top of the tiny ladder, and a book will fall out, which will start a battle. After the battle, a hole will appear in the bookshelf. Proceed to find a save point. Save and use a Tent. Further on is Mid. Before you can reach Mid, Biblos attacks.

Biblos (3600 HP)
This battle is very tough if you want to learn a new Blue Magic spell. Make sure everyone can cast Fire2 and/or Ifrit. And have a couple of your guys be learners (be it a Blue Mage or the Learning ability) becuase Biblos will use the blue spell, MagHammer a couple of times. The more Learners you have, the better your chance of learning MagHammer. Cast Fire2 and Ifrit on Biblos. Any other element of magic will do nothing to him. Biblos' attacks do tons of damage so have a designated healer in your group.
After the battle, talk to Mid. Mid must have really been into that book because he didn't hear you guys fighting. After you tell Mid about Cid's condition, he rushes over to Karnak to see him.

Things to do: Blue Magic
There are four new Blue Magic spells you can get in the Library of Ancients: Aero2, L5 Doom,
MoonFlut, and GuardOff. Page 32 uses Aero2, Page 64 uses L5 Doom, and Page 256 uses
Moonflut. You have to use the Trainer's !Cntrl ability on Page 256 to make it use GuardOff on
a Blue Mage. Do not attempt to get L5 Doom if all of your characters are at a Level that's a
multiple of 5.

20) Getting a New Ship
Save you game and rush over to the 2nd floor in Karnak's Pub. Mid cheers Cid up and they go rebuild the Fire Ship. Go to the Fire Ship and Cid will tell you to rest below. When you are all down there, Galuf has remembers a similar experience compared to the one Cid and Mid just had. After this, he remembers a little bit more about his own past. Afterwards, you go back onto the deck only to find Cid and Mid lying fast asleep. Wake up Cid and Mid and they leave off to the Library of Ancients, and leaving you with the Fire Ship.

21) Jachol Village
Sail your ship to the far far south to reach Jachol (on the map, Jachol is the farthest southwestern dot). Jachol has a lot of newer, stronger, and of course, more expensive weapons and armor. And it has a piano. Get what you can afford and talk to the locals. Many of them speak of a cave filled with treasure (the cave you passed getting to Jachol). Some of them give you advise such as waiting for the skull switches, and to seach opened treasure chests. Keep this information in mind and head over to the Jachol Caves. Rest first if you need to.

22) Jachol Cave
Upon entering, you see two skull switches; activate the bottom one slide the wall over. Now you will see a long row of skull switches. Which one is the right switch?!!! Well, just stand in front of the switches and wait until they all disappear except for one. Quickly run over to that switch and pull it. The wall has moved back to it's original position, opening up a new path to the right. Notice that the door won't budge. Examine the opened chest past the door and pull the switch. The door opens just like that. In the next area, there are three chests. To the left is a Tent and a Shuriken. Toward the top is a Shock Whip. Note: These chests won't be here if you released the Lone Wolf from Walz Castle. At the very top, you can climb the wall to save or use a tent on the world map. That's pretty much all that Jachol Cave offers right now. Backtrack out of the cave.

23) Crescent Town
Look at your world map. The small crescent-shaped island is your next destination. So sail east over the large ocean. When you enter Crescent Town, a big quake hits and sinks your brand new ship. Now how are you supposed to travel?!! Since you're stuck here, rest at the inn, buy all the new stuff, and talk to the villagers. After talking to a few people, you learn about a Black Chocobo in a Chocobo forest. Before you leave town, go to the corner of town and talk to the bard to learn the Strength Song, and then play the piano.

24) The Black Chocobo
After you leave town, you notice that the only other place on the island is the small patch of forest. As your party enters the forest, they see a Black Chocobo running around. You now get to play a small mini-game of catch the Chocobo! Run after as fast as you can and try to out-smart it (It's not that hard, really). When you catch him, he will attempt to fly...but fail. You come crashing to the ground. That's when Faris finds two crystal shards on him. The Black Chocobo can fly again! The Black Chocobo does a cute dance and you fly off! With this chocobo, fly back to the Library of Ancients and speak with Cid and Mid. They say there have been sightings of King Tycoon in Karnak, and that he headed to the Desert of Sand Tides. The Sand Tides is where you need to go.

Things to do: Blue Magic
Before you leave Crescent Island, walk around to fight a Black Flame.
These BlackFlames use the blue magic spell, BlakShok. So learn it
before you leave.

25) Rikks Village
The Sand Tides can wait. Fly the Black Chocobo to Rikks Village which is located right next to the Wind Shrine. Rikks Village is Bartz' hometown. There are a few things you will want to do here. First off, visit Bartz' old house (it's the one without any signs on it). Examine the small pink musicbox on the table. The musicbox will play and Bartz will have a flashback (you don't want to pass this up!). After the flashback, talk to the bard to get the Temptation Song. If you talk to the girl that looks like a scholar, you will have a flashback of how Bartz got his fear of heights. Finally, spend the night at the Inn to see one last scene with Bartz and Faris. Make sure you talk to everyone in town to learn more about Bartz past. And take advantage of the sale at the item shop, because everything is half-price.

26) Easterly Village
Another place of interest before going to the Sand Tides is Easterly Village. Easterly Village is the most northwestern Village on the map. There are two things you really want to do here. One is to get the Toad spell and the other is to learn the Love Song from the bard. To get the Toad spell, go to the square patch of flowers and step on all of the flowers to get a toad to pop out of the ground. The toad will drop the Toad spell. The next thing you want to do is get behind the still sheep and start tapping on him. The sheep will get annoyed and will kick you over the fence. Talk to the bard to learn the Love Song. Outside of Easterly Village, there is a summon named Ramuh. Walk around in the forest areas and you will eventually come to a battle with Ramuh.
Ramuh (4000 HP)
First off, be at least Level 18 when trying to fight this guy. A fast and fairly easy way of defeating him is to have 3 Ninjas and have them throw Fire or Water Skills. Each Skill takes off about 600+ HP. If you don't have any Fire or Water Skills, than you can go over to Rikks Village and buy them for 200 GP a piece. Make your fouth person is a healer.
Another good and quick way of defeating Ramuh is to catch two MiniDragons with a Trainer. When the battle with Ramuh starts, release the MiniDragons. The MiniDragons will cast Holy, and within a few seconds, Ramuh will give up.
After the battle, you recieve Ramuh as an item. Go to your Items and use Ramuh. The sound of Thunder indicates that Ramuh is officially one of your summons. Now it is time to go to the Sand Tides.

Things to do: Preparation
Now is the time to back to the desert north of the Library of
Ancients to learn the AquaRake spell from the Quadraharpy.
That is if you haven't done so already. Also go to Rikks
Village and buy Water Skills because the enemies in the Sand
Tides will fall instantly to them.

27) Desert of Sand Tides
Land your Black Chocobo in the forest around the Library of Ancients and walk west into the long narrow valley. At the end of the valley is the Desert of Sand Tides. When you attempt to cross the moving sand, you realize it's impossible. Cid and Mid then enter and say they will build a bridge using the dead body of a sandworm. He will ask you if you are ready. Say No if you don't have a Blue Mage to cast AquaRake. When you have a Blue Mage ready, enter battle.
Sandworm (3000 HP)
Just before the battle starts, Mid says not to use any magic. Mid is stupider than he looks. Use water magic. At the beginning of the battle, cast AquaRake. The battle ends just as fast as it started. AquaRake will take off 4000+ damage, therefore killing it instantly. If you were too impatient to go learn the AquaRake spell, than use Water Skills. If you didn't take time to buy Water Skills in Rikks Village, than you have to just attack with your swords. If you attack a hole on accident, than your HP drops down to half.
After the battle, exit the desert and save and heal before you continue. Keep in mind that in the Sand Tides, you will run into tons of battles with tough enemies. If you've got the money, I recommend you go to Rikks Village, and buy a bunch of Water Skills, so that when in the Sand Tides, you can have a Ninja use them at the start of every battle. This will result in an instant victory everytime. Now, from the start of the Sand Tides, cross the bridge all the way to the end and walk into the sand. This should take you down. From there, walk straight down to go downward even more into more downward moving sand. From there, step to the left two times, and run straight down into the downward moving sand. From your new postition, move to the left four steps until you are just above more downward moving sand. Walk into the downward moving sand. Now you should be able to see some cacti showing the exit. To get to the exit, just step to the left once, and walk into the moving sand. Exit Sand Tides. Save game.

28) Gorn Town
South of the Sand Tides lies Gorn Town. This is the town that Cid called the Town of Ruin. If you try to go up the steps, King Tycoon will appear and run off. Follow him into the destroyed building in the very southeastern part of town. This will make King Tycoon appear again, and run off again. Go up into the other destroyed house. Try to go through the hole in the back wall and King Tycoon will again appear and run off. Follow him to the left side of town and he will show again and go up the stairs. This time, don't follow him, but go to the middle of town and go up the stairs. This will cause him to go into the building where he will be waiting for you. When you reach him, the floor opens beneath you and you fall into an strange machine place. When you gain control, go into the door to the left. In the next area, you are teleported to a similar place all the way in Crescent Island. Then teleport pad blows up and you can't use it anymore. Too bad.

29) Under Crescent Island
Continue through the strange place and you will reach a room with six statues. When you press the switch, the door will open and Cid and Mid will fall from the Black Chocobo Forest. Don't go into the door just yet. Instead, go through the door at the bottom of the room. Go ahead and rest in the room. In the left room there is a switch. If you try to pull it, it will tell you that it won't budge. Examine the rightmost flowers in the resting room to find a memo which clues you to look at the papers in the right room. Check the papers in the right room. It will clue you to check the urn. Check the urn in the left room and a frog will pop out and knock a book off the shelf. The book says to go down 6, right 4, and pull. You can now pull the switch which will reward you with three chests: 2 Shurikens, and Learned "Mini". Go back up a room and pull the switch again to open the door. Go through the door and save your game. Continue through and you will reach the Fire Ship! Then as you go further, you reach another ship that looks different. A ship with propellers? Cid and Mid just now drop from the sky. YEEOWWCH is right. That must have been a long fall since they started falling back when you pulled that switch. Follow Mid below the deck and talk with Cid. Cid touches a few thing up and then your flying! Talk to Cid again and the ship will start to shake becuase Clay Claw is stuck to the hull.
Clay Claw (2000 HP)
Use Lightning magic against him. Ramuh, Bolt2, and Lighning Skills all work great. Use weapons like Lightning Rod, Lightning Bow, Lightning ANYTHING! By the way, if you couldn't guess it, Clay Claw is weak against Lightning. He isn't that hard.
After the battle, you land the ship again. You're all pumped up now that you got an airship. When you take control of the ship, you get to listen to one of the best sound tracks in the game, the Airship Theme. Land you ship somewhere and save.

30) Earth Crystal Revealed
Fly you new airship over Gorn Town and the scene will switch to your characters where they hear a rumbling. Suddenly the Gorn Town disappears and turns into a small desert where some kind of flying device is rising. After seeing this, fly your airship all the way back to Crescent Island and land in the airship dock. Talk to Cid and Mid and tell you that the Earth Crystal is in that other Flying ship. You can't reach the other ship because it has flown really high. Cid then tells you to get some Adamantite so he can make your ship fly even higher. Head back to Tycoon Meteor.

Things to do: Preparation
By now you should be around Level 20. So now would probably be the best time
to get the blue magic, L5 Doom if you haven't already. In the Library of Ancients,
Page64 will use it. Make sure that not all your guys are Level 20 because then L5
Doom will result in a Game Over.

31) Tycoon Meteor
Approach the meteor and Galuf will open the door. Inside is a warp pad (which will do nothing if you step on it), and the Adamantite. Grab the Adamantite. Before you do anything else, make a Blue Mage with the L5 Doom spell ready. When you try to leave, Adamantaim will attack.
Adamantaim (2000 HP)
From the beginning of the battle, have your Blue Mage cast L5 Doom. The battle is over. If you didn't take the time to get L5 Doom, than pound the turtle with Shiva and Ice2. Cast Protes to protect against it's very strong physical attacks. Heal every round.
After the battle, return to the air dock and give Cid and Mid the Adamantite. As you rest the night, they work around the clock to prepare the ship. When you all wake up, Cid explains that you must destroy the cannons on the outside before you can enter.

32) Battle in the Sky
When you control the airship again, press the X button and fly high into the air. On the left and right wings of the strange aircraft are two guns, the Flamethrower, and the Rocket Gun. You must defeat all four guns before fighting the big gun in the front. Initiate the battle by flying into them. Remember that you can return to normal altitude by flying out of range.
Flamethrower (2400 HP each)
Make a Blue Mage and a Ninja and whatever else that can cast lightning magic. The Flamethrowers will constantly use the blue magic spell, Burn Ray. Make sure you learn this before you kill it. Use Lightning Skills and other Bolt-type magic to kill them quickly.
Rocket Gun (2500 HP each)
Rocket Guns use the blue magic spell, Missile. So be sure to learn it before killing all the Rocket Guns. Rocket Guns are a bit more difficult because they use the Rocket Punch move which will confuse your allies. A good strategy is to make one or two of your characters equiped with a really weak weapon so that you can attack a confused ally without doing much damage. Rocket Guns are also weak versus Lightning, so use Lightning Skills, Ramuh, and Bolt2 to take them down quick.

When you have defeated all four guns, a large gun will appear on the front of the ship. Land, rest, and save before fighting this boss. When ready, approach the gun and hit the X button to initiate the battle.

Soul Gun (22500 HP) ; Launcher (10800 HP)
This is a hard battle if you don't prepare your guys to cast Bolt-type magic. From the beginning of the battle, use L5 Doom to get rid of the back two Launchers. Casting L5 Doom saves you a ton of trouble. The Soul Gun will go through a series of checks before it uses the big attack, which takes off more than 200 HP from everyone. So make sure that everyone is up to par in health before he uses it. Attack the Soul Gun will Lightning based attacks. Lightning Skills, Ramuh, Bolt2, Bolt2 Sword, Lightning Rods (for increased magic damage), and Lightning Bows all work wonders. Cure after everyone of his attacks. If you are quick enough, you can take it out before it can use its big attacks twice.
After the battle, the Soul Gun will explode, making an enterance into the Ruins of Ronka. You may want to land, heal, and save before you enter.

33) Ruins of Ronka
When you enter the Ruins, make a Thief to make navigating much easier. In the area after the chest with the Gold Armor, you will definitely run into an enemy called a Fan Wizard. Use the Trainer's !Cntrl ability to manipulate it. Have it cast the blue spell, White Wind on a learner. White Wind is one of the most useful blue magic spells in the game, so don't miss it! Also, if you control a Lamia, you can learn the Blowfish spell. Get the Elixir from the chest and go up the stairs closest to the chest with a Phoenix Down. Save at the save point. From the chest with the Phoenix Down, go downward to another set of stairs. Follow the path to eventually get a chest with a Gold Shield. Backtrack to the save point, and this time, go into the stairs to the left. From here, there are no forks in the road until you get to a chest with a potion. You can either go down the stairs to the right, or go down through the door. Go down the stairs! This leads to the room with five chests containing lots of good stuff. When you reach the room with the five chests, make sure you make a Geomancer because there are a couple of trap doors guarding the chests. Go back and go through the door and down the stairs. After a short walk, you will again be confronted by either going through a door, or up some stairs. Go up the stairs to get to a save point. Save and rest. Go through the door and up the stairs. Almost immediately you have to choose the stairs or the door again, and again, go down the stairs to get two chests. Then go through the door. Activate the switch when you get to it to open a staircase. Down the stairs is King Tycoon! Before you talk to him, make a White Mage, and 3 Blue Mage (or at least have the !Blue ability ready). Also, just before King Tycoon, you can run into an enemy called Aquaus, which looks very similar to a Hyudra.
Mini-Boss: Aquaus (3000 HP)
If you walk around the room King Tycoon is in, you will eventually fight an enemy called Aquaus. He is extremely hard if you don't prepare correctly. Aquaus comes into battle with Reflect already on him, so you can't cast ANY magic on him. The simple solution is to make Monks. Even with a bunch of Monks pounding on him, you will want a healer to use Cure2 every round. Aquaus will sometimes use Poison Breath, which will take off 300+ damage to everyone AND a chance of poison status. When you kill him, he will use the blue spell, L4 Qrtr as a final attack. So make sure that you have a learner that's a level that's a multiple of 4. Immediately after the battle, you will want to heal, and backtrack to the savepoint to rest. So what exactly do you get from this battle? Well, besides the L4 Qrtr spell, you get a ton of experience, and 4 ABP.
When you talk to King Tycoon, he acts demanding and tells you to fight the monster. So you fight it.
Archeoavis (6400 HP) ; 2nd Form Revived (2500 HP)
Archeoavis will use strong attacks that will hurt all of your characters at the same time. And he will change his strengths and weaknesses all the time, which makes it hard to know what to cast on him. Because of this you should stay on the safe side and just use physical attacks. Have the White Mage use Cure2 on everyone every turn. Have all the Blue Mages use the Blowfish ability you learned from the Lamia. When the first form is destroyed, have a Blue Mage quickly use the L5 Doom spell to kill it instantly.
After the battle, enter the Crystal room. Here, Galuf will get his memory back after seeing Krile, King Tycoon gets back to normal and reveals Faris's true identity. The crystal then shatters, freeing X-death. X-death leaves to destroy Galuf's world. Galuf chases after him, blah, blah, blah... long event. Land the airship, to get into yet another event where you decide to ask Cid some questions. If you go to the Airship Base, there will be a letter on the table telling you that Cid went to Tycoon Meteor.

34) Battle at the Meteors
At Tycoon Meteor, the Black Chocobo is waiting outside the meteor. Inside the meteor, Cid finds that the warp points absorb the adamantite, and that if they could get the rest of the adamantite from the other meteors, than you could warp to Galuf's world. Head to another meteor. The order of which meteor you go to does not matter, just make sure to get to them all. Each meteor contains a enemy boss which you must fight. Below are listed from easiest to hardest.
Walz Meteor: Byurobolos (2200 HP each)
The key to defeating these guys is to use attacks that will cause damage to all of them at the same time. If you don't kill them all at the same time, they will cast Arise on thier fallen buddies. Probably the best thing to do would to make four Ninja's and use Lightning Skills, or to make four Blue Mages and use the AquaRake spell. This should earn you a quick win.
Gorn Meteor: KimaBrain (3300 HP)
Attack KimaBrain with the Blowfish spell or attack him with Shurikens to kill him quick. KimaBrain will use Blaze and AquaRake which will take off 200-300 HP. Make sure you cast either Cure2 or White Wind after each of these attacks. If you still haven't learned AquaRake, than now is a better time than ever.
Karnak Meteor: Titan (2500 HP)
Titan has very strong attacks! He will use a move called Earth Shaker at least once before he dies. Earth Shaker takes off 300-500 HP from everyone! There are two ways you can defeat him, one is a long way, and the other is a not-as-long way. The long way of beating him is by flying all the way to North Mountain, and controlling a Ghilcat to make it cast Float on your party. Or, if you have learned the !Mix ability from the Chemist, you can cast Float by mixing an Antidote and a Maiden's Kiss. Float makes you resistant to his Earth Shaker attack, thus making the battle quite easy. The other way is to make three Lancers, and equiping them with Tridents (which you can buy at Jachol Village). Go into battle and immediately Jump. While in the air, you can't be hurt by the Earth Shaker attack. Unfortunely, there is still a chance that he will use it while you're grounded. If you beat him, you will recieve the Titan Summon!

Things to do: Before you leave
Before you warp to Galuf's world, take this last chance to go to Rikks Village and buy cheap items, and get Skills.

35) Off to a New World
When you get all the meteors, it's time to warp to Galuf's world. Look at your world map to see that the intersection of all the meteors is the warp spot. Fly to that area and walk into the warp point. The party says thier last worlds before they leave. They all jump and blast off into the new world...

World Two

36) The New World?
You land on a remote island in the eastern waters. If you look at your world map, you will immediately see the major changes. Then you notice that you can't get off the island. If you wait long enough, Reina will suggest that you use a tent to rest. This is what you need to do. Before you set camp, run into some battles because every battle will give you a free tent! Stock up on tents. Then use one, which will start an event where a monster abducts Reina and Faris.
Abductor (1500 HP)
I can almost guarentee that you will lose this battle if you don't have Cure2 ready. Abductor will use Hurricane, which will reduce you to single digits. The best way to win is to make Bartz a Monk with !White3, or make Bartz a White Mage with Barefist and to un-equip his weapons. Try your best, but even if you lose, the game will continue as normal.

37) Galuf to the Rescue
After you are thrown in a prison in X-Death's Castle, you learn that Galuf is about to attack the castle. X-Death uses you as hostages and demands Galuf to pull back. X-Death leaves Gilgamesh in charge of watching your party. That's when Galuf jumps onto a Dragon and flies to the castle. When you gain control of Galuf, head up through the top door to reach a save point. Don't bother using a tent because in the room above is a recovery pool. Save. Go down the stairs to the left and you will eventually meet Gilgamesh.
Gilgamesh (???? HP)
Make Galuf become a Monk, and make !Twin his ability (if possible). From the start of battle, use !Twin and then just pound him with your fists. Whenever Twin runs out, just use it again. You'll be virtually invincible to this guy. If you don't have the Twin ability, than !Store should speed up the killing process.
After the battle, the rest of the party joins you. Go back to the save point/recovery pool and heal and save. Exit the castle from the south end of the room.

38) Big Bridge
From the castle, head west to get to the Big Bridge (and a mighty big bridge it is!). You'll be forced to fight a lot of battles while crossing the bridge. One of these battle is going to be another battle with Gilgamesh. He is much harder here than he was in the castle.
Gilgamesh (???? HP)
In the beginning of the battle, Gilgamesh will only use physical attacks. Just attack him regularly with a Monk or Knight. Because his attacks are so strong you will want to heal regularly. If you have learned the !Critt ability, than it would be good to use it because chances of using Nightingale are very high (Nightingale heals 400+ on everyone). After taking enough damage off him, he will cast Haste, Protes, and Shell on himself, plus he will start using the Jump attack, making the battle that much more difficult. Since he has every kind of defense up, the only thing you can do is attack and heal. He will eventually run away.
Soon after the battle, a big barrier expands over the castle and blows your party clear across the map and onto another continent! If you check your map, you'll see a town due east from where you are. Go there.

39) Lugor Bordertown
Lugor Bordertown is just a pitstop to your next destination. While here, take a nap at the inn to see an event with Bartz and Galuf. Make sure you play the piano which is in the PUB. You can't see the piano, but if you make a Thief, you will see a secret passage way leading to it. While you're in the pub, go on stage and dance for everyone. If you do you'll get 100 GP. You can dance as many times as you want to get lots of free money. If you have a thief while in the Armor shop, you'll see a path leading to a girl who apparently can't find her Ribbon. Remember that! Waste all of your money on magic, weapons, armor, and items. You may want to go out and get more GP if you want to get all the good stuff, because everything here is EXPENSIVE! You don't have to get everything now.

Caution: Kuzer
Past Lugor Bordertown, you just might run into a monster called Kuzer.
He is extremely powerful. He has 5000 HP and deals damage of 4000+.
Fight him if you think you can, but otherwise, run away. If you do decide
to fight it, cast L4 Qrtr to deal tons of damage.

Things to do: An Early Peek
South of Lugor Bordertown is a castle called the Sealed Castle. The
monsters in this castle are currently far beyond your capability of
fighting. So don't fight them. Instead, make sure that a character has
Flee or Dustb to escape the battle. If you get far into the castle, you'll
see a small event where they talk about the 12 legendary weapons.
That's pretty much it. Exit the castle.

40) A Moogle?
To get to Moogle Forest, head south of Lugortown, past the castle, follow the muddy terrain, and then head north and you'll see a square patch of forest which is the Moogle Forest. Talk to the moogle at the tree, and he will fall down a hole. Go down after him. You'll fall into a watery cave. Note: You can kill the Acrophis immediately if you use L5 Doom. Walk into the water for the first two times and get the 4400 GP from the chest. From that chest, go straight down into the waterfalls. When you reach land get the Phoenix Down from the chest and head east to see the moogle with Tyrannosaurus.
Remember that Phoenix Down you just picked up? Well, use the Phoenix Down on him and he's history. It's really that easy. Honest!
After the battle, you make friends with the moogle and he shows you how to get to get to another moogle forest. If you watched him closely, you saw that he signals NOT to go into the desert. If you do go into the desert, there is a high rate that you will fight a Sandcrawler, which has 15,000 HP. You don't want to fight it and you can't run away from it. If you do run into it, you'd better hope you have the AquaRake spell, or else you will most likely be toast. Note that there are no random battles in the forested areas. If you forgot the route the moogle went, follow the steps below starting from where you first appeared.
1) Go up and follow the rim of the desert.
2) When you reach a forest area, go east into the narrow area.
3) The forest will break up into two paths. Go up.
4) When the forest breaks out of the desert, go southeast along the mountain-side.
5) You will shortly reach a much larger forest area. If you walk around the area where the moogle disappeared, you will enter the Moogle Village.

41) Moogle Village
When the moogles see you, they panic and run away. To the far right is moogle you helped. The moogle will let you into the tree so you can take all the chests. Take them! When you exit the tree, the moogle will guard the door. DO NOT TALK THE MOOGLE YET!!! Instead, enter one of the trees to the left to get a Moogle Costume. Then enter the far left tree and talk to the moogle to get an Elf Cloak. Go and talk the moogle you saved to get a ride out of Moogle Village.

42) Val Castle
The Dragon gives you a lift from Moogle Village and takes you to Val Castle, where apparently Galuf is King. There are a few interesting things in Val Castle. In the King's Hall, get the chests to the left to get a Hero Drink and learn the Telepo spell. Exit the room from the bottom door to get to the 1st Floor where there is a staircase leading down. Here, there is a soldier and a save point. Save. The enemies in the basement give you a ton of AP for an easy battle, so make sure you take a little time to level up some jobs. Go back to the 1st Floor and exit through the bottom to get to the courtyard area. Go into the door to the far left to buy items. Buy whatever you want, but make sure you have 10,000 GP saved for a later occasion. Go up the stairs to reach the roof. There is a hidden staircase behind the tower. Go down the stairs and you will be in the room with purple robed man. Get the chest to get an Angel Robe. If you look closely, you will see a switch on the other side of the wall. If you examine it from your side, you will open up a secret door into their side. Talk to the two merchants and stand directly between them. They will hate you so much that they will give you a Lamia'sHarp. Exit the merchant area, back to the couryard. Just to the left of the three guards is a small pool. Walk into the bottom-left hand corner to be sucked into the moat. Follow the moat to the opposite side of the castle. Search all of the dead-end of the moat to find a "Great Sword". The Great Sword is called the Regal Cutlass in your inventory. Go back and pull the switch to be sucked back into the courtyard. Rest at the Inn and then go back to the King's Hall and go up the stairs. Go up the stairs and onto the roof where Krile is crying because the Dragon is dying. Reina suggests Dragon Grass and Galuf mentions the Valley of the Dragons. Talk to the guards at the front gates and they will let you out. As soon as you leave, an Abductor attacks. He isn't hard at all.

43) Kelb Village
Upon entery, you see that there isn't a soul in sight and that every building is locked up except for the one at the top of town. When you enter that house, you are only meet with another locked door. When you try to leave, you are attacked by some werewolves! After you settle things. You learn that Bartz father, Drogan, was one of the four Warriors of Dawn that had fought X-Death 30 years ago. After the long event, Kelga agrees to open the back gate. North of Kelb is the Valley of the Dragons. Buy stuff, but keep 10,000 GP in your possession for later use.

Things to do: Kelb Village
In the far northeastern part of town, there are 3 wolves walking in circles. One of them teaches you the Requiem song which will definitely come in handy. You can mess up their circluar pattern by stepping in front of one. It's kind of fun seeing them get stuck in walls and stuff. Also, there is a well in front of the magic shop. If you examine the well, an old man will jump out asking for a frog. This is a clue. Exit the village from the south end. Make a Trainer and run into a few battles in the grassy area until you run into an enemy called Kornago. The objective is to capture a Kornago frog. Unfortunately, these frogs run away as soon as they get weak. A good method for catching them is to have someone control in and have everyone else use spells like Demi and Missile to lower its HP without killing it. When it's HP gets around 100, use the !Catch ability. Now that you have captured a Kornago Frog, talk to the guy from the well, and he will sell you the Kornago's Gourd for your hopefully saved 10,000 GP. Buy it. The KornagoGourd will make Catching monster a lot easier. One last thing to know about Kelb Village...At the Inn, if you sit in the chair the left of the wolf, he will heal your HP and MP and give you 8 Tonics. But keep in mind that he will only do this good deed three times, so use them wisely.

Caution: Gilgame's Cave
If you have ventured across the muddy field east of Val Castle, you will probably
have noticed a cave. This is Gilgame's Cave. I strongly suggest you get your butt
out of there for right now because every enemy in there is a tough battle, and at the
end of the cave you'll run into Gilgame himself. Gilgame will use up to 3 consecutive
attacks, each taking off 1000+ damage. Your not ready for him yet. Just remember
the cave's location and come back to it later when you've grown a number of levels.
So when your much stronger with HP and Ice magic attacks, come back and play
Gilgame's Gil Game.

44) Valley of Dragons
This mountain has a couple of tricks to it, but overall, it isn't too hard. It would be best to have at least one Bard in your group to fight off the undead creatures, and some kind of healer becuase there's a good chance you'll get poisoned. Also, you might run into an enemy called ???? while outside. Don't worry about it right now. From the base of the mountain, follow the path and go into the first small cave to get 5000 GP. Continue up into the next cave. The rest of the path is pretty straight until you get to a room with a sealed door, and a switch that you can't reach. The simple solution to this is to walk around to the right of the sealed door to fall into a trap door that leads to a chest full of GP. Go into the door and hit the switch. This triggers the landscape to move forming a new path. Go through the path and into the new cave. Inside this cave, go left to get the two chests. Then take to right path. Straight down leads to a much needed save point. When you exit the cave, you will be in an area where you should run into a Golem (previously ????) and two undead creatures. Golem cries out for help as the two undead enemies attack it. Quickly use Requiem and Fire2 to kill the them, but don't attack Golem. When you defeat the two creatures, Golem will thank you and join you as a Summon! Go to your items list and use Golem to make it official. Immediately make a Summoner in your group for the upcomming battle. When you try to take the Dragon Grass, it will spring up and attack your party.
Dragongrass (12,000 HP)
Have a Summoner, Bard, and 2 Monks. Have the summoner cast Golem from the beginning. Have your Bard use Str. Song every turn to up your Monk's strength. The dragongrass has little dragon Bulbs that hang around it. They have very little HP and are very easy to kill, but if you let them live, they will do some damage to your guys. Whenever the Bulbs grow, have the summoner use something that will damage all of them (don't use Ifrit). Have your Monks concentrate on the big plant.
After the battle, make a Time Mage and use Telepo to get out of the mountain.

Things to know: Dragon Fangs
By now, you should have won a few Dragon Fangs from the Valley of Dragons.
If in the game, you are running short on cash, you can sell a Dragon Fang for
2500 GP each! Get rich quick.

45) Back to Val Castle
Now that you have the Dragon Grass, return to Val Castle. Talk to Krile to learn that you must go to Gill who is located northeast off the continent. Go to the roof and use the Dragon Grass on the Dragon. Now that the Dragon is healed, you can fly him around. Fly north past Kelb and northeast of the Valley of Dragons to see a small island with a cave. When you enter the cave, the ground shakes and the island sinks. Fly the Dragon due west to Surgate Castle.

46) Surgate Castle
At the front gate, you learn that Zeza has taken his fleet of ships over to attack X-Death's Castle. The then invites you in to take what you find. You want to find 3 main things: 5000 GP, the Float spell, and the Song of Speed. From the King's Hall, go up to far top-left staircase. This leads to a room full of scholars. Continue down the stairs to the left to enter a large library. If you examine the bookshelves, you'll notice that they are in alphabetical order. The objective here is to take the three books and put them back in the correct order on the shelf. Take the first letter of the book's name and place it on the shelf that has that letter. When you have done this, talk to the person and she will open up a door to another room. Follow her and talk to her. She says that the Float spell is lying around somewhere. Go down the staircase to the left and open the chest to get 5000 GP. Then go down through the bottom exit and run under the bridge to get to the other side of the castle which has a door. Go in and learn the Float spell. Go back to the King's Hall and go up the other staircase on the left side of the room to get to the King's Chambers. Examine the bright red book to learn the Song of Speed. From the King's Hall, go down the stairs on the right side of the room. The soldiers here tell you where Zeza is and how to get to him, so listen closely. The next room down contains the inn and all the stores. Buy what you want. It's now time to visit Zeza.

47) Zeza's Ship
Fly your Dragon southeast to the continent with X-Death's castle. Directly to the right of X-Death's castle is Zeza's fleet of ships. Fly over, and land on the right side of the largest ship. Zeza will greet you and tell you to rest up. Do as he says and go to the bottom of the ship and rest in the right room. Your nice sleep is bluntly ended with a big shake. Head up to the deck and talk to Zeza. Try to avoid getting into any battles. Fight the one Gobldigoo that is stationary. Then fight Gilgamesh, who is joined up with Enkidoh.
Gilgamesh (???? HP) ; Enkidoh (4000 HP)
Have a summoner, Thief, Monk, and Blue Mage. Have your Thief steal that Genji Glove right away! Have the summoner cast Golem. Use the Monk's strong physical attacks, and have your Blue Mage cast Flash to blind Gilgamesh. Cast Blowfish to do heavy damage, and WhiteWind to do some heavy curing.

48) Barrier Tower
After the battle, follow Zeza below the deck. Go through the left door and Zeza will tell you to get the other end of the box. Here, Zeza will reveal his master plan. Heal yourself in the bottom part of the sub. Once inside the tower, Zeza will give you some Whisper Grass and tell you to blow up the tower while he powers it down. Zeza went one way, so you go the other. Save you game now. Keep in mind that a Traveler will cast the blue spell, TimeSlip. So have a Blue Mage handy. And try to avoid using magic, becuase some of the enemies here have the Reflect spell on them. In the room room past the save point, there are two chests. The one farthest away contains a monster, which will most likely be a Red Dragon. They are very tough. The best way to kill them is to make 3 summoners and a healer. Have the summoners cast Titan. After getting the two chests, you might want to go back to the save point and heal. The next area is a little bit harder to navigate in because of the outer pillars get in the way. Note that if you missed the L4 Qrtr spell back in the flying ruins, you can learn it from a LvlTripper. Climb the tower and get all the chests. Eventually you'll get to a height where Zeza calls you from the Whisper Grass. He tells you to destroy the tower. Next, you'll be confronted by a split in the road where you can go through the left door or the right. Take the left door first to get the Hair Ornament (must fight Red Dragon first), then go through the right door to get to a save point. At the top, you lower the shield, but Atomos attacks!
Atomos (19,997 HP)
Before battle, it would be extremely helpful to go to your Config menu and turn the Battle Mode to "Wait" if it isn't there already. Atomos starts the battle by killing one of your guys. There's nothing you can do about this. Do not heal the fallin comrad, because if you do, Atomos will just cast Comet again and kill again. The absolute best way to win this battle quickly is to make 4 Monks paired with the !Store ability. If a Monk doesn't have the !Store ability, than make them either a Black Mage or Time Mage and cast Bio and Comet. If all your characters are Monks with !Store, you just might be able to kill Atomos before he can suck up the fallin comrad.

OR, if you can successfully cast BlakShock on Atomos, you can then use L.5 Doom to kill it off instantly!
After the battle, the party's cheering is stopped by the cold fact that Zeza won't be able to get out of the tower alive. While Galuf is waiting hopefully that Zeza would submerge alive, go into the sub and rest up a bit. After that, just wait a minute for by Galuf to say something, and he will rejoin you.

49) The Shoat Summon
Now that you have the submarine and a lot of money in your pocket, you can get the Shoat summon. While underwater, look at your world map to see 3 other white dots. The one that is farthest north is a cave that leads to the surface. At the surface, you will be surrounded by forest. Just walk around in the forest and you'll eventually run into a Shoat.
Shoat (5000 HP)
By now you should have plenty of GP from the Barrier Tower. Make 4 Samarais and just use $Toss twice and he should go down. You should kill him so fast that he won't be able to use Evil Eye more than once.
As a prize for killing Shoat, you will recieve the Shoat item. Go into your items inventory and use the Shoat item to be able to use Shoat as a summon. While you're in the forest, go the the patch of forest the right to meet a female chocobo. Get back to your sub the same way you came in.

50) Gill Shrine
Again, while underwater, look at your map. Go to the white dot that is farthest to the right. This is Gill's Shrine (remember when it sank the first time?). A few rooms into the cave, you'll see 5 chests, one which is closed. Open that center chest to pull out a stone. Drop the stone into the top-left chest. This will open a door to the right. Hit the switch in this room and return to the chests. Grab the stone from the chest and put it in the bottom-left chest to open another door. In this next area, there is a hidden path to the lower left which leads to a switch. Hit the switch to open the next path. Here, you must follow a number of dark paths to get to a pond. At the water, a turtle appears. Jump into the pond and go to the turtle. Bartz examines the turtle and plays around with it. Then the turtle talks, and they all fall in surprise, except for Galuf, who address him as Sage Gill. Gill tells you to go to Moore forest to stop X-Death, but in order to enter the forest, he gives you the Elder's Branch. After you get the Elder's Branch, have someone use Telepo to immediately get you back to your submarine, and head for Moore!

Things to do: Blue Magic
In Gill's Shrine, you can learn the blue spell, Aero3. Make all of your characters become
Blue Mages (or learners), and run into a fight with Metamorpha. Metamorpha will turn
into a Fan Wizard every once in a long while. When it does turn into a Fan Wizard, it will
cast Aero3. If it hits a learner, than you have the most powerful Wind-based attack! And
if you haven't gotten it yet, you can learn Red Feast from a Radiator.

51) Moore Village
Before you get to Moore Forest, you'll want to take a nice long visit to Moore Village. So, how do you get to Moore Village? Take you submarine and look at your map, and go to the left-most dot that appears. Check your map to see if your exactly on top of the dot, and then resurface to get to land. You'll resurface in a small lake. Go the town just the left. Save! Moore Village is packed with new weapons, new armor, and more powerful spells. Unfortunately it's all VERY expensive. Before you spend any of your money, make sure you get Cure3, and a few Cottages, if you don't have too many. You'll thank yourself later for getting these. And to be extra safe, you should probably save your GP so you can use $Toss later into the forest. Whenever your done, take a rest at the inn and exit the village. Cross the bridge to the east to enter Moore Forest.

52) Moore Forest
At the entrance to the forest, the Elder's Branch will allow you to get into the forest. Keep in mind that you can learn the blue spell, LitlSong from a Minimage. Straight up from the entrance, you can find a chest with 2500 GP. Walk to the right and pick up the chest with an Ether. Examine the tree with the hole to open another path. If you scan the top parts of the next forest area carefully, you'll find 4900 GP and a Phoenix Down. Navigate your way to the right and you'll see another tree with a hole. Before you go into the hole, search behind the tree to the right to get a chest with 9500 GP! Examine the hole to open another path. In the next forest area, grab the chest to the left to get a Cottage. Then go straight the right to find a chest with a Giant Drink. Walk straight up and you'll find a yellow-rimmed save point. Use a Cottage here and save your game! A little up and to the left of the save point is another chest containing an Elixir. Go straight up and grab the Mace from the chest. When you continue to the left of this chest, the ground will begin to shake and forest will catch fire. Before you know it, a moogle will pop out of the ground and then jump back in. Before you jump in after the moogle, get the chest above and to the right of the hole. This is the Aegis Shield. If you wait until later to get it, it will become a Flame Shield. The Aegis Shield and the Flame Shield are both good in thier own different ways, so just choose what you want to do. After you jump down the hole, take a drink from the spring and hang around for a while until the moogle stops guarding the cave. Go up to see the forest has burned to the ground. If you didn't get the Aegis Shield, it will now be a Flame Shield, but if you did get the Aegis Shild, the chest will be empty. Continue on to the left of the hole to get two chests containing Ash, and a Flame Saber. Before you go ANY further, make all of your character become Samurai's. Continue to the top, where the Elder's Branch will make a path for you to enter the Elder's Tree. Inside, you will immediately be attacked by the four Seal Guardians.
Seal Guardians (7777 HP each)
If you aren't equipped with four Samurais, this will be the battle of a lifetime, but since you were smart, you made four Samurais. By now, you should be the richest pair of travelers in the world because of all those battles you fought. Just use !$Toss twice and the four mighty Seal Guardians will go down...just like that! Easy battle.
After the battle, X-Death appears and tells you you just broke the seal for him. He then blasts you with the crystal's power. Krile, feeling worried, comes to your rescue, but is then caught in the middle of trouble. Oh...I won't ruin this interesting moment for you. After the long, sadening ordeal, you'll take control of the Dragon with Krile as the newest member of your group. Time to head over to X-Death's Castle.

53) Gilgame's Gil Game
This is completely optional, so don't feel like you have to do this. Past a certain door in Gilgame's Cave, you will find an increasing amount of GP on the floor. Don't be fooled! While picking up the GP, you will run into a battle with Gilgame, the longest and most difficult battle yet. Here is a strategy that DOES work.
Gilgame (32,768 HP)
Killing Gilgame will take some high level abilities, so if you don't have some of the following, you may want to go to the Val Castle basement and gets some quick ABP from the RockStatues. (RockStatues at Val Castle are killed instantly with L5 Doom).
You'll need the following combinations:

1) Summoner with L5 Time Magic
2) Chemist with Blue Magic
3) Samurai with L5 Black Magic
4) Black Mage with !Mix

While out of battle, do the following:

1) Cast "Float" on all party members (to avoid Gilgame's final attack).
2) Set all party members to be in the back row (to decrease damage delt by Gilgame).
3) Go to the Config menu and make sure the Battle Mode is on "Wait" (to give you infinite time to select your moves).


1) Have the summoner cast Golem right away!!! Golem is the key to winning this battle. Golem makes you temporarily invulnerable to physical attacks. Without it, you'll be killed very quickly. Have the summoner cast Golem every 2 or 3 turns (depending when Golem's effect wears off). When not casting Golem, cast Haste2 and Regen.

2) Have the Chemist immediately !Drink a Giant Drink. This doubles it's max HP. Whenever it's turn comes around again, cast WhiteWind. If you missed WhiteWind, you can still learn it by going to X-Death's castle and controlling an "A Rage" enemy (looks like a red bunny). WhiteWind will keep everyone's HP up all the time.

3) The Samurai will block or dodge the vast majority of Gilgame's attacks. Have him cast Ice3 on Gilgame every turn, unless someone has fallen. In that case, have the Samurai use a Phoenix Down.

4) Have the Black Mage Mix together an "EyeDrop" and a "HolyWater". This combination casts Element Might. Use this combination on the Samarai and the Black Mage. If you do this, Ice3 will suddenly do a lot more damage. You may also want to mix a Potion and a Turtle shell to create a Dry Tincture. Cast Dry Tincture on your Samurai. Dry Tincture triples the power of Ethers, so whenever a party member is low on MP, have the Samarai use an Ether to cure a lot of MP.

---Just continue to heal with WhiteWindd, cast Golem, and blast Gilgame with Ice3, and you should do fine. Make sure you still have that "Float" spell on everyone because when Gilgame goes down, he uses a devistating quake attack that will kill everyone that is touching the ground. If you think the Ether trick takes too long, you can always just use one of your Elixirs. After you defeat Gilgame, use Telepo to get out of there, because if you take another step forward, you just might have to fight him all over again.

---For winning, you get 5000 GP and onlly 3 ABP. But at least you get to tell your friends you defeated Gilgame.

54) X-Death's Castle
Keep in mind that if you missed the WhiteWind blue magic spell in the Ronka Ruins, you can learn it by controlling an A Rage. Inside the castle, you see a bunch of fallen soldiers claiming that X-Death was strong. Head up to the 2nd floor where there are 2 chests toward the bottom of the room. Head up to the 3rd floor. When you reach the end end, go back, and Krile will reveal the reality of the castle. Head up to the 4th floor. On the 4th floor you'll have a chance to learn L2 Old if you have Lv 2 characters. To do this, fight a MagicDrgn, cast Rflect on it, and control it. Have it cast L. 2 Old on itself and it should get reflected to one of your party members. If it hits a Lv2 character that's a learner, than you've learned L2 Old. Hit the gray switch to access the chest with an Ice Shield. Continue down the twisted path on up to the 5th floor. When you reach the 6th floor, make a Geomancer to avoid damage from the lava paths, and make a Thief to see the secret path to a chest. When you get the hidden chest, get out of the lava and move across the narrow pathway to get an Elixir from the chest. Go up to the 7th floor. On the 7th floor, you must step on the skull floor tile. This will make the bridge move back and forth. Stop the bridge when it is in the middle. Cross the bridge to get to a well-deserved SAVE POINT! Keep on the lookout for a Red Dragon because you can learn L3 Flare. When you run into one, do the same steps you used to get L2 Old (reflect and control). Use a cottage and save. Afterwards you can go back and try to get the two chests using the moving bridge. On the 8th floor, get the chest to the right (use Thief to see passage). To the far left, there is a chest with 9900 GP inside. On the 10th floor, you see a summon that you can't reach. Don't worry, you'll get to it soon. On the 9th floor, you'll be wanting that Geomancer again for the lava. Walk all the way across to the right side of the lava-filled room. Go up these steps to reach a chest with 8000 Gp. Go back down and go up the other steps to get to the other side of the summon. You'll be confronted with a platform with lots of skull tiles. Make sure you have your Geomancer and slowly walk tile by tile to the chest to get a Double Lance. Then slowly make your way to the very top skull. This will teleport you to the summon. Prepare for a battle now.
Carbuncle (15,000 HP)
Be able to cast Reflect on everyone, and be able to cast strong black magic. Carbuncle has the Reflect spell on himself from the beginning, so don't directly cast magic on him. Instead, cast Fire3, Ice3, or Bolt3 on your own reflected characters to do major damage to Carbuncle. Carbuncle's attacks are weak at first, but if he's still living after a while, he'll start casting instant kill attacks like Death and X-zone. So try to be quick about it. Heal when necessary. And if you have a Thief in your party, try to steal the Wall Ring. Wall Rings automatically cast Reflect on you from the beginning of a battle.

After the battle, go back to the room with the many skull tiles. This time, step on the far bottom skull to make a bridge appear to the next area. Be sure not to step on the skull directly above the bridge, or else the bridge will disappear, and you will have to step on the bottom skull again. The next room is a Save Point. Save and Use a cottage. Up next, you'll be fighting Gilgamesh. The next room is a rather large one with an empty chest. When you try to exit, Gilgamesh will confront you.

Gilgamesh (???? HP)
All you need to do here is use magic spell like Fire3, Ice3, Bolt3, and Aero3. Heal yourself whenever your HP is low. Not much to this fight. When he transforms, be sure to steal the Genji Helmet from him.

For winning the battle, you recieve the Excalipur weapon. This weapon is not all that good for hand to hand combat. But this weapon can do some good if you equip it with the Barefist ability, and then casting Gobpunch. You'll be surprised at how much damage you can do for free. As soon as you defeat Gilgamesh, go back, use another cottage, and save. Then go up to the 13th floor where X-Death is waiting for you.

X-Death (32,768 HP)
Make 3 Blue Mages and a Time Mage. When the battle begins, X-Death should either use the blue spell, Condemn, or a regular attack. Make sure he uses Condemn on one of your Blue Mages! If he starts the battle by attacking regularly, than have your Time Mage cast Return. This will start the battle all over again. Do this until he casts Condemn on a learner. When he has done this, pound X-Death with your strongest magic spells like Fire3, Ice3, and Bolt3. If you went and learned L2 Old and L3 Flare, you can cast them both on X-Death, making the battle a bit easier. Cast Golem for the best protection. Cast Haste2 if possible.
After this confrontation, the crystals shatter, and our four heros find themselves back on their home planet...or have they?

World Three

55) Home Again?
If you look at your world map, you'll see that the world has changed a great deal. Go up to Tycoon Castle. Note: You can't run into any battle outside the castle, yet. Go straight up into the castle where the chancellor is waiting. Note: Listen to Bartz talk; I think he's catching Faris's bad accent. Soon enough, a party is thrown for their return. When the dance begins, Krile leaves out the door. Follow her, and talk to her. You decide that you should investigate more into the X-Death matter, and you'll have to do so without Reina and Faris. Leave through the main exit at the bottom of the room. Then go up the stairs to the right, which leads to a room with an old lady names Jenica. Talk to Jenica and she will have a flash back on when Faris and Reina were just little kids. When you've done this, it's time to leave the castle. But before you can exit, a soldier comes and says the bridge to the west is finished. Bartz decides to go and get Boko. After some chatter...Bartz hits Krile! Who knew Bartz could be so low as to hitting little girls? Well, anyway...go get Boko. Head west from the castle and cross the newly built bridge. Following this path will lead you to the cave where Boko meets you. You find that Krile can talk to chocobos and that Boko has gotten himself a wife named Koko and a child on the way! Hoo-boy!

56) Getting Faris
Now that you Boko, head back to Castle Tycoon, and ride northwest. After a while of riding, you should pass Tule Village. If you want, go into Tule Village, go to the Beginners House, and say "No" to the lady at the front counter. If you do this, she will tell you some very important and interesting info about the Job System. The towns people all speak about the changes to the world and how they are surprised that Faris is really the pricess of Tycoon. Anyway, just past Tule Village, you'll ride along a canyon, and you'll fall into a whole. Here, you'll have to fight Antolyon.
Antolyon (8100 HP)
Waste no time in this battle!!! Make either Blue Mages or Ninjas. Antolyon is very weak against water, so cast AquaRake and Water Skills on him immediately. Every time he casts dischord, you will do less damage. So be quick. After taking away his HP, he will escape.
After the battle, move up some and a rope will appear. When you try to grab it, it goes out of reach. Someone is playing mind games with you. Just keep trying to get the rope, and you'll eventually catch on. At the top Faris joins your party again. But before you leave, Krile is pricked by a thorn. Ride Boko southwest to Gill's Shrine.

57) Meeting With Gill
Talk with Gill in his Shrine and he will explain that Bartz world and Krile's world have melded together to form one massive world. After talking, the thorn that pricked Krile turns into X-Death. X-Death reveals his plans to obtain the Void, and he and Gill duke it out. The power of the Void sucks Tycoon Castle into nothingness, taking Reina with it! At the end, X-Death blasts you all just north of the Library of Ancients. In the Library, Gill gets straight down to business. The two parts to the Sealed Book come together. It says that you must get the four lithographs. There locations are said to be:
1) "With the spirit of the past, one is protected by the earth..." This is the pyramid in the middle of the desert.
2) "In an island temple, one is protected by the wind..." This is the temple in the middle of Big Bridge.
3) "In a place deeper than the ocean floor, one is protected by the flame..." This is the white dot, that is the far southeastern part of the map when underwater.
4) "Behind the place where the water falls, one is protected by the water..." This is behind Easterly Falls.
This only one you need to be worrying about right now is the first one. While in the Library of Ancients, make your way to the roof and talk to the scholar to the right. She will teach you the "Song of Magic". If you examine the pot below Gill, it will recover your HP/MP and status.
WARNING:!!! Whatever you do, DO NOT use the Telepo spell while in the Library of Ancients. Doing so will cause you to teleport back to Gill's Shrine and therefor screwing your game over. If you save after Teleporting back to where Gill was, than you will have to start Final Fantasy V ALL OVER AGAIN!!! So just don't cast Telepo if you haven't left the Library of Ancients. Head west of the Library of Ancients to get to the Elder's Tree. Past the Elder's Tree is the Desert of Sand Tides. Your next target is the pyramid in the middle of the desert, but stop at Moore Village first.

58) Chicken/BraveBlade
In Moore Village, you can now access a hidden area! You can now enter the small building at the far left side of town. Enter the through the back door. From the house, do the following:
1) Go down until you stop.
2) Then go left until you stop.
3) Then go down 6 steps.
4) Go left 2 steps.
5) Finally, go down as far as you can.
When you go down, a wizard should appear and ask you if you think you're brave or a coward. If you think your brave, take the box on the left, and if you think your a coward, then take the box on the right. Make sure you choose wisely. I strongly suggest getting the Chicken Knife (box on right), because it can eventually become one of the strongest weapons in the entire game, while the Brave Blade will only become weaker as time goes by. Get the Chicken Knife! When you get this weapon, start running away from a lot of battles and watch your Battle Power increase! Unfortunately, the Chicken Knife will randomely make you run away from a battle, whether you want to or not. This can get annoying sometimes, but it is still worth it.

59) The 1st Lithograph
When attempting to enter the pyramid, you are attacked by two Gargoyles.
Gargoyles (5000 HP each)
These guys are the easiest things to kill if you have learned L3 Flare. Simply have two or three people cast L3 Flare, and these guys are history. If you haven't learned L3 Flare, than this battle will be much more difficult. The key to beating them is to use magic that will damage both enemies at the same time. If you only kill one of them, the other will revive it. Use your stongest Black Magic on both Gargoyles at the same time. And heal often because their attacks are brutal.
After the battle, the Sealed Book will appear and open the door. Inside the pyramid, start by scrolling the outer edge to come to some spikes in the ground. Hit the outer two switches to create a safe path through the spikes. Walk into the falling sand and you'll be dropped to the floor below. Grab the chest to the right, and you'll be forced to fight some monsters called, The Damned. If you haven't learned Condemned or Guard-Off yet, than can learn them now by controlling one of them and casting it on a learner. After getting the Ice Shield from the chest, go up the stairs and walk along the outer edges until you reach the switch next to the falling sand. Before you hit the switch, make a Thief and go up the stairs. Navigate your way through the walls.
Past the walls, examine the mummy case to fight a Grandmummy. Grandmummy has 6000 HP, so just use Requiem and Fire spells to kill it. Enter the the mummy tomb and grab the Hex Ring from the chest. The Hex Ring casts Condemn on the wearer, so only wear it if you can defeat the enemy in under 60 seconds. Backtrack to the falling sand and hit the switch. Go back all the way around to the beginning of the pyramid. This time, go through the door and up the stairs. This room has three switches, which can all be pushed to open the doors ahead. On the 3rd floor, get the three chests (you'll have to fight for them) and then go to where the spikes are. Go up as soon as the spikes disappear, if you wait too long, then the floor will push you into the spikes!
The 4th floor will be a challage because you'll have to fight a lot of strong MechaHeads. The easiest way to defeat them is by casting strong Lightning magic like Bolt3 and Lightning Skills. From the start, head straight up and to the left. Open the Sarcophagus and fight the mummies. Use a cottage and save in the next room. Now, go back out and get the chest to the left by hitting the switch, then get the three chests to the top right. Go back and use another Cottage, and save. Continue up to the 5th floor where there's a sarcophagus, and a path leading up some stairs. Go left and up the stairs first to get two chests, then go back and through the sarcophagus. Make a Thief right now to see a bunch of hidden paths.
A little ways further, and you should run into an enemy called Bludgeoner. When you defeat it, he mentions he has a brother in a tower (keep this in mind). Follow the hidden path to get the chest containing monsters and a BlackCostume. After you get the BlackCostume, go to the bottom of the area and go up to the 6th floor. Here, you'll be in a room with lots of falling sand. Fall down the first falling sand to access another chest. Go back up the the 6th floor. Hit the first switch and go through the door to the right. You'll have to choose from two switches. One is a trap! Hit the left switch. Get the chests on the right to get 17000 GP, then get the chests on the right (monsters!).
After you get all the chests, go back out and hit the rest of the switches to get to the 7th floor. On the 7th floor, make sure you have a Thief, then make you way to the far left and go up the two doors to see a string of hidden passages. Follow them to get all three chests. Go back and go up the center stairs. Here, (the 8th floor) you'll see that the floor disappears and reappears. Fall down the hole and grab the previously unaccessable chest. Go back up to the 8th floor and watch the floor VERY carefull for tiles that DON'T disappear. Time it right and get all three chests. And make sure you get all three of them because these are all VERY powerful relics. Go up the left stairs, and get the two chests. Then slide over to the other side of the room and get those two chests (lots of money!). You'll need to go back to the 8th floor to get to the other side again. When you're back on the other side, go up the non-sliding parts of the steps and up to the final room. When you grab the lithograph, the floor will elevate you to the top of the pyramid. When you read the lithograph, the peninsula will sink into the ocean and turn into Bahamut! Bahamut tells you he will be waiting for you on top of North Mountain. Keep this in mind for a future trip to North Mountain. When you gain control, leave the pyramid and heal at Moore Village.

60) Getting Reina
Head east of the pyramid to get to Elder's Tree. Upon entering, Dragon will fly down and put Reina on the ground. When you try talking to her, you find that she has been possessed by a Mellusion. X-Death appears and tells you all the monsters in the N-Zone serve him. X-Death then sucks the Library of Ancients into the N-Zone. Dragon comes in and knocks the monster out of Reina's body. Time to fight Mellusion.
Mellusion (20,000 HP)
Mellusion changes it's weakness every once in a while. The easiest and fastest way to kill her is to have someone Scan her to see what her weakness is, and then to pound her with that weakness. So in other words, make three Black Mages with one or more having level 1 white magic. Whenever it uses Wall Change, then you need to scan it again to see what its new weakness it. If you don't scan it, then you just might heal it then next time you cast magic.
After the battle, Reina rejoins. Use a Cottage and trek east to find you ship just to the right of Surgate Castle. When you board the ship, Reina explains that the entrance to the N-Zone is where Tycoon Castle disappeared. Then you fly off to Kuza Castle. Meanwhile, X-Death is at his headquarters. X-Death uses the Void to suck up quite a number of towns and castles. When X-Death sucks up Rikks Village, Bartz gets mad. When you gain control of the airship, fly around and get to know the new landscape. Afterward, fly to Kuza Castle (aka Sealed Castle) and claim your prizes in exchange for the 1st Lithograph. Kuza Castle is located just northeast of Tule Village.

Things to know: Another Ribbon
Now that you have an airship, you can get another Ribbon. Fly to Lugor Bordertown (west of Wind Shrine), and enter the Armor shop. If you have a Thief or a the Secret ability, you can see a passage to the girl in the center counter. If you talk to her, you will recieve another Ribbon!!!

61) Kuza Castle
When you enter Kuza Castle (aka Sealed Castle), the chancellor will offer to read the book for you. Talk to the scholar to the right and she will pull out the recovery pot. Talk to the other scholors to learn of the locations of the other lithographs. Continue through the double door and into a giant hall. Be careful here because there are two deadly enemies you will surely encounter. They are X-DethSoul and ShieldDrgn. These are very tough enemies, but you can run away from them if you have to. These enemies are totally optional, so if you don't want to fight them, equip the Flee or Dustb abilities to quickly escape battle. But if you think your tough enough to fight them, here are some strategies:
ShieldDrgn (19,999 HP)
The easiest thing to do is to use the !Cntrl ability and control it so it can't attack you. Once it is controlled, make it use its Blaze attack on itself. This does about 5000 damage to him! Just don't attack it and make it use Blaze on itself every turn until it dies. Simple.
X-DethSoul (20,000 HP)
I really see no benefit to fighting X-DethSoul because he is extremely hard, and you don't get any experience, and you recieve only 7 ABP points for winning. Not worth it. Just run away from him. If you want to fight him anyway, make 4 Blue Mages, at least one having the !Mix ability. In battle, have the mixer mix together a Potion and a Dragon Fang and use it on X-DethSoul. Then, have everyone pound X-DethSoul with L3 Flare. After a few rounds of this, he should die. Heal when necessary.
Anyway, past the big Hall is the Sealed Room. Examine the sparkly thing and the lithograph will cover it. You can now browse the room and choose any three weapons you want. There are 12 different weapons to choose from. Look at the 12 weapons like a circular clock. The 12 weapons are as follows starting at one o'clock:
(1) Assassin Dagger
(2) Ninja Blade (called Sasuke in inventory)
(3) Holy Lance
(4) Rune Axe
(5) Masamune
(6) Yoichi's Bow
(7) Fire Bute
(8) Sage Staff
(9) Magus Rod
(10) Apolon Harp
(11) Earth Bell
(12) Excalibur
I would recommend that you get the Ninja Blade, Masamune, and Magus Rod first for their side properties, but it really doesn't matter too much which ones you get first. When you leave the Sealed Room, there is a short scene with X-Death and his minions. Afterwards, go to the enterance of the castle and drink from the recovery pot, then leave.

62) The Magic Lamp
The Magic Lamp is one of the few secrets of the game. The Magic Lamp is located on top of Easterly Falls, but you can only get there with a yellow chocobo. That means you'll need to get Boko, who you left back at Gill's Shrine. If you forgot, Gill's shrine is southwest of Kuza Castle. To get to the top of Easterly Falls, hop onto Boko and do the following:
1) Ride Boko northeast of Gill's Shrine until you reach Tule Village.
2) Ride northeast of Tule Village until you reach Kuza Castle.
3) Go due north until you reach Lugor Bordertown.
4) Go far east until you reach a rectangular lake with two river flowing from it.
5) Follow the narrow water way between the mountains. (Keep to the top).
6) Examine the center of the top of the waterfall to get a close-up of the waterfall.
7) Finally, examine the edge of the waterfall to recieve the Magic Lamp.
So...what exactly does the Magic Lamp do? Well, the Magic Lamp is an item anyone can use in battle. Just use the Magic Lamp, and it will call upon every summon once, starting with the strongest (Bahamut), and then ending with the weakest (Chocobo). If you go back to the waterfall after using the Magic Lamp, you can refill the Lamp, making it cast Bahamut again. Keep refilling it whenever you want to cast Bahamut for free.

63) The Hydra Summon
From Kuza Castle, just fly a little bit southeast and land the airship in the small stip of land surrounded my mountains. Go into the caves and head for the Pirate's Hideout. Before you can go any further into the hideout, you hear Hydra call out. Faris quickly reacts to this. Krile says that Hydra's spirit want to help. Hydra cries out one last time and then joins your party as a summon.

64) The Odin Summon
Odin is resting in the basement of Val Castle. Unfortunately, the door in the basement is locked from the inside. Looks like you must find a different way in. Enter the Jachol Caves just west of Val Castle. Go through the skull puzzles just as you had done earlier in the game (wait for true skull switch to appear and examine opened chest to open sealed door). In the cave passed the locked door, stay along the right side of the wall. At the very top of the cave, there is a dead end!...or maybe not. Press up against the dead end and you'll start climbing the wall and into the Val Castle basement! Head down and unlock the door, then go up the stairs into the castle and save your game at the nicely placed save point. Go back down into the basement and work your way up until you see the green summon essence. Talk to it and answer Yes both times to start the battle.
Odin (17,000 HP)
This is a battle to the death, and you only have 60 seconds to kill him. This guy is tough, but you can easily defeat him in one shot by casting Break on him until he gets hit by it (this may take a few tries). Note that Odin is carrying one of the only 4 Protect Rings in the game and if you don't get it now, it's gone for good. Unfortunately, your chances of succefully stealing are extremely low. If you are determined, make a Thief (equiped with the Thief'sGlove) and try stealing. If you are unsucceful, you might want to cast Return and try the stealing process again.
When you defeat him, he joins you as your newest summon.

65) Mirage Village
Back in Crescent Town, people talk of a village appearing in a forest. Head far southwest of Crescent Town and wonder around on foot in the small patch of forest. Instead of running into a battle, you'll be warped to Mirage Village! Immediately make a Thief to see all the hidden passages (and this village has A LOT of hidden stuff). Mirage Village is full of secrets. Every store has two merchants, but some of the second merchants are hidden. Start by going into the Armor shop. You can get behind the counter and to the 2nd merchant by examining the wooden crate near the enterance. The second merchant sells extremely expensive relics (come back later when you have money to burn). You can reach the 2nd merchant in the Magic Shop by entering the Magic shop through the back door which is located on the top-left side of the building (outside). This merchant sells Lv6 magic spell (very expensive). Leave the Magic shop and head up to the PUB without actually entering it. There is a secret backdoor to the pub. Go around the to the back of the pub and enter. You should now be behind the counter. Examine the line of barrels to find a Thief's Knife. Go down the stairs to the left. The man walking around says he'll give you something real good if you ride around the world on a yellow chocobo. This "good" thing is the Mirage Vest (grab your yellow chocobo and ride around the world once or twice and return to Mirage Village). After you get the Mirage Vest, he will hint to you about the Magic Lamp, which you may already have. In the building below, there is a recovery pot. Go past the recover pot and down the stairs. Up the staircase to the right leads to the second weapon merchant, but to the left is another staircase and the final piano! Play the piano and go up the stairs. Here, you get your Black Chocobo back! That's it for Mirage Village.

66) Songs of the Bard
Now that you have played all the pianos in the world, head over to Crescent Town and play the piano at the bard's house. When the bard hears you play he will teach you the LVL Song. And if you haven't already played for him, you will also learn the Power Song! You should now have learned every song in the game.

67) The 2nd Lithograph
The 2nd Lithograph is located in the Island Shrine which is located right in the middle of Big Bridge. Just like the Pyramid, you have to fight two Gargoyles. They are exactly the same as before. Just cast magic that damages both of them at the same time (L3 Flare works best). Afterward, procede to the door where the Sealed Book opens it for you. The Island Shrine is full of secret passages, so make a Thief pronto! In the very room after the Gargoyles, there is a secret passage way leading to a chest with 12000 GP! Down the steps to the left is an air duct which leads to a room with two switches on the wall. Flip the right switch DOWN and leave the right switch UP and go back into the air duct. This should take you to a chest containing an Elixir. Go back through the duct to the switch room. This time make both swithes be turned DOWN. Go back into the air duct to get 9000 GP. Finally, make the left switch DOWN, and the right switch UP to continue into the rest of the shrine. In the next area, there is a chest to the left containing a Razor Ring, but before you can get it, you must fight an enemy called Invisible. Don't open this chest yet! Instead, go into the door to the right and save! Then you should open the chest.
Invisible (7000 HP)
This enemy is actually pretty tough. Just keep casting Fire3 to take off heavy damage. Halfway into the battle,Invisible summons Spawn. You can't see it, but apparently, spawn is taking all the damage for Invisible. Just continue to cast Fire3 until they both die. It would be smart to cast Golem and have Cure3 ready.
Past the save point is a huge room. Run straight up to reach a chest. After you fight the MechaHead, you recieve another Protect Ring. Directly to the right of the chest is a secret passage leading to a chest with a CrystalHelmt. To the left of the chest you can get an Ether. Go up the stairs to the 3rd floor. Don't go toward the secret passage to the right because there is a trap door guarding it. In the door straight ahead is a chest with a Beast Killer (whip). Go around to the left and go up the stairs to the 4th floor, and then to the 5th floor. Make sure you have a Geomancer while on the 5th floor because there are quite a few trap doors hidden all around the room. So inch your way across to get the chests (don't worry about the stairs). The next room up is another save point. Use a cottage and save here. On the next floor, grab the two chests on the opposite sides of the room and then go into the door and get the Lithograph. But before you can get your hands on it, Stoker attacks.
Stoker (20,000 HP)
In battle, you see four enemies, but only one of them is real. Only the real one will take damage. I can't think of any sure strategy to easily getting by him, but there's something you must abide by, and that's NOT to cast any type of magic that effects all Stokers at once. If you do happen to cast magic that effects them all, you'd better pray you have a lot of HP because they will counter by casting Blaze three times on your entire party! A good thing to do would probably to make four Monks (with White/Time/Learning/Learning) and have each of them attack a different Stoker. One of them must hit the real one. Heal when necessary and cast Haste2 to speed things up. After a long while of good and bad hits, you should be able to take it out. When the main Stoker goes out, the others will slowly die. Note that Stoker will cast Mind Blst quite frequently, so try to learn it.
After the battle, the gate to Fork Tower is broken. Cast Telepo to get out of there. Now that you have another Lithograph, head over to Kuza Castle and take another 3 legendary weapons!

68) Fork Tower
At the foot of the tower, you will be asked to spit into two groups. Make your two best magic casters take the left tower, and your two most powerful fighters to the right tower. It would be a good idea to make a Black Mage and a Summoners with White and Time magic, and equip them both with HairOrnaments to cut MP use in half, and whatever you do, DO NOT USE REGULAR ATTACKS! If you have a caster attack regularly, they will counter with something that will 95% of the time end your game. So stick to magic. For the fighters on the other hand, make a couple of Monks or Ninjas with the !Twin ability, DO NOT CAST MAGIC! Casting magic in the right tower may result in the enemy hitting you four times with strong attacks (possibly killing you). If you need to heal, use Potions and Phoenix Downs. Both sides of the tower go straight up in a straight-forward path. Before your fighters reach the very top, unequip them of any Holy-based weapons (ex: Excalibur and Holy Lance). At the top of each tower are the two magic spells. You'll have to fight the monsters guarding these magic spells.
Minitaurus (19,850 HP)
Remember that Bludgeoner from the pyramid? Well, this is the brother he mentioned. Minitaurus will absorb any Holy attacks, so if you're equipped with the Excalibur or Holy Lance, than your in deep poop. Quickly start the battle buy using the !Twin ability. Have the Ninja have the Chicken Knife and the Sasuke equipped if you have them. Just attack and keep the !Twin shield up. The battle shouldn't take too long since your pretty much invinsible to him.
After the battle, you recieve the Holy Magic spell. Now the White Mages can actually defend themselves!!! The scene then switches to the magic group. One mentions to quickly take the spell or the tower will blow up. You'd better take that advise because if you just site there for a few seconds, the tower really will blow up and you'll have to start all over from the beginning of the tower! So just take grab it before that happens. The magic casters will have to fight Omniscient.
Omniscient (16,999 HP)
From the beginning, cast Carbuncle to prevent it's really powerful attacks. If you don't have Carbuncle, cast Rflect. Then, cast Rflect on Omniscient to prevent him from healing himself. Have the Summoner cast Hydra every turn (unless Carbuncle's effect wears off). Have the Black Mage cast Fire3, Ice3, or Bolt3 on one of your own reflected allies to hit him. With your reflect shield on, this battle is easy.
After the battle, your recieve the Flare Magic spell, and the tower disappears, uncovering the airbase!

69) The New Sub/Airship!
Land your airship into the airbase and go see Cid who you find is spinning with the wheels. Mid comes in and Cid says that he now has the technology to modify the airship to become a submarine! Now that you have the newest form of transportation, there are many things you can now do before you go to the 3rd Lithograph.

Things to know: Your Psychic Friend
Now that you can submerge into the depths, take your ship and sink it in the water just
south of Karnak. There is a hidden cave not visible on the map. Inside the cave is a man
who will tell you your status in the game. He tells you:
1) The number of battles you've fought.
2) The number of monsters you've killed.
3) Your total average experience.
4) The percentage of chests you've opened. And finally...
5) The number of times you've saved your game (you'll be surprised!)

Things to know: Traces of a Civilization
Take your submarine and search the ocean floor directly to the right of the
Mirage Village forest. Is that a stone Moai Head?!! Yet another of the well
hidden secrets of FFV.

70) The Hidden Mime Job
Land your airship in water just south of the large desert with North Mountain and Phoenix Tower. Go underwater near the coast and you should see the Sunken Tower of Walz! Go into the tower and quickly make your way down the tower floors because you only have air for seven minutes. At the bottom, examine the crystal shard and answer NO. This will initiate the battle with Gogo.
Gogo (???? HP)
A lot of people seem to have trouble with this guy. The trick to this battle is to do nothing at all. You read me, I said sit there and act like dolls. Gogo will talk for a couple of minutes so you'd better have at least 3 minutes on the clock. After standing there doing nothing for two minutes, Gogo will see that you catch his riddle. For winning the battle, you recieve 50 ABP and the last and final job, Mime!
As soon as the battle ends, cast Telepo to get out of there before you run out of breath!

71) Guardian Blue Spell
Now that you know where the Sunken Tower of Walz is, resurface the sub above it. Make one person a Learner and at least one other person have the !Cntrl ability. Move around on the water above the Sunken Tower of Walz until you run into an enemy called "Stingray". Finding Stingray might take a while because you will usually run into weak enemies like Armon, Thunderpit, and Cybis. Don't be discouraged! Stingray IS there, just be patient. When you do finally run into a Stingray, have someone immediately control it. Then have the Stingray use the Guardian move on your entire party. Just pound Stingray with Magic spells to keep him controlled (so he doesn't attack you). It has 30,000 HP, so it will take a while to kill it. While your at it, try and and steal a Rune Edge from it. After the battle it will say you have learned Guardian. Guardian is one of the most useful spells in the game since it casts various protective spells like Protes, Shell, and Float.

72) The 3rd Lithograph
The 3rd Lithograph is located in the Great Sea Trench which you can find by going underwater and looking at your map. The white dot that is farthest southeast is your next destination. Like all enterances, you must fight two Gargoyles. Do the same routine to kill them. This cave is full of forked paths, damage floors, and undead enemies. Wait...Undead enemies? This is your lucky day because the Bard's Requiem song will do lots of damage to all the enemies! Make sure nobody has the Assasin Dagger equipped because it will only revitalize the enemy if it casts Death.
At the first fork you come to, go down to get a Water Skill from a chest. The next area has a save point. Past the save point, you need to hit the switch to make a bridge. The next switch you come to takes the bridge away, so just leave it be and cross. If your going to enter the lava, make sure you have a Geomancer or the AntiTrap ability on so you don't take damage. The next room up has many switches. Ignore the first two switches and go down to the level with three switches. Hit the top switch to activate a bridge. Now go back up and cross the bridge at the top to recieve a Fire Ring! Equip it. Activate the last switch before the stairs to fall through the ground. At the top of this room is a chest with a Dragon Fang. Go down the stairs to the far right to reach B6. You'll definitely be needing that Geomancer here because you'll be walking on lots of lava. Step into the lava and get the chest at the far bottom. Then go up the steps to the right and get the chest with the Phoenix Down.
In the next floor down, there is a save point and a dwarf! They act exactly as they do in Final Fantasy IV. Well, there are no enemies in the Dwarf Kingdom and there is a weapons and armor shop. The same dwarf sells either Weapons or Armor depending on which side of the counter you talk to him by. If you talk to the dwarf at the end of the super-long tunnel, he says that something strange is up above. This is Mirage Village for all you who haven't found it yet. When you're all done with the dwarf village, use a cottage and save. Then exit through the bottom stairs.
The next room is filled with water! Go through the waterfall. This next large area has two sealed doors. The first one you can easily open by opening the chest, but the second one requires you to activate the four swiches located all over the room. The final room holds the 3rd Lithograph. Before you take the Lithograph, you may want to make 4 Bards with Time/Blue/Summn.
Triton (red), Nergade (blue), Phobos (green) (13,333 HP each)
Have your bards begin the battle by casting Haste2, Guardian (if you have it), and then Carbuncle. If you cast Carbuncle first, than Haste2 and Guardian will go to the enemy, so be smart. After you have done this, pound the enemy with Requiem. If you are fast enough, you can kill them before they can do any of their special attacks which can do 600+ damage to all your guys. Don't try to kill one of them at a time, because they will revive eachother. So they must all die at once, and Requiem will do that for you.

Or just cast Odin? ^_^
After the battle, you recieve the 3rd Lithograph and the final spell: Meteo. If you still don't have the other Lv6 spells, than you probably forgot to buy them from the 2nd magic merchant in Mirage Village. Telepo out of the Great Sea Trench and claim your next three legendary weapons from Kuza Castle.

73) The Bahamut Summon
To find Bahamut, you must fly the Black Chocobo and land it in the small patch of forest located in the huge desert area. From the patch of forest, you must walk north until you come to a mountain. This is North Mountain. At the top of the mountain, Bahamut awaits you.

Getting this summon will require a bit of time for preparation. Here's a good way to defeat him:
1) Must have the Guardian blue spell (or else you'll have to cast Shell on everyone).
2) Must have the Mime job.
3) Is good to have Lv6 Time, Lv6 Black, Lv6 White, Blue (all or one is fine).

---Make 4 Mimes, each having at least oone of the above (#3). (Make sure at least one has Lv6 White for curing after Bahamut uses MegaFlare or Maelstom, and for another to have !Blue for the Guardian spell).
---Equip Flame Shields, Ice Shields, Fiire Rings, Protect Rings and HairOrnaments. As many as you have, at least.

Bahamut (40,000 HP)
Immediately cast Guardian and Haste2 on the party. Without Guardian, Bahamut's MegaFlare attack will wipe you out in one move. When you have done this, attempt to Slow Bahamut down a couple of times (regular Slow should do the trick). When all the conditions are set, have the next character use either Holy, Flare, Meteo, or L3 Flare (depending on what magic they have) and have the rest of the party Mimic that attack. When Bahamut uses MegaFlare, your HP will not look so good. Have someone cast Cure3 on all and Mimic the Cure3 to complete the healing. Then continue to use the strong magic and using Mimic. Keep doing this and Bahamut should fall.
As a reward for winning, you get to summon Bahamut in battle to do massive non-elemental damage!

74) Phoenix Tower
Finding the Phoenix Tower is just as easy (or hard) as finding Bahamut. Fly the Black Chocobo to the patch of forest in the huge desert and walk southwest to get to the Phoenix Tower. Of course, if you just came from Bahamut's North Mountain, than all you need to do is walk southwest from the mountain to the tower.

Enter Phoenix Tower prepared because there are no pitstops along the way and the enemies here aren't exactly the easiest. There are 30 flights of stairs, so make sure you use your MP wisely. Phoenix Tower has many hidden staircases on the front face of the large center pillar. The staircases are either one step to the left, one step to the right, or right in the middle of the pillar. Sometimes, the stairs aren't even hidden. Another thing to note is that on certain floors, there are small pots on the sides of the tower. These pots ask for an Elixir or two. Give them them all the Elixirs they want because your reward for doing so is 100 ABP!!! Hopefully by now you've racked up a lot of Elixirs, like 20. So before you examine a magic pot, make the jobs you want to level up. Also keep an eye out for a Serpentina. She will cast the blue spell, Roulette. Here is the blue-prints on the Phoenix Tower.
If you don't have a lot of elixirs, do not examine the pots that give you the chance to recieve 100 APB.
The number of elixirs you give them is random. So be on the safe side and don't examine them without
having at least 9 elixirs. I just know you wouldn't want to miss out on getting a whopping 100 ABP!
(floor #)
(1) Examine one step to the left of center.
(2) Staircase is already revealed.
(3) Examine one step to the left of center.
(4) Examine one step to the right of center.
(5) Examine left pot for 5000 GP. Give right pot some Elixirs for 100 ABP. Recieve Phoenix Down. Go up stairs.
(6) Staircase is already revealed.
(7) Examine one step to the left of center.
(8) Examine one step to the left of center.
(9) Examine one step to the right of center.
(10) Examine left pot for 10,000 GP. Give right pot some Elixirs for 100 ABP. Recieve Phoenix Down. Go up stairs.
(11) Staircase is already revealed.
(12) Examine one step to the left of center.
(13) Examine one step to the left of center.
(14) Examine one step to the right of center.
(15) Give pot on left some Elixirs for 100 ABP. Recieve Phoenix Down. Examine right pot for 15,000 GP. Go up stairs.
(16) Staircase is already revealed.
(17) Examine one step to the left of center.
(18) Examine one step to the left of center.
(19) Examine one step to the right of center.
(20) Examine left pot for 20,000 GP. Give right pot some Elixirs for 100 ABP. Recieve Phoenix Down. Go up stairs.
(21) Staircase is already revealed.
(22) Examine one step to the right of center.
(23) Examine one step to the left of center.
(24) Examine one step to the right of center.
(25) Give left pot some Elixirs for 100 ABP. Recieve Ab Splitter! Examine right pot for 25,000 GP. Go up stairs.
(26) Examine one step to the left of center.
(27) Examine one step to the left of center.
(28) Examine one step to the right of center.
(29) Here's a change for once: Examine THE center. Must fight enemy.
(30) IT'S THE DRAGON!!!!
As the Dragon goes off to get Reina something, it loses strength and dies. Reina has a flash back of when her own mother died. In her flashback, Reina must decide if she wants to cut the Dragon's tougue or not. You must say No! Saying Yes will prevent you from getting the the Phoenix Summon. After the flashback, the Phoenix essense will rise and join you as your newest Summon magic. Telepo out of the Phoenix Tower.

Things to do: Start Stealing!
You can get some pretty good armor ahead of your time if steal from two certain enemies.
You can steal some Red Shoes from a Sherry and a Prism Dress from a Serpentina. These
two pieces of armor can only be equipped by a Dancer, but they are far better than anything
else your Dancers have. The Red Shoes makes your chances of using Sword Dance higher!
And believe it or not, but you can actually steal a RIBBON from the Disabler enemy!!! But
in order to steal it, you must have the "Return" spell ready. When you Steal from the Disabler,
there is a great chance that you will get a Wall Ring and NOT a Ribbon. Don't be discouraged!
Just cast Return and steal again, and again, and again until you finally steal the Ribbon and not
a Wall Ring.

75) The 4th Lithograph
The 4th and final Lithograph is located behind Easterly Falls (the only waterfall on the world map). Because you can't land your airship in the desert, you'll need to find another way to get behind the waterfall. Take your submarine and search for an underwater cave just south of Easterly Fall (it's a white dot on the map). Go through the cave and exit to be in desert area. Walk into the waterfall. You'll have to fight those annoying Gargoyles on last time to get in. The next area is a huge cave with hundreds of small waterfalls. This area has 3 chests containing an Ether, Turtle Shell, and Air Lancet. When you have found those 3 chests, go through the door at the top. Here, the path spits to the left stairs and the right stairs. Go down the right stairs. Grab the chest for a Giant Drink, and then go through the hidden narrow tunnel to get a Rune Edge.
On the opposite side of this cave, there is a chest that is protected by a waterfall. To get this chest, you must have the Dash ability equipped. As soon as you hit the skull switch, run and grab the chest. If your too slow, the water fall will reappear and you will have to try again. Make sure you don't miss this because the chest contains a Protect Ring! Down the stairs (B. 3) you'll again run into a split path. Take the right path first to get a Phoenix Down. Grab the Wall Ring and head down to the first save point.
The next area is a little dim. There are a couple of trapdoors so keep a Geomancer if you want. There are 3 stairs in this area. When you come to the first two, go up to get the Artemis Bow. Then continue left to get a chest with 12,000 GP. In the upperleft corner of the cave, there is a staircase that leads to a chest with an Enchanter. When you've gotten all these, fall down a trap door or go down the stairs to B5. This room has a few chests with switches next to them. Before you attempt to take any of the chests, hit the switch near it! The switches will reveal the traps around each chest, making things much safer.
One of the chests in the room is already surrounded by spikes. Hit the switch to make two two holes around the chest. After you get the Double Ax from the chest, fall down the hole to find the Lithograph. After taking the Lithograph and trying to leave, a monster will tell you to stop. Leviathan then comes and kills the monster. BEFORE you talk to Leviathan, equip as many of your characters as possible with Coral Ring (and you'd better have at least one Coral Ring). Make 4 Black Mages with White5, Time5, Summn3, and Blue. Talk to Leviathan, and a battle will rage.
Leviathan (40,000 HP)
Start the battle by casting Guardian (if you have it), Haste2, and Golem. With these up, pound Leviathan with Bolt3 (takes off 5000+). Have the person with White magic keep the party healed at ALL times. Because Bolt3 takes off so much, he should go down in 3-4 rounds.
You can do another good trick if you have the Chicken Knife and if you've stolen the Red Shoes from a Sherry back in Phoenix Tower. Make a dancer equipped with the Chicken Knife and equipped with Red Shoes. In battle, have the Dancer !Dance, and hopefully they will perform the Sword Dance. If this happens, you can cause anywhere from 7000-9000+ damage!
After the battle, you will recieve a Wall Ring and the Leviathan Summon! Now take you final Lithograph and claim your last 3 legendary weapons from Kuza Castle. You can exit Easterly Falls by stepping into the waterfall at the bottom of the cave.


76) Entering the N-Zone
The enterance to the N-Zone is the water mark of where Tycoon Castle once existed (you may have already accidentally flown into it). Ride your airship over it and you will be sucked into the black void. Before you know it, your on your ship. Once you walk off your ship, you'll be in a dersert terrain. Just follow the sand tides and you'll eventually will reach a door. Seven monsters appear and tell you you'll die in the N-Zone. Well, continue into the door.

77) N-Zone : Chain Ruins
After riding down the chains to the floor below, you'll immediately feel like you were in the Ronka Ruins! Grab the 4 chests in the room and go through the bottom door. Slide down the chains and continue until you reach a point where you must choose to go up one of three chains. Go up the far right one first to get an Elixir. Then go back down and up the far left chain and go into the door. Grab the Blood Sword from the chest in the room. Climb up the chains in the next room. This leads to the once sealed door in Mirage Village! Apparently Mirage Village is frozen into a statue. You can't play the piano, and you can't talk to any of the villagers (but the fires are still roaring strong). Make sure you drink from the recovery pot before you exit Mirage Village. Up ahead is the forest.

78) N-Zone : Forest
This forest is a little harder to navigate through. You can grab a Dragon Fang from a chest just above the tree at the end of a very narrow way. Search for three chests all around the forest to aquire a Ribbon, an Enchanter, and the Power Rod (don't miss them). In the far bottom-right hand corner of the forest, there is a tree with a hole. Examine the whole to reveal a passage. Before you can enter the passage, you are attacked by WoodSprite.
WoodSprite (around 20,000 HP)
WoodSprite will cast Reflect on herself from the beginning, so the reasonable thing to do is to cast Reflect on yourself. Do this by casting Carbuncle (or by reflect). Have everyone else pound Woodsprite by casting Flare on a reflected ally. Woodsprite won't attack too often because she like to heal herself a lot. So this battle won't be too hard.

Things to Know: Blue Magic Easy Healing
You will run into the WhiteFlame quite often in the forest area. Well...if you
control it, you can learn WhiteWind if you haven't already. This is also a great
way to easily heal your party for free! Try it. Don't waste your MP trying
to heal when you can have your enemies heal you.

79) N-Zone : Waterfalls
Past the tree, there are a number of waterfalls on the path. After passing the waterfalls, you'll come to a cave, but don't enter the cave just yet. Instead, pass it and continue to the last waterfall. There is a hidden cave behind this waterfall with a chest containing an Angel Ring. Now you can go into the cave where there is a Coral Ring and a Save point waiting. In the area right outside of the save point there is mecha-head like creature crawling around called Omega. DO NOT TOUCH IT!!! Don't even get near it. If you come in contact with it, you'll engage into a battle that you can't run away from. You will surely die. If you accidently run into it, than thank your lucky stars that there was a save point just before it. When you have beaten the game and done all the other good stuff, see the
Omega Strategy to find out how to kill him. After you carefully make your way around Omega, there will be a room with three red books. The books on the bookshelf speak of how deadly Omega and the Dragon Lord (aka Shinryuu) is, and of the dreaded Gigaflare. The book on the table will initiate a battle with Apprehender.
Apprehender (around 20,000 HP)
This guy is absolutely no sweat if you come prepared with Black magic. Apprehender is weak against Fire3, so make black mages cast Fire3. A cheaper way to kill him is to use Fire3 Sword. Also, if you perform Sword Dance with the ChickenKnife, you can possibly take off 9000+ damage. He does have a couple of attacks that do a bit of damage, but nothing a Cure3 can't take care of.
After the battle, the book will be open. This book is a swith between two places, the Waterfalls and the Tower. When the book is closed, you'll exit to the waterfalls. And when the book is open, you can continue to the Tower area.

80) N-Zone : Castle
After you exit the library-like room with the book open, you'll be in a sky-type area with invisible paths. Just place a Thief in your party (or Secret ability) and follow the pretty narrow path until you reach the castle. Inside the castle is the main hall. Go to the side and exit through the far left door. This will lead you to Thor'sHammer (for the Berserker). If you do the same thing for the opposite side of the castle, you'll recieve Winged Shoes. When you have gotten these two items, go back to the main hall and go down the stairs to get to the prison area. Four of the jail cells are occupied by old men, a purple haired woman, and red coat guy. Open the cell to the far bottom right first. The man inside asks you if you are the ones with the crystal shards. Say yes to initiate battle with Azulmagia.
Azulmagia (around 30,000 HP)
Azulmagia is weal against the Bio spell, but is even weaker against Bio Sword. So make Sorcerers and have them cast Bio. Then just whack at him until he dies. Chances are very slim, but if you cast Rflect on him at the right time, he will accidentally cast Guardian on himself, which will reflect to you. If it happens to hit a learner, you are one lucky punk. He also uses the Condemn spell often, so be quick.
For winning, you get 22 ABP, and...A SAVE POINT!!! You'll need it. Use a cottage and save. Now, there are six green wizards in the jail cells. Each one is a boss, so come prepared.
Alte Riot/Jura Avis (around 20,000 HP)
The fight begins with Alte Riot. You will want to take him out fast before he decides to use Encircle and permanently take one of your guys out for the battle. After 5-6 thousand HP is taken off, Alte Riot will turn turn into Jura Avis. This is where things get easy. Just cast Odin, and he should use his VengSwrd attack to instantly kill Jura Avis. You'll need to kill all siz Jura Avis's to get both the Red Shoes and the Prism Dress.
Save. Now, to ensure a victory against your next battle, make one of your chacters have Float casted on them, and have that person be wearing a Wall Ring. No go fight Catastroph who is hiding behind the bars in the cell with the woman.
Catastroph (around 20,000 HP)
If you equipped one person with a Wall Ring combined with the Float spell, that you will have the easiest time killing this foe. Catastroph is totally determined to make everyone touching the ground, so he will continually cast Gravity100 (to cancel the Float spell). But luckily for you, you have the Wall Ring equiped, which will reflect the Gravity100 spell right back at him (therfore keeping you afloat). Catastroph just can't get it through his head (or eye?) that he can't ground you so he will cast Gravity100 forever! That means you can do whatever you want to kill him without worrying about healing or strategy.
After the battle, save again. Talk to the woman and she will run up the stairs. Follow her up the stairs. She went inside the next portion of the castle, but before following her there, continue to the left and go down the stairs. Follow the hidden path to recieve the Man-Eater knife.
Things to Know: The Strato
Also, you have the time and patience (and I mean a LOT of patience), you might want to take the time to get the strongest katana in the game, the Strato. Go get the Strato, you need to steal it from a Yojimbo. You can find the Yojimbo if you run around on the grass portion of the castle. Yojimbo is paired up with a Ninja (he's the one on the left). Have a Thief steal from Yojimbo. Here's where the patience comes in. 95% of the time, you will steal a Cottage and not a Strato. If you do steal a Cottage, cast Return and steal again, and again, and again, and again.....and again until you steal a Strato and not a Cottage. If it makes you feel any better, I had to steal a Cottage 55 times before I succeeded in getting that stupid Strato weapon. I sure hope you have better luck than I did. And if you do get it, SAVE!
Anyway...where was I? Oh yeah, okay, follow the woman into the next portion of the castle. If you try to go into the top-left door, you'll be pushed into the throne seat. If you try to go through the door a second time, the woman will show herself and turn into Halycanos. This battle is a bit tough.
Halycanos (around 30,000 HP)
For this foe, make a dancer wearing a Ribbon paired with Lv 4 Summon Magic. In battle, Halycanos will laugh and turn everyone into frogs, except for the Dancer if wearing a Ribbon. Have the dancer immediately cast Carbuncle and Golem. Golem will protect you from it's strong physical attack. Every once in a while, Halycanos will cast Holy, which is then reflected back at him. The reflected Holy spell will do 9000+ damage to him (sometimes even 9999). Keep the Carbuncle and Golem spells on the entire battle and he will eventually kill himself with his own Holy attack. Okay, if you missed the Carbuncle spell, than you will want to equip Wall Rings and cast Rflect. If you missed Golem, than shame on you. You can still get golem in the Valley of Dragons.
After the battle, you might want to cure yourself of the frog status. If that last battle wittled down your life and MP, than it would be very wise to go back to the save point and use a cottage and save. Now go through the door that you pushed away from and go up the stairs. Here, you will have to fight Twin Tania.
Twin Tania (around 50,000 HP)
Twin Tania packs a variety of powerful attacks including MegaFlare and GigaFlare. You must defeat him before he performs Gigaflare, because that move is almost a sure loss on your part. Make four Summoners with Lv6 White magic, or four White Mages with Lv5 Summon magic (if you have Guardian, than throw in a Blue magic caster). You need to be quick in the battle so don't waste time. Start the battle by casting Guardian if you learned it. Then immediately have everyone cast Leviathan and Holy. These two spells will take off the most damage. ALWAYS keep you HP to it's max because some of his sinlge attacks will take off the majority of all your member's HP. The usual ChickenKnife/SwordDance combination works well here, too. After the battle, you might win the Tinkerbell.
Defeating him will open a large line of stairs. At the top of the stairs you will be warped to the final dungeon. Before you warp, it would be smart to trek back and heal/save.

81) N-Zone : Final Dungeon
The warp takes you to a blue cliff-like region. Before you go any further, make everyone have jobs that will increase your HP and defense (anyone who is capable of holding shields will do good), and make magic casting abilities be secondary. In this region, you will no doubtedly run into some BehemoKings, which might as well be the most powerful common enemies in the game. Whatever you do, don't cast regular magic on them or they might counter with two Meteo spells! To deal with them quickly, cast Odin and hope it uses VengSwrd because if it uses Javelin, you'll get pounded with Meteo. Otherwise, use Flee or Dustb to run away.
Things to Know: The Dragon Lance
Also, in this very area before Gilgamesh, you might run into a CrystlDrgn, which holds the most powerful Lance in the entire game. Unfortunately, stealing the "Dragon Lance" is just as hard as was getting the Strato. To get the Dragon Lance, you have to steal from the CrystlDrgn. And again, your chances of stealing the lance over an Elixir are 1 in 50 or so. So, if you steal an Elixir and not a Dragon Lance, than cast Return and steal again until you are successful.
After you have gotten the chest with the MagiShuriken, go to Gilgamesh who is sitting on top of the next warp point. Talking to him will initiate the battle.
Gilgamesh (around 9000 HP)
This is hardly a fight at all. Just cast Golem, and you'll be invinsible toward this guy. Well, the one thing that I stress is to steal the Genji Shield which he holds. To ensure a perfect victory, have one person cast Golem, and the rest use Steal or Mug. Once you have the Genji Shield, just hit him a few times with the sword and he will recognize you and stop the battle.
After the short lived battle, Gilgamesh will leave and make the warp accessable. step onto the warp point to be warped to another similar area. This path is pretty straight forward. Get all the chests until you reach the next warp point. When you step onto this warp point, you will see a chest on the left side of the screen. DO NOT OPEN IT!!!. This chest contains Shinryu, one of FF5's optional Weapon battles. Shinryu translates to Dragon God, and rightly so because this enemy is harder than Omega and the Final Boss of the game. After you have beaten the game and gotten all the secrets, you should try to kill Shinryu.
[Click Here for Shinryu Boss Strategy]. Past Shinryuu's chest is a chest with a MagiShuriken (left path), and a warp to the next area. The next area has tree roots sprouting out al over the place. When you come to a small fork in the road, take the left way before you go up. To the left you will see a sparkly green thing. Examine it to start a tough battle with Necrophobe.
NecroPhobe (around 40,000 HP)
You'd better come prepared for this battle. The easiest thing to do is make everyone Mimes with Lv5 Summon magic and Lv5 White and Blue magic. OH! and DO NOT forget to have someone with the Steal or Mug ability, you will most definitely want it. NecroPhobe starts off by casting Flare 4 times on random allies. This will really hurt if you don't cast Gaurdian quickly (if you have it). Have one person cast Bahamut, or even better Leviathan, and have everyone else Mimic it. When you are low on HP, cast Cure3 on everyone and Mimic it. When his barriers are gone, he will get a little tougher. Keep the pattern going with the Leviathan-Mimic combination. After taking off about 35000 HP, Gilgamesh will come into play!!! From here on out, you can't hurt Necrophobe, but you should take this time to steal the final piece of Genji equipment from Gilgamesh, the Genji Armor! If you have been stealing from Gilgamesh everytime you've seen him, you should have the Genji Helmet, Shield, Armor, and Glove! Gilgamesh sacrifices himself to kill NecroPhobe.

If you really don't care to see Gilgamesh save the day and you don't care for the Genji Armor, you can use Odin after you take off the barriers and instantly Necrophobe with VengSwrd. But you'll want to get that Genji Armor, and see Gilgamesh save the day, right?
After the battle, the spot will turn into the FINAL SAVE POINT!!! Save and rest! Afterward, take your party up to the last warp point.

82) The Final Battle
There are many many ways to defeat X-Death, but this is the one I used and found successful.

Battle Preparations:
Note! This strategy was used when the characters were between the levels of 40-42. Therefore it is recommended that you be at least level 40 when using this strategy. Read enitre strategy before going into battle.

1) Make 4 Bare jobs and equip them with the abilities below. Try and make is as close as possible if not exact. The character names can be switched around.
Faris:!Summn (Lv3)!Rvive
Krile:!White (Lv5)!$Toss
2) This means you'll need to MASTER the Chemist job for the !Rvive ability.
3) Everyone is going to need to be equipped with the Ribbon. So if you don't have 4 Ribbons, you might want to go to the Phoenix Tower and steal them from a "Disabler". However, stealing the Ribbon is just as hard as stealing the Strato or Dragon Lance, so if you steal a Wall Ring and not a Ribbon, than you may want to cast "Return" and steal from the Disabler again until you do get a Ribbon.
4) Equip the Chicken Knife, Red Shoes, and Prism Dress with the person using the !Dance ability.


1) Start the battle off by having your character Drink a "Giant Drink" two double your max HP. And have the person with the !Mix command mix together an Elixir and a Dragon Fang and use it on the three characters who didn't have the Drink command.
2) Because you are all wearing Ribbons (I hope), X-Death's "White Ball" attack will be rendered useless. If you are not wearing a Ribbon, chances are you will get Stoned AND KO'd by this deadly attack.
3) Other than that, just attack him regularly and use the !Dance attack until he loses. If you pull off a Sword Dance, the Chicken Knife will take off 9999 HP! Heal with Cure3 if he uses a powerful attack.
4) X-Death's second form, Neo X-Death, is ten times harder than his first form so get ready! This is where you'll be glad that you doubled all your HP. Immediately start by casting Golem to protect against it's harsh physical blows.
5) Time to pound him! Hopefully your trip through the N-Zone racked you up thousand upon thousands of GP. Use the !$Toss to inflict 2000-4000 HP off all his body parts. Cast Leviathan. Use the !Dance command and hopefully pull off a powerful Sword Dance. That's prettt much all that's to it.
6) When X-Death gets weaker, he will start using his most devistating attacks which will kill you if you don't keep your HP up to par. Whatever happens, don't let the person holding the !Rvive command die!!! This command might determine if you make it or break it. When any of your characters get KO'd, immediately use the !Rvive to revive them. Keep the reviver fully healthy at all times. Everything else must come after that.
7) When you destroy all of Neo X-Death's body parts, he will die. Good luck. ^_^

83) The Multi-Endings
Yep! Final Fantasy V has some replay value with it's multiple endings! In order to see the different endings, you must defeat Neo X-Death with different characters dead and alive. In other words, if you defeat X-Death with Faris KO'd, zombied, or stoned, the ending would be different than if she were alive. Same goes with all the other characters. Try and defeat X-Death with only certain characters standing to see all multiple endings! Also...for a bonus for purchasing the Anthology edition of Final Fantasy V on the Playstation, you will get to see a rather interesting FMV that will play over and over and over again until you reset or turn off the PS system.

Extreme Enemies

There are two distinct optional bosses that you can fight. They are Omega and Shinryu. Think of these two enemies as the Emrald and Ruby weapons of FF5. Defeating them requires a lot of GP, health, brains, and Mastered Jobs. It is recommended by me that you try and kill these two bad boys after you've beaten the game, and are looking for another challenge. It's also recommended that you don't even attempt to fight them until you have reached a very high level of 50+. When you think you've got the stuff, than read on and see the strategy.

Omega is the MechaHead-like creature hanging around the N-Zone waterfalls. Don't let him touch you until you are prepared for battle.
Battle Preparations:
1) Have EVERYONE master the Hunter and the Ninja. (for their !Sshot and 2-swords abilities)
2) Have everyone have learn Level 5 Sword from the Sorcerer. (to use Bolt3 Sword)
3) Have two learn Level 6 White, and one learn Level 5 Time.
4) Buy 4 Fire Rings from Mirage Village. (to absorb some of Omega's powerful attacks)
5) Go learn Guardian from a Stingray if you haven't done so already.
[How to get Guardian]
6) Make 4 Mimes with the following abilities (or something like it):
Bartz:!Sshot!Sword (Lv5)!Blue
Reina:!Sshot!Sword (Lv5)!Time (Lv5)
Galuf:!Sshot!Sword (Lv5)!White (Lv6)
Faris:!Sshot!Sword (Lv5)!White (Lv6)
7) Last off, equip everyone with two of your strongest swords or knives that are compatible with the Sword command. (Don't forget to equip those Fire Rings).

Engage battle with Omega! From the very start, cast Guardian and Haste2 to put up an excellent defense. Then have everyone immediately cast Bolt3 Sword. From here on, just keep using !Sshot on Omega. If you have mastered the Ninja and have two weapons in each hand, than you will attack Omega eight times on his weak spot! Your Fire Rings won't protect you from all of his attacks, so heal with Cure3 when needed. And if any of your guys get KO'd, cast Arise. If you've done all the above, than Omega should go down in little time. For winning, you recieve the Omega Badge, which doesn't do you any good besides having proof that you defeating a really really tough enemy.

Shinryu is a monster-in-a-box that is located in an isolated chest in the N-Zone. Preparing for the fight with Shinryu will take lots of time and patients (and I mean LOTS of patience).
Battle Preparations:
1) Have everyone master the Ninja. (for the 2-swords ability)
2) Have everyone learn the !Steal command from the Thief and the !Jump command from the Lancer.
3) This is the part where you need the most patients. You need to run into an enemy called CrystlDrgn and steal 6 to 8 (you may only need 6) Dragon Lances from it. The CrystlDrgn lurks in the area where you fought Gilgamesh in the N-Zone the first time (near the teleport pad). When in battle, have everyone !Steal. Chances will be that you stole an Elixir. If you stole an Elixir and not a Dragon Lance, than have a Time Mage cast Return. This starts that battle all over again. Have everyone steal again. Repeat the process until someone finally steals a Dragon Lance. When you have stolen a Dragon Lance, kill the CrystlDrgn to officially win it. Run into another CrystlDrgn and repeat the entire process again until you have 6 to 8 Dragon Lances (It is possible to kill it with only 6). Patience is a virtue.
4) Go to Mirage Village and make sure you have enough Coral Rings for everyone.
5) Make 4 everyone Bare (jobless) and equip them all with the !Jump command. Their second optional ability can be whatever you want. I recommend you put the Thief's Footwork ability there if you have it.
6) Equip everyone with two Dragon Lances (or just three people if you only have 6 Dragon Lances) and a Coral Ring, then fight Shinryu.

Maybe you've noticed, but all the strategy is out-of-battle preparation, hehe. At the very beginning, Shinryu will blast you entire party with Tidal Wave (which will kill you instantly if you're not wearing those Coral Rings). When your turn comes, have everyone Jump! When you land, your Dragon Lances will take off 9999 damage EACH! Shinryu will be gone before you know it. As a reward, you recieve the Dragon Seal (which is just a certificate of achievement), and the Ragnarok, which is the most powerful sword in the game!

This is completely optional, so don't feel like you have to do this. Past a certain door in Gilgame's Cave, you will find an increasing amount of GP on the floor. Don't be fooled! While picking up the GP, you will run into a battle with Gilgame, the longest and most difficult battle yet. Here is a strategy that DOES work.
Gilgame (32,768 HP)
Killing Gilgame will take some high level abilities, so if you don't have some of the following, you may want to go to the Val Castle basement and gets some quick ABP from the RockStatues. (RockStatues at Val Castle are killed instantly with L5 Doom).
You'll need the following combinations:

1) Summoner with L5 Time Magic
2) Chemist with Blue Magic
3) Samurai with L5 Black Magic
4) Black Mage with !Mix

While out of battle, do the following:

1) Cast "Float" on all party members (to avoid Gilgame's final attack).
2) Set all party members to be in the back row (to decrease damage delt by Gilgame).
3) Go to the Config menu and make sure the Battle Mode is on "Wait" (to give you infinite time to select your moves).


1) Have the summoner cast Golem right away!!! Golem is the key to winning this battle. Golem makes you temporarily invulnerable to physical attacks. Without it, you'll be killed very quickly. Have the summoner cast Golem every 2 or 3 turns (depending when Golem's effect wears off). When not casting Golem, cast Haste2 and Regen.

2) Have the Chemist immediately !Drink a Giant Drink. This doubles it's max HP. Whenever it's turn comes around again, cast WhiteWind. If you missed WhiteWind, you can still learn it by going to X-Death's castle and controlling an "A Rage" enemy (looks like a red bunny). WhiteWind will keep everyone's HP up all the time.

3) The Samurai will block or dodge the vast majority of Gilgame's attacks. Have him cast Ice3 on Gilgame every turn, unless someone has fallen. In that case, have the Samurai use a Phoenix Down.

4) Have the Black Mage Mix together an "EyeDrop" and a "HolyWater". This combination casts Element Might. Use this combination on the Samarai and the Black Mage. If you do this, Ice3 will suddenly do a lot more damage. You may also want to mix a Potion and a Turtle shell to create a Dry Tincture. Cast Dry Tincture on your Samurai. Dry Tincture triples the power of Ethers, so whenever a party member is low on MP, have the Samarai use an Ether to cure a lot of MP.

---Just continue to heal with WhiteWindd, cast Golem, and blast Gilgame with Ice3, and you should do fine. Make sure you still have that "Float" spell on everyone because when Gilgame goes down, he uses a devistating quake attack that will kill everyone that is touching the ground. If you think the Ether trick takes too long, you can always just use one of your Elixirs. After you defeat Gilgame, use Telepo to get out of there, because if you take another step forward, you just might have to fight him all over again.

---For winning, you get 5000 GP and onlly 3 ABP. But at least you get to tell your friends you defeated Gilgame.

Distribution and Usage:
Anyone may use this walkthrough on there site as long as full credit is given and the text is in no way changed without my written permission. Thank you.

Walkthrough Started: February 1, 2001
Walkthrough Finished: May 13, 2001
Walkthrough Modified: October 27, 2001

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